View Full Version : Daisy chaining extension blocks

11-04-2018, 22:21
can I ?

i’m out of sockets. I currently use 12 bits of kit needing mains power but only have a triple wall socket.
up until now i have used a home made 10 socket extension plugged into one of the triple sockets.
All the gear together would use well below the load rating of the mains (e.g. 3kw or so).

i had the idea of connecting three 6 socket extension blocks in series ( to create an 18 socket block in effect).
is this safe ? Do i just continue each cable (earth, live an neutral) along alyl of the sockets ?

what else can i do ?


11-04-2018, 22:30
Although some suggest 'daisy chaining' is bad practice, I've yet to see evidence for it, although it's not something I'm keen to do if avoidable.

I have three six socket extensions in parallel for the Hi-Fi and two in series for the separate PC associated gubbins. Never experienced any problems and that set-up has been in place for donkeys years.

11-04-2018, 22:32
can I ?

i’m out of sockets. I currently use 12 bits of kit needing mains power but only have a triple wall socket.
up until now i have used a home made 10 socket extension plugged into one of the triple sockets.
All the gear together would use well below the load rating of the mains (e.g. 3kw or so).

i had the idea of connecting three 6 socket extension blocks in series ( to create an 18 socket block in effect).
is this safe ? Do i just continue each cable (earth, live an neutral) along all of the sockets ?

what else can i do ?


In principle yes, provided the cable to the plug is of 15A rating and the fuse in the plug top is rated at 13A. Are the 6-socket extension blocks commercial designs - can they be connected in series?

Some would say it is better to 'star-connect' the sockets together, rather than 'daisy chain' them. IMO it doesn't make a blind bit of difference.

11-04-2018, 22:41
You have much the same view as mine Barry. I think overall amperage draw is the only limiting factor. You wouldn't want to run banks of 3kW electric fires on daisy chained extensions. :)

I was once given a Leak Stereo 20 that some genius had run an electric fire from the mains out socket, which was nicely fried.

Mike Reed
12-04-2018, 07:00
Complete house re-wire and dedicated 20 radial circuit installation needed here; piggy-backing extension sockets for hifi? God forbid !:lol:

12-04-2018, 07:07
I had 5 extension blocks plugged into a 6 way professional block in my 'shack' in France when i used to have all my radio and amateur TV gear.
Sacre bleu I had a lot of gear, never had any problems.

12-04-2018, 07:23
Complete house re-wire and dedicated 20 radial circuit installation needed here; piggy-backing extension sockets for hifi? God forbid !:lol:

Very kind of you Mike - when are you coming round 😎

12-04-2018, 14:24
OK, getting there I hope . . . .

I think settling for two 7 or 8 way blocks is the easiest / best way forward.
Trouble is the standard 19" rack mount modules are 1cm too short (so close !).
Those that I have seen seem to have end brackets about 25mm wide at each end (giving a total module width of about 485mm - I need 495mm).
So can I find brackets that are at least 30mm wide for each end ?
Anyone know of a source or have the exact measurements (inc hole spacings) for the standard brackets ?

12-04-2018, 14:27
just checked hifi wall, and ive got 8 daisy chained:doh: wasnt expecting so many.... think there are 21 things plugged in...:lol:

12-04-2018, 14:53
Does that include the hair straighteners 😈

You must hold the record - I can feel a poll coming on

Audio Al
12-04-2018, 16:48
Something like this will help

! have 2 10 way units

12-04-2018, 16:57
Yep, I have been in touch with Olson and they can certainly help - even remove the LED and fit wider brackets. At a price - a pair of 8 way blocks are nearly £200.

Lynxpower do similar 19” blocks - aluminium chassis but 1.5mm rather than 2.5mm internal wiring.
I would have to sort out the brackets and LED (is it easy to take that out of circuit) but they would be £50 the pair.

I feel the latter would do considering the likely load tequirements (less than 500w per block).

I will take a trip to the DIY store to see what bracketry is available.


12-04-2018, 17:38
I've got a six way, feeding a six way, feeding a 4 way on the A.V system. No issues at all. It probably does compromise the power amp performance a little, but I've no safety concerns.

I lived in a few old houses with big rooms and only 1 single plug socket. I had six boards daisy-chained in one place for several years with no issues.

I wouldn't do it with a dedicated audio system unless there was no option.

Minstrel SE
20-04-2018, 08:56
I daisy chain some Bennenstuhl 10 way sockets as long as there is not too much switched on at one time. There are only a few things taking priority and it allows me to switch off banks of five and leave other things connected

Its not ideal but I have around 35 things fighting for plug space in this room. I found a quality block with a quality switch and Im happy with that.

20-04-2018, 11:15
Got the two Powerlynx 7 way strips, drilled a couple of pieces of steel to extend the brackets (and sprayed them black) and bolted to the stand uprights using its spare M8 bolt holes. All a bit tidier and now I have three more spare sockets than before 😁

I would like to disable the neon indicators but access is a bit tight and I dont really know how. In the meantime I sprayed the plastic covers that fit over them black so i dont see them.

21-04-2018, 20:48
Got the two Powerlynx 7 way strips, drilled a couple of pieces of steel to extend the brackets (and sprayed them black) and bolted to the stand uprights using its spare M8 bolt holes. All a bit tidier and now I have three more spare sockets than before ��

I would like to disable the neon indicators but access is a bit tight and I dont really know how. In the meantime I sprayed the plastic covers that fit over them black so i dont see them.

You should really try to remove the neon indicators: they are a noise source and covering them up won't change things.

21-04-2018, 21:01
I daisy chain some Bennenstuhl 10 way sockets as long as there is not too much switched on at one time. There are only a few things taking priority and it allows me to switch off banks of five and leave other things connected

Its not ideal but I have around 35 things fighting for plug space in this room. I found a quality block with a quality switch and Im happy with that.

I have dedicated ring of 20 sockets for my audio system, yet the most I use would be 12, and that includes electrostatic speakers which need a mains supply and monoblock power amplifiers. How do you manage 35, is your TV/home theatre in the same room?