View Full Version : Hi!!

05-04-2018, 19:30
Long time lurker, and a lover of music and high end audio.

I try to get out and listen to as much live music as possible, and I am a lover of classical and jazz. With my listening really veering towards classical in the past few years.

I've been a frequent poster on other forums, and am looking forward to participating in the conversations here.

06-04-2018, 07:04
Welcome to the forum, Henri.

There are a few classical fans here, me included.
Any particular types of classical you favour?
What hifi gear are you using?

06-04-2018, 08:03
Hello Henri. Welcome to AOS.

Tell us what equipment you have in your Hi-Fi system and what future plans you may have for it if any.

I'm sure you'll find plenty to interest you here, so just join in and chat with members.

Enjoy the forum,

06-04-2018, 09:51
Welcometo AoS Henri,

Always good to have another classical music and jazz fan join the forum.

Enjoy the Forum

06-04-2018, 17:12
I am not knowledgeable enough to say what conductor, composers, I prefer. Though I do know that I love Satie, and I really like the flavor that Hispanic composers seem to bring. But I listen to any and everything.

Currently I have a Musical Fidelity M1 CD transport and an April Music Stello CDT100 transport. Either of them feed into a MHDT Labd Balanced Pagoda Dac. I primarily use a Tortuga Audio LDR1B.V25 balanced passive preamp, and a DIY Hi Fi Supply Django TVC passive preamp. That goes to a Benchmark Audio AHB2 amp. Which then goes to a pair of Tempo Electric EP-1 speakers.

I currently have a Technics SP10 MKII turntable, with no arm and cartridge yet, and a Clearaudio Micro Basic phono preamp. I will be moving to a balanced phono preamp, and I want a Trans Fi tonearm. Not sure which cartridge yet, but probably a Soundmsith cartridge.