View Full Version : Suggestion: eBay sticky to avoid cross-bidding.

16-03-2010, 08:42
Gents. This is just a suggestion, and obviously relys on a degree of honesty and trust, but I just wondered if it would be worth having a Sticky Thread created for letting each other know about items we are intending to bid for on eBay.

It just strikes me that there are probably occasions when fellow AOSers are unknowingly bidding against one another for the same item.

I know all's fair in love and HiFi and all that, but often the lure is going for that odd bargain that you hope other people haven't spotted, don't want, or don't appreciate in the way you do.

Personally, if I was thinking of bidding on something on a bit of a whim, but there was another AOSer who REALLY wanted the same item, I'd have no desire to potentially push the price up for no good reason.

At the same time, I could well do without the emotional roller-coaster of going for and failing to win an item because someone has much deeper pockets or a more burning desire to own something. Let's face it, if I'm prepared to go to £300 but you're willing to go to £500, I'd sooner know that than be gutted in the last seconds....

Just an idea.

16-03-2010, 08:49
Good idea, Steve! Consider it done, and now stuck in the appropriate area. I would encourage all members who regularly trade on Ebay to use this facility :)


16-03-2010, 20:50
Is it possible to put it in an invisible (for unregistered users) part of the forum ?

16-03-2010, 20:54
I think I share (what I think are) Dimitri's concerns - most people do a bit of google research on a prospective ebay purchase, and it would be all too easy for a non-member to find out a member's maximum bid on a particular auction... even if other AoS members were holding back, it would make no difference.

16-03-2010, 21:00
Exactly, Google refreshes its pages very often. ;)

The Grand Wazoo
16-03-2010, 22:30
Is it possible to put it in an invisible (for unregistered users) part of the forum ?

That could be done - it's how the library works. This thread would also have to be destroyed - and also anyone who's read it.

Keel them!


16-03-2010, 22:38

18-03-2010, 06:52
I think I share (what I think are) Dimitri's concerns - most people do a bit of google research on a prospective ebay purchase, and it would be all too easy for a non-member to find out a member's maximum bid on a particular auction... even if other AoS members were holding back, it would make no difference.

There is an obvious solution to publically stating the amount.

If we simply state our intention to bid and the item link, anyone else thinking of doing so can just PM the poster to discuss.

As you have to be a registered AOSer to use PMs, stops all and sundry knowing what priices are involved.

18-03-2010, 07:16
Indeed Steve, that would be fine for 2 people but might start getting messy if 4 or 5 people were interested in the same thing? But probably the best solution, because the problem with a "private area" for members only is that it is all too easy for someone to join, do a few posts, then have access to it...

The Grand Wazoo
18-03-2010, 07:28
That's all fine, but public posting may draw attention to the item for sale in the first place.

18-03-2010, 09:19
Oh stuff it then. Was just an idea.

The Grand Wazoo
18-03-2010, 09:33
I wasn't trying to kill your plan - I think the idea's great, but I was just trying to help point out possible pro's & con's to help find the best way of working it.

I apologise, of course, as I didn't intend for you to react like this.
No more comment from me on this.

18-03-2010, 13:48
I wasn't trying to kill your plan - I think the idea's great, but I was just trying to help point out possible pro's & con's to help find the best way of working it.

I apologise, of course, as I didn't intend for you to react like this.
No more comment from me on this.

Sorry Chris, it's me who should appologise. :grouphug:

Probably replied at a bad moment after dealing with an e-mail at work from someone in Compliance who has the annoying habit of say why we can't do things rather than suggesting ways in which we can.

Still think that the PM bit is probably the best option as I don't imagine there will be that may cases where a whole bunch of us are chasing the same item.

Acknowledge your point about drawing attention to items that people may have missed however.

Spectral Morn
19-03-2010, 00:56
That's all fine, but public posting may draw attention to the item for sale in the first place.


Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
19-03-2010, 06:06
That's all fine, but public posting may draw attention to the item for sale in the first place.

Correct. I would never ever disclose anything i'm intending bidding for.

19-03-2010, 07:49

Let's keep it positive. Personally, I think Steve's idea is a good one, and works in the right circumstances, so could I ask that if you don't think it's for you, simply to make no comment and leave the thread for others to use who see the advantages in having this facility?

Cheers! :cool:


19-03-2010, 08:17
Are there any legal issues that might arise from introducing such a mechanism to the board?

Rare Bird
19-03-2010, 09:26
Are there any legal issues that might arise from introducing such a mechanism to the board?

Like What?

19-03-2010, 09:30
Rigging an auction?

I don't know. I am not a lawyer.

Rare Bird
19-03-2010, 09:34
I think steve might have started this topic after seeing this or maybe not


Where i was pulling Guillaume leg over his Onix amps defeat..Steve may have took post No.9 literally where as it later comes apparent on post No.10/11 that i was just having a bit of fun..But it's a perfect example of why it's not a great idea to tell what you intend to bid for..I could have easily seen this threat & bid against Guillaume.

Rare Bird
19-03-2010, 10:05
Rigging an auction?

I don't know. I am not a lawyer.

Well it seems you can't post nothing on a forum without soemone bringing legal matters into place.. Really fucks me off this place sometimes :steam:

19-03-2010, 11:20
Chill brothas.... There's nothing legal to worry about here :cool:


19-03-2010, 14:42
I think steve might have started this topic after seeing this or maybe not


Where i was pulling Guillaume leg over his Onix amps defeat..Steve may have took post No.9 literally where as it later comes apparent on post No.10/11 that i was just having a bit of fun..But it's a perfect example of why it's not a great idea to tell what you intend to bid for..I could have easily seen this threat & bid against Guillaume.

Er.... no actually. Just thought there may have been cases where we were bidding against each other without knowing. Not an issue as such but just silly if one person was desperate and the other (such as possibly me) just an 'unrepentant box-swapper'

19-03-2010, 22:21
So, is this very nice idea of sticky active ? I missed the post, or what ? :o

02-07-2010, 16:20
I think steve might have started this topic after seeing this or maybe not


Where i was pulling Guillaume leg over his Onix amps defeat..Steve may have took post No.9 literally where as it later comes apparent on post No.10/11 that i was just having a bit of fun..But it's a perfect example of why it's not a great idea to tell what you intend to bid for..I could have easily seen this threat & bid against Guillaume.

Actually it was me that let Guillame know about the OA601's on US ebay when I'd decided not to bid on them. I also posted two other known Onix fans, knowing they'd been searching for 601's. Of course that might have started a bidding war between them so it was a bit of a tricky decision. Also now I see Guillame's posts professing his intention to buy up all the world's Onix I wonder what the hell I was thinking of. But I think this idea of providing communication about ebay sales is a great idea. And something on the lines of Twelvebears's private message system sounds good.

02-07-2010, 17:06
Hi 'Elephantears',

Welcome to AOS!

Before going any further, could you do me a favour please and pop into the Welcome area and introduce yourself to our members, giving your real first name, basic geographic location, system details and music tastes?

This is the required procedure for all new members joining our community - cheers!


Jac Hawk
16-11-2010, 23:10
Great idea, personally i think a private area for announcing an intention to bid would be the way to go, all you need to do is start a thread stating the ebay item number, also have it so no replies can be left on the thread and then make forum members aware of the protocol. i.e. i want to bid on an item, so i start a thread in a private area to members only, then any other members who have spotted the same item and want to bid, send pm's to the thread starter, and then it's the thread starters responsibility to keep everyone informed as to who is going to bid and prices etc.

At the end of the day it's a good idea but it relies on the honnesty of the forum members.

27-03-2011, 09:18
Are there any legal issues that might arise from introducing such a mechanism to the board?
Techincally This may constitute a "bidding Ring" which in my deepest past as motor dealer,was against the law.That would be one buyer bidding on an item, whilst other interested bidders refrained, then the ownership of the item would be settled on the toss of a coin, or "stand out" payments made.IE i wont toss a coin for ownership,but am willing to sell my share for X amount.Still happens though as its virtually impossible to police.Might cause different complications, on line though as its visible, not reliant on a few nods and winks.;)