View Full Version : Wanted: Tresham SR 202 MOSFET amplifier dead or alive

01-04-2018, 16:55
A number were made, often found in small studios...
If you have one lurking about..let me know..dirty cash awaiting..
I've even got some clean notes too!

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

22-04-2018, 11:42
Still looking...

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

16-04-2019, 00:48
Still looking...still...

04-02-2023, 16:44
Still looking.... all these years later....

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk

04-02-2023, 19:35
A very slim chance, but Tresham were bought out by Tannoy shortly after they started, so you could approach them to see if they can help.

Good luck.

04-02-2023, 21:53
I had a Tresham System 1 back in the day, a fraction of the price of the then current range of Naim Amps which it trashed in a head to head audition.

Great amps designed by the late Richard Dunn of NVA.

04-02-2023, 22:17
Hi Andy....yes, your first sentence is correct....and yes, they are great amps, but RD was a salesman by trade, did the rounds at Audio T selling Hifi till he met Mark Westley, the co-founder of Tresham. MW was the technical director, and together they re-mortgaged their homes to form Tresham. They employed a talented electronics engineer by the name of Barry Porter, whom worked for Trident (https://www.uaudio.com/blog/trident-a-range-desk/) and created the first Mosfet amplifier on the market. The rest is history, and RD couldn't solder to save his life. The majority of NVA products were assembled by outsiders....a couple of which are often seen in this manor. In fact one of them is still owed money for assembling NVA pre-amps....but when RD past, so did the debt, and they never got paid. Quite fitting really. Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more!

04-02-2023, 22:25
Hi Barry, unfortunately Tannoy were only interested in the SR 402 range. Everything else was dumped/skipped. The flagship Tresham SR 402 was re-badged as the Tannoy SR 840. Production of the SR 840 stopped after 18 months because Tannoy felt it was too expensive to make.

05-02-2023, 21:31
Hi Don

I bow to your knowledge on the history, to be honest when I bought the amp I had never heard of RD and only became aware of him much later with his involvement with NVA, but I can say with some authority the amp was really quite good, I often wish I still owned it.


05-02-2023, 21:57
Andy, I reciprocate that bow to you...in view of your hifi ammunition, of the wise choice of your current HiFi setup. Yes , your ears didn't deceive you. Tresham kit is good.

06-02-2023, 14:42
I owned this pair a few years ago and the dumbest thing I ever did was selling it.


Back in the 80's I lived just across the road from Tresham and Richard Dunn was a very frequent visitor to Hi Fi Consultants in Peterborough where I worked.

06-02-2023, 20:43
Very nice, the domestic versions of the SR-402 /SR-202...with a seperate power supply. Note the vertical heat sinks...the 402/202 had horizontal heatsinks as they were made for rack mounted cabs in studios.

06-02-2023, 21:51
Those heatsink were as sharp as hell lol I never looked forward to picking that power amp up to move it.

07-02-2023, 16:53
I recently bought an Audio Design Associates PF201 power amp and that sounds very similar to the Tresham I owned. Rated at only 60 watts per channel but never runs out of power and like the Tresham it uses MOSFETS for the output devices.

07-01-2024, 15:38
Still looking for a Tresham SR 402 amplifier...dead or alive!

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