View Full Version : Hello!

26-03-2018, 12:49
Hope I'm in the right place and doing what I've been told I must do to start engaging. I'm into vintage hi fi - especially pre and just post war. Also intrigued greatly by the hype and ( self?) delusions surrounding hi fi from its outset. In other words my interest is cultural as well as technical.

Spectral Morn
26-03-2018, 14:52
Welcome to AoS

This is a subjectavist forum so the ethos respects and allows people to recount and express their experiences and certainly objectavist opinion are welcome but the words delusional, audiophoool etc won't go down well. As long as views are expressed respectfully there shouldn't be any problems.

27-03-2018, 08:24
Hi Jonathan. Welcome to AOS.

Tell us what music you listen to and what Hi-Fi you are using.

Vintage gear is very popular here. Pre-war and immediate post-war is a bit of a speciality which I'm sure can generate some interesting discussuion.

Feel free to join in the chat, it's a friendly place.

Enjoy the forum,

27-03-2018, 17:16
Thanks Geoff, re music: Schubert, Mahler, Tudor polyphony, Puccini. System varies: sometimes an old Philips black tulip set up, sometimes the audio side of a 1937 Scott Philharmonic or McMurdo Silver masterpiece V with the Jensen 18 ins speaker.

27-03-2018, 17:45
Ooh. Some rare and very interesting items. None of which I've actually seen in the flesh (apart from the Philips). We have members who may be interested in discussing those.

27-03-2018, 23:40
Welcome to AoS Jonathan.

Indeed some rare and unusual audio items you use there. Would love to see some photographs of it.

Enjoy the Forum