View Full Version : Wanted:- RCL Small speakers

Holte Ender
24-03-2018, 21:27
In the 1980’s, I briefly owned a pair of RCL Small Speakers, which were made in Hampshire. They worked well with my Nytech integrated amp at the time, but I caught the upgrade bug and sold the lot.
I now have an active Nytech/ARC set up, but I would like to acquire another pair of RCL’s to work passively with my Nytech. I have only found one pair in Italy via hifi shark, so I would be grateful if anyone knows where I might find an available pair?
Many Thanks

24-03-2018, 21:58
Excellent small speaker. I bought a pair for my brother back then. He used them until I bought him a pair of Avantgarde Solos.

24-03-2018, 22:08
Bloody hell! Have you been out in the Tardis?

That equipment is more archeological than vintage! I remember hearing that exact setup (Linn/Nytech/Arc) in the demo room at Graham's Hifi when I was at Uni. :wheniwasaboy:


24-03-2018, 22:12
I was very fond of the Nytech! Not only could you listen to your music on it, but it could help with your maths homework too! :)