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Holte Ender
22-03-2018, 12:39
I have been a hi-fi enthusiast for 36 years.
I change my system around fairly regularly and could justifiably be called a box swapper.
I have always chased audio nirvana and I have owned many turntables, CD players and tuners. I have had valve, transistor and class D amps and most types of speakers, including panels, horns and electrostatics.
I am not a great believer in expensive cables.
My biggest regret is not keeping a list of what I have owned.
My favourite items include Kuzma turntables, Opus 21 CD player, Magnum Dynalab tuners, SJS preamps, Border Patrol and Transcription Audio valve amps and a Horning Agathons.
My current kit includes a Croft-modified Lector 0.5T CD player with active Nytech CA252/CXA252 amps and ARC 102 Speakers.
I enjoy attending the Wigwam show, but missed out this year due to the snow. I may end up exhibiting next year.
After numerous poor experiences, my only advice is to try and sell any unwanted gear without using eBay or PayPal.

22-03-2018, 13:08
Hi Roy, welcome to the Forum.

You've had a fair bit of serious kit over the years, looking at your list there. Always wanted to hear the active Nytech/Arc set-up, it looks well thought-through.

Agree with you about selling on ebay, no idea why people still do that when there are forums to sell on; much more positive experience.

23-03-2018, 01:40
Welcome to AoS Roy,

Yes, you certainly have rung the changes when it comes to audio gear. If you had kept a list of the gear that has passed by your ears, we could set up a competition to see who is "The Grand Master Box Swapper" (there are a few contenders here!) :lol:

What are your tastes in music?

Enjoy the Forum

23-03-2018, 08:14
Hi Roy. Welcome to AOS.

Sounds like you've had fun getting through all that equipment. Your current set-up is unusual and interesting.

There's a lot going on here, so just join in and chat with everybody.

Enjoy the forum,

Holte Ender
23-03-2018, 16:52
I am sure that there are lots of members who have tried and owned lots of kit over the years. I was not trying to set any records when I started out. Probably like many people, I have found that my music tastes have evolved over the years. In recent years I developed a taste for classical music and 1950’s jazz, but this has been followed by a new interest in folk music and my returning interest in rock and pop.
The Nytech amps have been fully refurbished by a local engineer, but I appreciate that it is a strange mix with a valve-based CD player. I do find that I am listening to the system more often than previously owned expensive systems, so for around £1000 all-in I think that I am doing quite well. A friend owns a system involving either an Acoustic Solid or Kuzma deck with Canary amps and Spendor speakers. The used cost was over £10k, but I think the law of diminishing returns has kicked in, as I prefer listening to my system.