View Full Version : BMII Upgrade Venom 3 & Serum. Excellent Customer Service

21-03-2018, 00:07
Just to advise I have had these mods carried out by the excellent Stan Beresford.

My intial enquiry to Stan was for a new Caiman SEG. However, for my needs and as an avid headphone listener Stand advised I would be much better off modding my BMII. He could have just flogged me the SEG which, would have cost me a hell of a lot more money and I would have been none the wiser. Within a weeks turnaround the BMII is back and sounding amazing. For the cost of just £30! I already had the firmware chip installed so it was the capacitor and resistor upgrade.

Excellent customer service with a very personal touch. I would recommend anyone with the BMII to get these upgrades without hesitation especially if an avid headphone listener and running the BM off batteries.

The best £30 I have ever spent!
Thanks Stan

21-03-2018, 09:25
The mod on your BMII included the headphone mod as well since you use the DAC mainly with headphones. The mod can also be done on the BM1 if anyone is looking at using either of those DACs for dedicated headphone listening.