View Full Version : DIY floorstanding loudspeakers based on PMC GB1's.

08-03-2018, 18:25
I bought these speakers from a well regarded Polish guy in the Reading area after a successful demo, & I am only selling due to spending a lot more to better them. (Unfortunately I just don't have room to store things that are not in regular use).

They are based on PMC GB1's, & use both a SEAS driver & tweeter, & is a transmission line design. I have been told that they were built with very good components but I can't substantiate this as I don't know one end of a cap from the end of a cow! All I know is they sound very good, & are approximately 2 years old. The speaker taps on the back look good quality items, & the speakers have been finished in a gloss white paint, which looks great from 6 feet away but does have some imperfections when you look more carefully, although being white also helps. I have used them happily for some time & I have to say they don't do anything wrong & do a lot right, they are very balanced with decent bass from a modest size floorstander.

They measure 93cmH x 32cmD x 20cmW, have a built in bottom plinth & have spikes, M8 I think but anyway they are all there.

I am afraid these are collect only, from Ferndown near Bournemouth, I have a convertible & can't get one of them in nevermind both of them.

I would like £275.0 for them please.






09-03-2018, 10:15
these look really nice.

09-03-2018, 10:38
Look very nice those. Looking at the drivers I would say they are based on the FB1, not the GB1.

09-03-2018, 11:06
Look very nice those. Looking at the drivers I would say they are based on the FB1, not the GB1.

That's quite a step up could you explain why you think that please?

09-03-2018, 11:44
Thanks for them comments guys, I would like to give a definitive answer as to whether they are based on GB1's or FB1's, but I have been in touch with the guy I purchased them from asking for more information. Would it help if I gently unbolted the drivers to take photographs of the wiring & boards with the components on? Either way I will update when I hear back from him.

I paid significantly more than I am asking for them because I just don't have room for them, so what I am asking bears no relation to their quality, both sound & build, & I doubt you could get anywhere near as good for similar outlay.

09-03-2018, 13:21
I'd also agree with James that the speakers seem to have more in common with the FB1 rather than GB1. Look at their size and especially their woofer size. The GB1 is quite slim, only 155mm wide and 234mm deep while your speakers, Brook, are 200mm D x 320mm D. That's much closer to the FB1 size of 200 W x 300 D. The woofer takes most of the front baffle's width, which suggests a 6.5" woofer - just like FB1's vs. GB1's 5.5". A very nice pair of speakers, these. Is the finish more glossy or matte?

09-03-2018, 13:30
Just read through your whole description again, Brook ("the speakers have been finished in a gloss white paint"), and feel a bit silly asking about the speakers finish :doh:

09-03-2018, 13:41
PM's replied to.

I can demo these if that makes a difference.

09-03-2018, 14:25
That's quite a step up could you explain why you think that please?

It's very definitely a 6.5" driver in the front baffle there, the GB1 driver is smaller, not much larger than the tweeter in fact, and as Andy states as well, the front baffle width suggests a 6.5" driver.

09-03-2018, 16:06
For clarity, the Tweeters are from SEAS Prestige range H1189-06 27TDFC

The woofers are frem SEAS Prestige range also, CA18RLY H1217-08, & are 6.5 inches.

09-03-2018, 21:13
Speakers are now sold.

20-03-2018, 21:12
And now on evilBay for £375. Seriously? :rolleyes:

20-03-2018, 21:20
i am sure there is a good reason , maybe they did not gel with system and 100 quid extra may just cover paypal and ebay fees

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Transmission-Line-Speakers-Based-On-Pmc-Fb1-Gloss-White-Seas-drivers/282892953595?hash=item41ddbbe7fb:g:xesAAOSwyTdasVB N

21-03-2018, 00:33
I have had a notification from the buyer to say he has decided to move them on, he prefers a little more bass than these offer.
With regards to price I would say this; I was selling them quickly so I offered them at a very good price as I have little storage, also ebay fees will eat into the price somewhat, so I don't blame him, they are still very good speakers at that price.

21-03-2018, 05:39
Yes thank you brook for your response, they did not work for me in my house with my system. I have started them at a higher value on fleebay as the expectation is that the offers will be lower and with the fees may even take a loss but the audience is bigger. I didn’t want to reuse your add on here, but thought notifying you would be a good thing to do
With my record of trying to put photos up on here I went for the easy option
I also bought some ipl speakers which will also be up for sale as they didn’t do it for me, again not to make money but to try out different things