View Full Version : Wanted - wonder if anyone would be prepared to lend me ...

05-03-2018, 09:47
A pair of 5751 valves please? I’m keen to see if the reduced gain will give me a bit more travel on the volume pot of my high gain eastern electric preamp without buying in. They don’t have to be matched, or even the same brand, but it would be good if they weren’t noisy.

Thanks in advance, I’d obvious pay postage both ways

05-03-2018, 12:53
I may have some as I had an Eastern electric but I wont be home until Friday earliest. But welcome to borrow. I am sure there will be others have some.


05-03-2018, 13:44
Brilliant, thanks Colin, no rush at all. I’ll pm you end of the week

05-03-2018, 15:32
Hang on a minute ... I’m being a wally aren’t I?

The EE uses ecc82s not ‘83s :doh:

As you were people. Ignore me!

10-03-2018, 20:02
Just catching up here, I suddenl6 remembered re this, I can have a look and see what I have ,
