View Full Version : hallo

09-03-2010, 16:17
My name is Nicky and I am from London. Most of my time is spent sitting at a desk in an office where I move important bits of paper around and occassionally make telephone calls to other people pretty much doing the same thing. When I am not there I am generally listening to music and contemplating political and philosophical things, and trying to fathom my place in the universe from the comfort of a very chilled out sofa in a dimly lit, warm room. On Sunday nights, with icecream.

I first go into hifi in around 1997, when I bought some Cambridge Audio stuff from Richer Sounds. I have since bought and sold a lot of kit. My most recent setup looked like this:

Cyrus CD8SE cd player +PSX-R
EVA II Passive preamp
Bel Canto s300 power amp
Focal 1007be speakers

This setup I found to be dry and bright. I recently sold the passive pre amp and power amp and replaced them with a Bryston 4b SST C powermonster, which I am awaiting delivery of. I also obviously now need a preamp which is why I joined your lovely little forum, to seek your wise counsel.

I like listening to unusual music most, I guess. Original sountracks are good. All rock and pop music. A little hip hop. A little classic. I am into Boccerini at the moment.


09-03-2010, 16:30
Powermonster amps are awesome. I love the way they produce such a relaxed sound and I love the depths they go to with big floorstanders. Your quest for a pre should be a good one if you go the valve route. I personally find that valves and transistors work very well. The World Audio valve preamps are very good if costly and the Croft Micro 25 Basic is 350 quid brand new.
Over to you...

09-03-2010, 16:31
My sincerest apologies. Welcome to the forum. I hope you have many happy moments here...!

Spectral Morn
09-03-2010, 16:36
Welcome Nicky

Enjoy the forum and have fun.

Regards D S D L

09-03-2010, 16:56
Thanks everyone. The great valve preamp search begineth.

The Grand Wazoo
09-03-2010, 17:50
Hi Nicky,
A welcome from me too!

09-03-2010, 20:12
Great introduction, welcome from another paper pusher. Half the fun is the research - there will be plenty of advice from the sages on here - not me, I'm just a chilled out wino who's been hanging around a while and no one has kicked me out yet! ;)

Enjoy the forum and good luck with your quest!

09-03-2010, 21:03
Great introduction, I'm just a chilled out wino who's been hanging around a while and no one has kicked me out yet! ;)

Enjoy the forum and good luck with your quest!

That about says it from me as well

Hello and welcome Nicky,

09-03-2010, 21:54
Thank you all. You know, I think I might like it here.

Whose forum is this?

09-03-2010, 22:54
Hi Nicky

Welcome to the forum.

Another route for the preamp could be the tvc route (transformer volume control) - these folks make them http://mfaudio.co.uk/products.htm - I believe that they will happily arrange a home demo for you if you so require.
