View Full Version : 8-Track Cartridge Outlets

Rare Bird
07-03-2010, 04:12
Does anyone know any good UK outlets for old 8-Track cartridges, i buy from the USA but the shipping rates are too expensive!

07-03-2010, 07:40
My mom has 4 large boxes of those things in the garage.
I can't belive anyone would want them,I still wait for the track to change when listening to Arlo's Alices restarant.Haveing memerised that 8 track as a kid.
Wish I could get those old dogs your way.
Mom is 81 and never gets rid of anything,her 3,000 square foot house with a 3 car garage is just packed with crap like that.
My wife and I donate to goodwill anything we don't use in a year as our place is small only 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom and a very small kitchen and dineing room,the liveingroom is good size though 20 X16 feet.
So we don't collect anything but records,CD's and a few favorite movies.