View Full Version : Dynavector 20x2L Set Up?

09-02-2018, 17:21
I have just purchased a nearly new 20x2L with less than 10 hours does anyone have any tips on set up, I'm using an LP12/Ittock? And also how long is the run in time with this cart?

09-02-2018, 19:23
Review here says it's easy to align http://www.techradar.com/reviews/audio-visual/hi-fi-and-audio/hi-fi-accessories/dynavector-dv-20x2l-922815/review

and there's more info about the cart here http://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/thoughts-on-the-dynavector-20x2l-cartridge.279419/

There's always plenty online about these things so dive in whilst your waiting for responses ;)

From what i can see, looks like a decent cart by the way :)

10-02-2018, 07:34
Thanks Robbie,
From one Bob Marley fan to another

10-02-2018, 11:23
Thanks Robbie,
From one Bob Marley fan to another

You're welcome Tara and have impecable taste :)
Bob is a legend and has been my musical hero since childhood

11-02-2018, 23:32
Are you setting up the cartridge yourself? Linn say that you need to remove the arm from the deck before fitting (although I was sceptical about this, I have never dared muck around with the arm in place).

I had 10x5, then upgraded to DV20X. Lovely cartridge but I missed the "balls" of the 10x5 (suits the music I tend to listen to), so when the 20X got to the end of the line I went back to a 10x5 (also financial considerations :( played a part). I tracked at around 2g, ~1.8g on bias if that helps. Also use the green abrasive for occasional clean up and an AT vibrating pad (dry).

Regards. Guy.

12-02-2018, 08:32
Yes I did fit the cartridge myself with the arm on because this cartridge is so easy to fit I didn’t see the need to take it off. But if you are heavy handed then take it off. It was so easy literally tags on screws tightened the threaded holes on these carts which do away with nuts makes it somuch easier. I just need to tweak the vta now.

12-02-2018, 08:35
So vta has anyone any tips on the vta of this cart on an ittock. Tail slightly up or slightly down. Also I have a very slight over hang and the point at the head of the cart dead center in the head shell.

12-02-2018, 17:32
Some say tail slightly down. But, given that raising and lower an Ittok is a pain in the butt (and would have to be done between playing different LP's) probably best to set it at arm tube parallel to record for your thinnest LP - tail will then be slightly down for all the others :)

13-02-2018, 18:11
PS - I would think that it would be "broken in" already, unless refitting means that it has to re settle in - not sure what others experiences are with this.

27-02-2018, 20:45
How has it settled in? interested to know what you decided on VTA.