View Full Version : Possibly my biggest project yet - a Yamaha GT-2000 turntable

07-02-2018, 18:35
There is a problem with being a turntable collector. namely that, when you buy the item at the top of your 'wanted' list, a new model invariably moves up the charts and takes its place. On my turntable lust list it was the Nakamichi TX-1000 for years then, when I bought one, it was the Sony PS-X9. Having found one of those, too, the top of the list for the last couple of years has been the Yamaha GT-2000.

Now, most people know the best place to buy one of these is Hi-Fi Do in Japan. I bought my PS-X9 there and their service was impeccable and their packaging absolutely astonishing, so I was biding my time and waiting for the right GT-2000 to come along.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I spotted one on eBay in the UK a couple of weeks ago. Surely there had to be a catch? Sadly, there was. The seller had bought it from Japan (not from Hi-Fi Do I hasten to add) and a combination of poor packaging and unsympathetic courier treatment meant it arrived in pieces. He sadly had no insurance on it and so took the decision to offer it on eBay to recoup whatever he could. Well, I couldn't say no, now could I?!

Here's how it looked on arrival:

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4746/25168577207_14496d35be_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Em4x9k)Yamaha GT2000_1s (https://flic.kr/p/Em4x9k) by ADAM SMITH (https://www.flickr.com/photos/139871237@N04/)

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4608/40040260511_c08471bd31_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/241dNta)Yamaha GT2000_2s (https://flic.kr/p/241dNta) by ADAM SMITH (https://www.flickr.com/photos/139871237@N04/)

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4700/25168562117_e198c53e84_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Em4sEa)Yamaha GT2000_3s (https://flic.kr/p/Em4sEa) by ADAM SMITH (https://www.flickr.com/photos/139871237@N04/)

The motor was seized as the spindle had taken a clout and deformed the bearing support plate. The arm had pulled out of the plinth and the arm rest and cueing platform were snapped off, and the counterweight stub bent. Chunks were missing from the plinth, it was bashed in the corner and he didn't even bother sending the lid on to me as it was apparently more of a jigsaw. Heck, even the metal covers on both of the switches had come unstuck!

Well, at the weekend, I set to, tackling the motor first, with the theory that, if this was destroyed, then there was no point in going any further. The motor was stripped and refurbished and the bearing support plate straightened. With heart in mouth I powered it up to find it dead - damn! Luckily, a quick check revealed a blown fuse and a new one had it spinning at the right speeds! The one thing I did notice, however, was some up and down movement on the rotor as it appears to have been shifted slightly on the shaft. It's a press fit, though, so it's off to a mate next week to be straightened. Buoyed by this, last night I stripped the thing to pieces and it now looks like this:

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4698/40104987042_55e42bfb62_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/246WxpQ)Yamaha GT2000_4s (https://flic.kr/p/246WxpQ) by ADAM SMITH (https://www.flickr.com/photos/139871237@N04/)

The next plans are as follows:
- Arm off to Audio Origami for a bearing health check
- Buy new lid (did this last night from eBay!)
- Plinth off to my brother-in-law who works for a metal fabrication company but works on all kinds of bespoke projects and knows a good woodworker or two. I'm thinking a repair and a nice re-veneer, maybe in a glossy rosewood.
- Put it all back together and pray it works!

07-02-2018, 18:49
That's interesting. I don't even know that model. Good luck sorting it.

07-02-2018, 18:58
That's interesting. I don't even know that model. Good luck sorting it.

that does surprise me,im not being sarcastic either,good luck with the project mate,im sure it will be well worth it,i should have my new tt up and running at the weekend. :)
ps if your going with rosewood go for rio

07-02-2018, 19:00
That's interesting. I don't even know that model. Good luck sorting it.

Details here, along with some pictures of what it's supposed to look like! http://www.thevintageknob.org/yamaha-GT-2000.html

07-02-2018, 19:30
I've always liked the look of these and have ogled a few on hifi-do ...

Love the GT moniker - 'gigantic and tremendous' ... :)

Really looking forward to seeing how it all progresses.

07-02-2018, 20:09
I suppose if you are looking to keep it original the plinth should stay, but personally it looks like scrap, ok drop the s it's crap, looks like chipboard. I would make a new plinth from something solid. What's the word on Yamaha turntables. I tend to think of Yamaha pianos and motorcycles as where their skills lie.

07-02-2018, 20:20
Yeah, bit it mate !

07-02-2018, 20:51
I'd repair and restore the original plinth. Partly for what originality can be kept and partly because I know I could.

07-02-2018, 21:41
Turntable renovation, I see a docu soap in the offing.................

07-02-2018, 21:45
:eek: For it to arrive like that is a travesty, bloody sad.

I take my hat off to you taking it on as a project, you're clearly a man with a real passion for these things and who rises to the challenge :)

08-02-2018, 09:35
I like the badge gigantic and tremendous

Wakefield Turntables
08-02-2018, 11:30
It's not as bad as what it looks, I've restored worse. Deep breath, shirt sleeves rolled up, crack on. Adam, good luck. ;)

16-02-2018, 18:25
Quick update - shiny new lid has arrived, motor is being fettled today and the arm has arrived safely in johnnie7’s secret lair.

Most importantly, I’ve had word from the woodworking company that my brother-in-law took the plinth to - it is salvageable and is going into the workshop to be repaired next week! :)

16-02-2018, 18:31
It's actually happening then. Very good. Looking forward to some piccies when it's done.

16-02-2018, 18:32
Most importantly, I’ve had word from the woodworking company that my brother-in-law took the plinth to - it is salvageable and is going into the workshop to be repaired next week! :)

I thought somebody could fix that. Very good.

Wakefield Turntables
16-02-2018, 19:39
Well done Adam, hats off.

16-02-2018, 19:43
You have earned my respect! That is quite an undertaking, I think it would look awesome in rosewood, but glad you’re getting the plinth repaired, for the sake of preservation. Best of luck with it!


16-02-2018, 20:17
Well done Adam, hats off.
Well done Adam, for what? sending everything off for someone else to fix:lol:

No offence Adam, just joshing.

Wakefield Turntables
16-02-2018, 20:47
Sometimes it's better to know your limits than overestimate them. I've restored more decks than I care to remember. I've learned to get somebody in if your not sure about something.

16-02-2018, 21:50
Sometimes it's better to know your limits than overestimate them. I've restored more decks than I care to remember. I've learned to get somebody in if your not sure about something.

So true, you can’t beat a man at his own game. You are the project manager, you see that the correct work gets done. There’s nothing wrong with exploiting the talents of a talented craftsman to complete your goals! I can’t wait to see it finished, a turntable is among just a few man made things that have an inherent beauty. Like guitars, motorcycles and sport cars.


16-02-2018, 21:54
It's a classic deck from a vintage marque, and it could easily have ended up in a skip. Doesn't matter who does the nuts and bolts, it's the fact that someone is the driving force, the spark, behind getting it restored. At least that is how I look at it. It's a zen thing, man :)

16-02-2018, 22:53
Bloody he'll Andrew they must be queueing up outside yours....

16-02-2018, 23:22
Well done with this endeavour Andrew. I'm learning it's not as straight forward as you'd think doing these projects and my Toshiba jobby wasn't smashed to bits to start with. The woodwork I love but the old electrics and brittle wires that let loose I hadn't bargained for. I'm very much looking forward to seeing your Yamaha when finished.

17-02-2018, 12:19
Well done Adam, for what? sending everything off for someone else to fix:lol:

No offence Adam, just joshing.

:) :)

I did consider fettling the arm myself as I’ve done plenty but this is an important deck in the collection and I wanted it done the way only J7 knows how.

However, on the plinth front, I know my limits and, sadly, woodwork is quite a way past them!

17-02-2018, 20:14
:) :)

I did consider fettling the arm myself as I’ve done plenty but this is an important deck in the collection and I wanted it done the way only J7 knows how.

However, on the plinth front, I know my limits and, sadly, woodwork is quite a way past them!i wasn't having a dig at you, just thought it funny when someone said well done and you're farming the work out. Actually well done for saving it Adam.

01-03-2018, 10:36
Quick update - plinth has arrived back from the woodworkers...

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4603/40552427611_d2a5cf9b59_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24MtMUp)Yamaha GT2000 Plinth 2s (https://flic.kr/p/24MtMUp)

01-03-2018, 10:44
That looks great Adam. I knew it could be sorted! :thumbsup:

01-03-2018, 10:46
This is going to be beautiful - I love these threads, so inspirational :thumbsup:

01-03-2018, 11:00
Quick update - plinth has arrived back from the woodworkers...

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4603/40552427611_d2a5cf9b59_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24MtMUp)Yamaha GT2000 Plinth 2s (https://flic.kr/p/24MtMUp)Wow. They've done a great job.

Audio Al
01-03-2018, 11:25
Quick update - plinth has arrived back from the woodworkers...

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4603/40552427611_d2a5cf9b59_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/24MtMUp)Yamaha GT2000 Plinth 2s (https://flic.kr/p/24MtMUp)


Is that a new plinth or a repaired one ?

01-03-2018, 12:22
Surely there can't be much left of the original, it looks beautiful.

01-03-2018, 12:44

Is that a new plinth or a repaired one ?

It's the original. They sanded 18mm off the top of the old plinth, which got to the lowest point of the damage and repaired the bumps to the sides. They then fitted a new 18mm thick piece of Oak to the top, machined the cutouts for the arm, motor and switches, then re-veneered the top and sides and sprayed it all black.

It's absolutely flawless in the flesh and the veneer is better than the original. I am a happy chappy!

Audio Al
01-03-2018, 13:08
It's the original. They sanded 18mm off the top of the old plinth, which got to the lowest point of the damage and repaired the bumps to the sides. They then fitted a new 18mm thick piece of Oak to the top, machined the cutouts for the arm, motor and switches, then re-veneered the top and sides and sprayed it all black.

It's absolutely flawless in the flesh and the veneer is better than the original. I am a happy chappy!

Lovely job :)

01-03-2018, 13:19
Exceptional wood working there!


01-03-2018, 13:44
blimey, bet that wasn't cheap! Looks a stunning job.

01-03-2018, 13:44
Excellent job !

01-03-2018, 13:50
Did a superb job saving it

01-03-2018, 18:00

01-03-2018, 18:37
I cannot wait to see the completed job.

01-03-2018, 20:40
The plinth looks fantastic. GT2000 is a great TT and well worth saving.

02-03-2018, 19:33
It's the original. They sanded 18mm off the top of the old plinth, which got to the lowest point of the damage and repaired the bumps to the sides. They then fitted a new 18mm thick piece of Oak to the top, machined the cutouts for the arm, motor and switches, then re-veneered the top and sides and sprayed it all black.

It's absolutely flawless in the flesh and the veneer is better than the original. I am a happy chappy!probably used a drum sander to remove that amount of material. I must admit I would have ditched it.:doh:

08-03-2018, 22:47
Looks amazing compared to how it started. Keep the pics coming :D

09-03-2018, 07:27
This thread is is just like a good TV drama series i can't wait for the next episode.Looking good.:)

10-03-2018, 15:32
Sorry for the delay - been a bit busy and am on holiday now so I’ll start reassembling it as soon as I can!

27-03-2018, 22:29
Throw us a bone man!

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28-03-2018, 15:19
I know, I know! ;)

The arm is back from Johnnie - he’s done his usual superb job on it and the bearings feel much better but it’s still a bit battered visually. I’m going to fit it for now, but keep and eye out for a suitable replacement.

05-09-2018, 18:46
Right, after far too long and too many excuses, the re-build is commencing!


I just hope I can remember how it all goes back together...:scratch:

Audio Al
05-09-2018, 20:27

07-09-2018, 18:52
Right, then - off we go. Switches and mains leads in.


07-09-2018, 18:53
In go the PCBs...


07-09-2018, 18:54
Flip it over, drill holes and fit the motor.


07-09-2018, 18:54
Flip back over, connect everything up, solder on the mains lead and tidy it all up nicely.


07-09-2018, 18:56
Time for some refreshment...


Then the phone goes and Mrs. B is on her way home from work, so time to stop and get the dinner on.

To be continued!

Big Vern
08-09-2018, 09:27
Well, I am delighted to see this thread progressing - have been looking forward to this for ages! Good on you, Adam! I think you've done an amazing job. Looking forward to hearing your assessment of the Yamaha and how it stacks up against the TX-1000, PS-X9 and your 301 (and possibly many more).
All power to your elbow!:)

10-09-2018, 21:35
Right, then, where were we?

OK, drop the platter on, mark and drill holes and fit the speed indicator unit


10-09-2018, 21:35
Arm goes on...


10-09-2018, 21:37
And then the arm lead clamp - the original was broken, but a work colleague very kindly scanned the remains of it and re-modelled it from pictures, then 3D printed a new one.


10-09-2018, 21:38
Flip the thing over (it's getting heavier now!) and fit base and feet.


10-09-2018, 21:39
Then the most important bit!


10-09-2018, 21:40
All coming along well. Looks good. :)

10-09-2018, 21:40
And then we finally place it upright, fit platter, counterweight, headshell and speed indicator, and fire her up!


Spot on, on both speeds.

10-09-2018, 21:41
Arm goes on...


From where it was to this !?! - Superb !! :clapclapclap:

10-09-2018, 21:43
So there we go - drop the lid on top and we're done and looking pretty smart.


The only task left is drilling and fitting the hinges. I have the parts that attach to the deck, but not the bits that screw to the lid. Fortunately a bit of detective work has led me to a possible alternative and there is a set on eBay currently, so I'm going to grab them - no drilling until they arrive and a trial fitment has been completed, though.

In which case, tomorrow's job looks like fitting a cartridge and seeing what the old girl sounds like!

10-09-2018, 21:45
And then we finally place it upright, fit platter, counterweight, headshell and speed indicator, and fire her up!


Spot on, on both speeds.

LIke I said - SUPERB Job, Well done Adam, looks sweet !

10-09-2018, 22:05
Superb. What a beautiful TT.

Sent from my VKY-L09 using Tapatalk

10-09-2018, 22:32
Certainly looks 'the biz'!

11-09-2018, 09:08
So there we go - drop the lid on top and we're done and looking pretty smart.


The only task left is drilling and fitting the hinges. I have the parts that attach to the deck, but not the bits that screw to the lid. Fortunately a bit of detective work has led me to a possible alternative and there is a set on eBay currently, so I'm going to grab them - no drilling until they arrive and a trial fitment has been completed, though.

In which case, tomorrow's job looks like fitting a cartridge and seeing what the old girl sounds like!

It looks the biz mate.

12-09-2018, 19:59
Looks fantastic,great job

12-09-2018, 20:33
Wow, respect Adam, great job:stalks:

12-09-2018, 20:35
Please do give us a review once you fired her up and had a listen.

A quality deck and arm that should sound excellent http://www.thevintageknob.org/yamaha-GT-2000.html

23-09-2018, 20:44
OK, then peeps, sorry for the delay but I’ve finally got a chance to post a few thoughts on the big fella.

I initially fired it up last weekend, loaded up with an Ortofon LH-2000 headshell and Ortofon MC Jubilee cartridge. The Jubilee because I’ve used it on both the Nak and the Sony PS-X9 and know how it sounds on them. The Ortofon headshell was necessary because the Yamaha shell has tapped fixing holes from below but the Jubilee has tapped holes from above.

And the verdict? Good. Very good indeed. The deck has a fine sense of depth and focus and a lovely sweet top end. Bass was deep but a little ponderous at times, and certainly not up to the PS-X9 standard ( but then, no turntable I’ve ever heard is). All in all, it seemed a good counterpoint to the Nakamichi - the TX-1000 is crisp and snappy but the GT is a bit more laid back.

All in all, very good, if perhaps not quite the jaw dropping stunner I was hoping for. But then we come to tonight...

After a week of idleness with the GT generally getting in the way in the lounge, I decide to have another play before moving it out of the way. I wanted to try the Yamaha headshell so a different cartridge was called for. Now, I like Ortofons and have quite a few, but they all seem to require screws from above - no good. However, as I was rummaging, I came across my Denon DL-103 and remembered a few of the folks on Audiokarma reckon the arm works well with one of these, so I thought why not give it a bash?

Well, I installed it, poured a glass of wine and sat down for a quick listen. That was about 6:00 - it is now 9:45 and I’m still going strong, because, holy shit, I still cannot quite believe what I’m hearing! As I type this, I am not listening to a band - I genuinely think The Eagles are down the other end of the lounge. The scale, effortlessness and sheer dynamics are absolutely staggering. That bass that was a bit ponderous is now deep, fast, cavernous and as tight as a duck’s arse! I’ve always had a soft spot for the DL-103 and know that it works better in chunky arms, but I have genuinely never, ever heard it sound like this before. Earlier on, I played some fairly epic choral material recorded in a church and even at a sensible volume, the low bass notes from the pipe organ were tingling the hairs on my arm. Equally, Sarah Mclachlan’s live ‘Mirrorball’ album is a bit of a sharp, splashy pressing if you’re not careful, but not right now it isn’t - it’s crisp and shiny, but yet detailed and clean.

All in all, I’m absolutely gobsmacked and chuffed to bits. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to find more records!

23-09-2018, 21:22
Superb stuff :clap:

23-09-2018, 21:28
Fantastic job. Massive respect sir.

24-09-2018, 06:17
all I can say is WOW....have you tweaked the arm at all Adam, or is this still completely stock?
The arm does look a little similar to that fitted to Kenwood KD9010s - I think both may have been made by Micro Seiki?

24-09-2018, 11:59
Yes, the arm is completely stock. The bearings were checked and set by Audio Origami and I rebuilt the rest of it that had broken/bent/fallen off, but nothing else has been done to it.

25-09-2018, 12:19
I got to thinking last night , just how lucky I was after buying my Aiwa AP2200 on E Bay ,recently.
The seller , (after I had expressed concern ) told me it was double boxed and bubble wrap galore . Which it was !!
No arguement - got here fine ,but the platter was till attached !:scratch: I had tried recently to coax it off a few times , but ,after making a puller eased it off !!

So a day or 2 ago , I set about taking the motor out ,and having to remove the bottom cover ,as I have already done numerous times lately , I flipped it onto its lid ,and onto my footstool. Clang !!!!! , as the now removable platter ,fell into the lid :rolleyes:

Dodged the siver bullet there didnt I ,as that platter would have smashed the table all to bits ,had it shook loose !!:doh:

A very creditable rescue job there BEO B :)

25-09-2018, 18:27
Yes, the arm is completely stock. The bearings were checked and set by Audio Origami and I rebuilt the rest of it that had broken/bent/fallen off, but nothing else has been done to it.

I see that the stock Yamaha headshell has fixed screws for attaching the cartridge, and then the whole thing slides back and forth. How do you do the rest of the alignment? Is it fixed in position so you get perfect alignment? Can you also adjust arm height and azimuth with the stock arm?

Glad that you have found a great result, would have made a great article in Olde Worlde!!!!

25-09-2018, 20:07
Yes, the arm height is adjustable over quite a decent range. There are two,sets of screw holes in the headshell and it can be adjusted both fore and aft, and twisted for azimuth, so cartridge setup is quite flexible.

21-05-2019, 07:59
do you have any opinions how the GT2000 compares to an Kenwood KD990 in build and sound quality?

I have the KD990 and can perhaps buy an GT2000.

02-06-2019, 12:02
I decided to take the dive and bought an GT2000 it was available closeby and after close audition the arm and motor where good. The casing is damaged and will be revenereed in walnut like the 2000x. From a nice fellow GT2000 listener at Audiokarna i get the speed indicator. The normal armlift is not working so we need to fix that.

I expect it to be ready in 1 month. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190602/074d877b13258c13a4384dbb93cfc5e3.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190602/b8561c0fa7a552789d36eb18dd46e13c.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190602/5ea25eb78e7f2adba72f71239bc28e7c.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190602/49682de5165594e9086b93bbcfc2d9c2.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190602/2222d2cb1defa06f180ae8224b09f2fc.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190602/f7879af70616557f44fa63eea7d0490a.jpg

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03-06-2019, 05:47
If it ends up looking like the last photo I'm sure you will be highly pleased. :)

03-06-2019, 08:32
If it ends up looking like the last photo I'm sure you will be highly pleased. :)Yes that is where we go for as end result [emoji41]

Sent from my COL-L29 using Tapatalk

03-06-2019, 09:17
Looks like a worthwhile project - good luck with it!

As to the arm lift, that was one of the (many!) things that was broken on mine. It needed a bit of careful gluing and a very small screw to make it work again. It easiest to get at if you remove the arm from the deck and flip it over.

03-06-2019, 18:12
Most of the Exotic Veneered Models in the GT 2000 range are the 'L' or 'X' models.
Whether these are seen to be improved Electric or Mechanics as well, I am unsure.
The GT 2000 does have a off board power supply option, again finding out how this effects the performance is not a easy find.

03-06-2019, 22:19
The GT-2000 and GT-2000L are the same technically - the only difference is the ‘L’ has a wood veneered plinth (which, IMHO, doesn’t look as nice!) and has the YAL-1 autolifter fitted to the arm as standard.

The GT-2000X is a different kettle of fish. It has a different motor with a much larger main bearing and the plinth is thicker, heavier and has a lovely gloss finish. It also came as standard with the YSA-1 straight arm as standard, which was an upgrade option on the 2000 and 2000L.

The YOP-1 external power supply can be fitted to any model.

05-06-2019, 14:37
got*a message from the service shop. The GT-2000 is now disassembled and the electronics look good*and not damaged. The underside of the plinth is a little bit rough*but when i look on pictures online they all have that. The plinth is on the way to the veneer shop for the reveneer job that will take*around 3 weeks because the lacqueer will have to dry everytime it is lacquered and that takes a lot of time. In the meantime the service shop is going to look to the armlift to fix it.

What i can not see is if the bottom*part is also veneered or only painted is there*anyone with a GT2000x that can check that?

The external piwersupplly is on my list of uograde items [emoji12]

Sent from my COL-L29 using Tapatalk

05-06-2019, 18:15
If there is a aftermarket part to die for, it has to be the YGT-1.
A machined Gun Metal Platter.
The price of such a luxury is decent car territory.

06-06-2019, 04:43
If there is a aftermarket part to die for, it has to be the YGT-1.
A machined Gun Metal Platter.
The price of such a luxury is decent car territory.Yes absolutely true way out of my budget zone [emoji12]

Sent from my COL-L29 using Tapatalk

06-06-2019, 06:38
I must confess, although it is truly a lovely thing to behold, I’m not really quite sure what the point of the gunmetal platter is, other than to make to motor work harder!

Audio Al
06-06-2019, 06:46
I must confess, although it is truly a lovely thing to behold, I’m not really quite sure what the point of the gunmetal platter is, other than to make you PAY MORE £££ !

Slight correction Adam :D

10-10-2019, 21:32
Adam, I love the look of your GT2000 and description of its sound with the Denon DL-103. I have the DL103R and am excited to try it on the GT2000 I will receive from HiFiDo in Japan. I really hate waiting :)

25-10-2020, 18:44
I have an GT 2000 which has been fully restorated and New veneer. I am using an AT 33PTGII cart and now ordered an Holistic Audio 103C and an retipped Benz Micro Glider L2. The carts will arrive in 2 or 3 weeks. What are your experiences with the DL 103 cart? https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20201025/28530c65df604e5d9088a44e62fdead6.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20201025/fe2db215d406392914a618e135c3b089.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20201025/f15a813ab305587ce36d262c5cc5e35c.jpg

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