View Full Version : Over-priced cables - it's not just hi-fi!

07-02-2018, 18:18
Below is a picture of two cables. Both are 9W to 9W serial data leads and both are wired one to one.

One of them came from CPC and cost around £3. One was purchased from a manufacturer of high voltage DC power supplies and is used to link two of their supplies together - no details were given at the time of purchase but we were led to believe it's a very special lead. And the cost of this one? I hope you're sitting down - £230!!!!!


https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4700/28357206329_f4902574be_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KcQ6uv)Cables (https://flic.kr/p/KcQ6uv) by ADAM SMITH (https://www.flickr.com/photos/139871237@N04/), on Flickr

07-02-2018, 18:23
It's obvious. The maker of the cheap item has pinched the design from the premium cable. :)

07-02-2018, 18:27
Popcorn time!


07-02-2018, 18:32
The expensive one has a twist tie

07-02-2018, 18:41
Spare part rip-off time. BIG time.

07-02-2018, 18:59
The very slightly different coloured one is clearly the better more expensive one:)

07-02-2018, 21:51
Clearly the longer cable on the left is the more expensive of the two. It was probably assembled under the light of a full moon by virgin assembly line workers, blessed by the Dali Lama, cryo-cooled, demagnetised and then burnt in for two months.

08-02-2018, 09:21
The very slightly different coloured one is clearly the better more expensive one:)

That makes either of them the more expensive cable, now it's getting confusing

08-02-2018, 10:04
The expensive one will come in a very nice box, supported by a lot of BS and with rave reviews in the mags. Well worth the extra..:rolleyes:

Seriously, I have seen the import prices of many highly touted incons and speaker cables which cost the distributor/manufacturer just a couple of $ per mtr and the consumer ends up paying hundreds of Pounds. Packaging and BS account for the vast majority of the price.