View Full Version : Albarry MCA11 Info required

07-02-2018, 16:48
I have recently acquired an Albarry MCA11 after falling in love with the one a friend lent me.

However I soon realised it is not the same as his which has 2 led lamps on the underside of the circuit board one to indicate power the other to indicate battery status and his has dip switches to change the loading to match the cartridge. This is in line with what is on the Albarry Music website and the manual you can download.

On the outside mine looks the same but only has a single led lamp on top of the circuit board and no loading adjustment. It is clearly different but I am not able to find any information on it. At first I thought it might be a fake but it sounds wonderful suggesting otherwise and on searching I was able to find a photo on google which is exactly like my MCA11 which links to a Radcliffe Audio thread on here, and I know Radcliffe were authorised dealers. Picture below.


Can anyone help with info on this model or version of the MCA11 and why it is different from the one on the Albarry Music website.

Many Thanks


Picture of the one on the Albarry Music website below with the 2 led lamps


Audio Al
07-02-2018, 17:02
HiFi Dave may be able to help

08-02-2018, 21:20
Thanks how do I PM him?

08-02-2018, 21:22
You can't yet. PM privileges kick in after you've made five posts.

08-02-2018, 21:27
Thanks that's good to know