View Full Version : For sale - Almarro a318b

05-02-2018, 08:39
Listing on behalf of a friend - the legendary Almarro a318b


An absolutely superb integrated which really does genuinely give the best of all things - incredible, sky high treble, holographic SET mids and SS-esque bass slam. 18watts, using a pair of the 6c33c valve, very affordable glass in comparison to 300b, 845 or 211.

Loads of info out there online ... ignore the nonsense about being difficult/ high maintenance to bias, as the points are in the top of the unit and you just check it every so often once it’s settled in, a two minute job. A review here to get you going



Good condition as you can see but it does have a ding on the back iirc. Obviously well out of site in everyday use.

CW box and a couple of spare small valves. £1200 plus shipping, although collection very much preferred.

05-02-2018, 20:34
Lovely, lovely amplifier. I thoroughly enjoyed my old one!

05-02-2018, 20:38
Heard one of these many times. Lovely sounding amp!


24-05-2018, 16:30
Is this still for sell?

25-05-2018, 10:19
Had one of these a couple of years ago, a stellar performer & amongst the best set amps I've ever heard.
Jake is right about the biasing its a doddle to do.

25-05-2018, 10:44
Long sold, cheers chaps