View Full Version : FS: Nobsound NS-02G amp - class A solid state 10wpc - JLH !

14-01-2018, 10:08
Superb sound imho from this little Chinese amp.
Circuit is from John Linsley Hood's classic design.
Excellent clarity and definition. Lovely rich tonal colours.

But obviously limited by the 10wpc.
Fine for me, I really enjoyed its many months' stay here.
Class A, it gets quite warm, but not untouchably hot.

Excellent condition and PWO.

If you have a look on Google images you'll see some pics of this amp but mocked up with a Krell logo on the front!
Understandable - this amp really does sound like a baby Krell in its tactility, definition and presence.

£80 inc UK delivery.
Stunning sound for the money.


And the next image is stock to show the rear connectivity ...


14-01-2018, 10:12
great buy...seriously tempted...wont be around long at that price:)

14-01-2018, 10:17
Excellent. Where else would you find pure Class A amplification for this kind of money?

14-01-2018, 10:47
I have a lot of love for JLH having built the mono, if your into diy this amp could be made really special, see the pdf by Nelson Pass, he was very impressed and he dont get impressed easy. I wish i has my 96db speakers still, would buy this in a heartbeat. https://www.passdiy.com/pdf/PLH_amplifier.pdf

16-01-2018, 07:34
A fab sounding amp regardless of price bump.
And 10wpc goes further than many people expect. ;)

And just £80. :eek:
Or swaps.

16-01-2018, 09:37
You'd only need 120 of them per channel if you could sum the output to drive a Scintilla properly. The mind boggles...

Mind you it does look really interesting. Should sell quickly.

Calling all Nobheads...:D:)

16-01-2018, 10:14
It's your magic touch again, Justin.

Sold to a man with 1/120th of Apogee Scintillas. :)

He's not a nobhead, though. No, definitely not. :nono:

16-01-2018, 10:41
Magic? Justin? :eyebrows:

Didn't think this would hang around.

16-01-2018, 12:40
It's your magic touch again, Justin.

Sold to a man with 1/120th of Apogee Scintillas. :)

He's not a nobhead, though. No, definitely not. :nono:

Appreciation of the nob is very important. Feel, too (http://knobfeel.tumblr.com/), for anyone that hasn't seen it.

16-01-2018, 12:42
If I sabotage the sale of this excellent item anymore I shall feel compelled to send you £80!;)

Then again bad publicity is better than none.

So AoSers, you know you need this amp of most excellentness. Instant cred to the new owner, I reckon.

16-01-2018, 15:37
PM sent

16-01-2018, 18:36


18-01-2018, 20:20
Lurch cred++.