View Full Version : Greetings from the South

26-02-2010, 18:24
Hello people. Sorry, I commited the solecism (I hope it was just that) of posting before introducing myself. Probably best to just call me dave. I've been interested in sound systems for a long while, and I'm interested in moderate to high quality systems, without going for silly money set ups. I do listen to quite a lot of live music, which is mostly, but not exclusively classical, so that gives me some reference points. I do think the sound of a recording matters, but it's not the only thing, though having said that there are some recordings I don't like much. For example, in the Glazunov symphonies there are recordings by Serebrier, Butt and Tadaaki Otaka, which all sound very good in different ways. There is also a recording by Fedoseyev, which is rather rough, and the orchestral playing is to match, but I still enjoy it. Yet Polyansky's set, which is available cheaply just doesn't work for me. There's nothing very obviously wrong with it, and I don't think it's a performance thing - but the recording is just not involving at all - at least on equipment I've tried.

I am interested in surround sound (and have been involved in some experiments in the past, but that would show how old I am ...) and we do have a cheapo surround sound system for the TV.

I am trying to put together a better sound system for audio, without spending a fortune, and also to maintain some of the kit I have at present. For example, I have inherited a Pioneer A300 amplifier, which seems pretty good, but it needs the volume controls replacing. Help with repairers would be useful. I also have a pair of Goodmans Goodwood speakers, and one has a problem with the bass unit. I could just replace the speakers (though reluctant to put them on the tip), but it might be nice to keep them working. There is a firm near Wembley that can repair these - http://www.wembleyloudspeaker.com/ - I may get round to it one day.

I'm not sure if I have a profile here where I can put equipment I have or have experience of, but for now I can just tag it at the end.

I have recently been trying out a Cambridge Audio DACMagic. Nice gadget, but didn't work for me as the sound quality was not significantly different from what I have already, apart from the USB input, which showed very considerable improvement. Unfortunately I really don't want to put my funds into a device which only improves in that area. I can at least get sound from my laptop using a Creative Soundblaster card - nothing like as high quality, but for occasional use it's fine.

Will this do for starters?

Kit: Marantz CD67 Mk II SE, Amp: Pioneer A300 and a rather old Rotel (RA8208x2?), Tuner: Sony ST-D777ES (DAB + FM) and JVC TX55 (FM), SACD Oppo DV-980H, Logitech Squeezebox (SB3 - Classic) and also a cheap and cheerful Philips SLA 5520 Streamium unit. Speakers Sanyo Ones (very good, but old), and Goodmans Goodwoods (even older).

Spectral Morn
26-02-2010, 18:38
Hi Dave

Welcome to AoS :)

Enjoy the forum, and have fun.

Regards D S D L

26-02-2010, 18:43
Hi Dave and welcome, how far south are you?

26-02-2010, 19:07
Sorry, I commited the solecism (I hope it was just that) of posting before introducing myself.:eek: :lol:

Hi Dave, welcome to AoS ! Nice to see one more SB user. :)

26-02-2010, 19:37
Hi Dave,

Great introduction! I'd love to see some pictures of your Sanyo and Goodmans speakers, as I love vintage speakers :)

So where are you in "the south", exactly? London? :cool:


The Vinyl Adventure
26-02-2010, 20:08
Another dave...

Hi, welcome

26-02-2010, 21:07
Hi from yet another Dave - groan..... :)

Goodmans Goodwoods eh? I remember them.......;)

27-02-2010, 06:23
Hi again guys.

South of London - on a line between London and Guildford. Both are easily acccessible. I still work, so go into the Roehampton/Kingston area a few times a week.

I'll try to get some photos for you - obviously my loudspeakers are old. The foam on the Sanyos gave up years ago - but apart from dirt getting onto the speaker cone surfaces, that doesn't seem to be a big problem. I do like some new speakers, but not necessarily all. I have thought of upgrading, but that might seriously result in my old kit being put on the tip. I think it deserves better than that. Speakers which look on the big size in a shop look huge in my house, and won't be welcomed. I could just about get away with modest floor standers, and I think there are some Monitor Audio (maybe Mordaunt Short) units which are rather good and under 1000 quid. Within reason though, it's not the money which is the limitiing factor for an upgrade. I auditioned some bigger speakers costing 1.5k - 2k and they would have been unacceptable, but also I didn't think they actually sounded better than what I have now - at least as regards distortion. Getting the matching units seems important. Recent experiences with a Musical Fidelity A5 + Ruark speakers should have been good, but I suspect the sound source or something else wasn't right. There's no point in spending thousands to have the sound compromised by one or two lower quality components, or poor matching.

I'm not a cable freak, but I do accept that throwing away the cheapo cables (and replacing) which comes with some equipment is almost always the first upgrade step - though I don't actually throw them away - just toss them in a box and sometimes they come in handy for testing or quick connections.

Currently I'm also interested in headphone amplifiers, and whether they make a difference. Also interested in headphones - at present I'm using Beyerdynamic DTX 900s. Stanley Beresford in email has suggested that most regular amps do a lousy job, so wondering if it's worth trying out his Caiman units, but if I do that will I need to buy expensive headphones to match?

Hope you don't mind my enthusiasm for classical music!

27-02-2010, 18:34
Hi Dave,
I'm new here also, and all I can say is what a great forum, with great advice and knowledge but more importantly humour in abudance, I don't post very often but suck all that knowledge and have a good laugh :lol: at lots of the posts with all the banter that goes on, I'm sure you will enjoy.:wave:

Big Marty

27-02-2010, 18:44
Hello Dave, and welcome to the loony bin. I'm sure you'll fit in fine, and like Big Marty says, plenty of banter and we mostly behave ourselves... ;)

Enjoy AoS!

Rare Bird
27-02-2010, 18:48
Were being InDAVEvaded..welcome Dave