View Full Version : MC cartridge Options recommendations

31-12-2017, 19:20
Hi all,

After a bit of advice.

I am now on the hunt for a quality cartridge after selling all of my personally owned ones.

I have currently on loan a Kontrapunt b which is awesome and I may purchase that but in true box swapping style, I wondered if there was anything that would knock it's socks of.

Let's call the Budget £1k and can include new or used.

I'd like a bit of excitement and solidity coupled with neutrality and transparency but it must be detailed.

I intend to couple it to a SUT or HA into a MM valve stage.

Current available options are

Lyra Delos
Denon DL S1 (?)
Kontrapunt b

Ive put them in price order.

Any experience with the carts mentioned above will be gratefully recieved.


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31-12-2017, 19:28
Out of that lot, for my taste, I'd say Kontrapunkt/Cadenza. But people look for different stuff. I wouldn't be looking at spending £1k for any Denon or AT.

If budget is £1k I'd be looking for an SPU, you'd get a lightly used SPU Gold or Royal N for that and Angus will do you an extra weight for the AT-1010 to enable you to use them. You might even get a lightly used Miyajima Shilabe or Koetsu Rosewood.

31-12-2017, 19:33
Out of that lot, for my taste, I'd say Kontrapunkt/Cadenza. But people look for different stuff. I wouldn't be looking at spending £1k for any Denon or AT.

If budget is £1k I'd be looking for an SPU, you'd get a lightly used SPU Gold or Royal N for that and Angus will do you an extra weight for the AT-1010 to enable you to use them. You might even get a lightly used Miyajima Shilabe or Koetsu Rosewood.

I don't understand SPUs so I can pretty much rule that out[emoji23]

Shilabe? Not heard of that so I'll Google that one.

Koetsu?? Are they a bit warm and easy with the treble?

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31-12-2017, 19:49
sorry repeat post.

31-12-2017, 19:55
I don't understand SPUs so I can pretty much rule that out

You should hear one if you get the chance Oliver. It's a lovely sound.

31-12-2017, 19:56
You should hear one if you get the chance Oliver. It's a lovely sound.Are we talking accurate or lovely? First time I heard of one was here!

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31-12-2017, 19:58
Are we talking accurate or lovely? First time I heard of one was here!

How do you describe accurate? They're not 'in yer face', but it's all there. Fairly sumptuous I'd say. It's quite a big sound. I had one.

31-12-2017, 19:59
Oliver if you can make the trek to Berkshire you can hear quite a few cartridge here including assorted SPUs and Miyajimas on an Angus modded AT1503 which has a lot in common with your AT1010. I sold the Koetsu Rosewood I had though.

31-12-2017, 19:59
How do you describe accurate? They're not 'in yer face', but it's all there.Just natural sounding rather than bloaty and overly rich. I do like a bit of "in your face" I'll try and get a listen I think.

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31-12-2017, 20:00
Oliver if you can make the trek to Berkshire you can hear quite a few cartridge here including assorted SPUs and Miyajimas on an Angus modded AT1503 which has a lot in common with your AT1010. I sold the Koetsu Rosewood I had though.Now there's an interesting day out. OK Tom, leave it with me and I'll see what I can put together.

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31-12-2017, 20:04
The most evenly balanced MC I've heard is the Technics EPC-305MC. No undue emphasis anywhere, but superbly detailed and very transparent. I kept mine for twenty years 'cos it beat all competition. When that came along, I sold my SPU, Decca Mk.IV and Londons. (kept the ADC's though :))

They are like gold dust though. Nigh on impossible to find.

31-12-2017, 20:11
The most evenly balanced MC I've heard is the Technics EPC-305MC. No undue emphasis anywhere, but superbly detailed and very transparent. I kept mine for twenty years 'cos it beat all competition. When that came along, I sold my SPU, Decca Mk.IV and Londons. (kept the ADC's though :))

They are like gold dust though. Nigh on impossible to find.You've got me looking [emoji23]

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31-12-2017, 20:15
The most evenly balanced MC I've heard is the Technics EPC-305MC. No undue emphasis anywhere, but superbly detailed and very transparent. I kept mine for twenty years 'cos it beat all competition. When that came along, I sold my SPU, Decca Mk.IV and Londons. (kept the ADC's though :))

They are like gold dust though. Nigh on impossible to find.Still got it?

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31-12-2017, 20:15
Oh. And if you spot one of these or the MC202. You'd probably really enjoy what it can do. I had a couple and thought they were very nice indeed.


31-12-2017, 20:17
Still got it?


31-12-2017, 20:20

There are many FR carts that are any good?

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31-12-2017, 20:21
You've got me looking

You might get one from Japan, but I think they are likely to command daft prices these days. Jez Arkless has the aluminium cantilever version, the EPC-310MC. The 305 has Boron.

31-12-2017, 20:22
You might get one from Japan, but I think they are likely to command daft prices these days. Jez Arkless has the aluminium cantliever version, the EPC-310MC. The 305 has Boron.Hmm, I'll have a look.

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31-12-2017, 20:28
There are many FR carts that are any good?

They never made a bad one as far as I know. I've owned two MC201's and thought they sounded great.

31-12-2017, 20:30
They never made a bad one as far as I know. I've owned two MC201's and thought they sounded great.

I've owned quite a few FR cartridges, they can come across a bit dull if not carefully matched for SUT.

31-12-2017, 20:30
Cheers Geoff. I'll have a look into them.

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31-12-2017, 20:32
I've owned quite a few FR cartridges, they can come across a bit dull if not carefully matched for SUT.Ooh, any good with a Bobs Device ? [emoji6][emoji16]

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31-12-2017, 20:41
I've owned quite a few FR cartridges, they can come across a bit dull if not carefully matched for SUT.

They didn't sound great through my Supex SUT for some reason, but sounded just fine through the Osawa SUT and of course FR's own one. Wasn't that struck by the Supex SUT anyway.

31-12-2017, 20:42
Ooh, any good with a Bobs Device ? [emoji6][emoji16]

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MC1 in all its versions and 201 should be fine. Not sure about the 202 that's higher impedance but should be ok.

31-12-2017, 21:13
The MC202 needs careful loading to avoid a fierce top end.

31-12-2017, 23:49
when i returned the cadenza black the guy recommended a dynavector xx2 for a decca like 'in yer face' style

01-01-2018, 08:02
A blinding cart that punches well above its price point is the Hana SL.

01-01-2018, 11:17
Agreed the hana SL is a great cartridge that for my money challenges many carts in £1000+ range.

01-01-2018, 11:20
Something about the reviews hasn't inspired me. Not sure why. I think I'd need to hear one.

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01-01-2018, 15:17
Yes, you need to hear one.
Speak to Mr Firebottle, as he heard mine (when I still had it)

01-01-2018, 18:42
Yes, you need to hear one.
Speak to Mr Firebottle, as he heard mine (when I still had it)Will do, although after this evening's listening, I am more and more convinced there's something beautiful happening with the Kontrapunt and the Wizard phonostage. The Ortofon T-5 SUT Plugs are in the signal path and for the negative press, they are doing a magnificent job.

I think it's more likely than not that this will be purchased and my search will be over. Same with the phonostage, TT, Tonearm, cables and speakers.

Listening to Sergeant Pepper, it all brought realism and depth. Listening to Duke Ellington - Summertime, and my son looked concerned in the opening bars, when quizzed he said "It's scary music" he was refering to the rather dramatic opening trumpet and drums, he "felt" it rather than hear it.

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Non-Smoking Man
11-01-2018, 19:52
Im getting surprisingly good results from an AT OC9 MK11 in am Alphason HR100MCs on my venerable Cranfield Rock. It may be that it is just suited to the damping arrangemet (Ive had an original OC9 and an AT33PTG in the same combo)but Ive read about this cart being like elsewhere . One HFW journalist has or had one in his home reference system.
Well within budget.
(It followed a Cadenza Blue, another recommendation from me, and it is not losing out much at all.)

11-01-2018, 21:36
Transfiguration or Lyra. Or a Goldring rebuilt Troika for 600

Wakefield Turntables
12-01-2018, 13:21
I'm trying the Ortofon Windfeld Ti at the moment. It surpasses my Black by a country mile.

12-01-2018, 13:29
I'm trying the Ortofon Windfeld Ti at the moment. It surpasses my Black by a country mile.Did you manage to get that Ortofon SUT, Andrew?

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Wakefield Turntables
12-01-2018, 13:58
No, I missed it but I do have the ST80SE which is supposed to be a perfect match for the Ti.

12-01-2018, 14:13
I was outbid massively [emoji23]

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12-01-2018, 15:15
I'm trying the Ortofon Windfeld Ti at the moment. It surpasses my Black by a country mile.

I've heard those are extremely good Andy. Yet to get a listen to one though.

Wakefield Turntables
12-01-2018, 16:01
£3100 is a big ask, I have a friend who owns a HiFi store so I may get a discount!