View Full Version : Buying flac albums

02-12-2017, 00:01
I have realised that there may come a time when I have tried several second-hand CD shops that finding just the one particular album is going to be harder than I thought.

I was using Groove music and have bought a few albums but they were in MP3 format and although OK, not up to .flac format.

So does anyone buy .flac format albums online, any recommendations as to web sites.

If you purchase an album can you copy it to other devices?

All help appreciated.

02-12-2017, 00:12
I buy lots of Electronic music from Bandcamp.com - you can listen prior to purchase via 128kb streams and buy in WAV, FLAC, AAC or MP3 format. Once bought you also get unlimited streaming of same album. The also sell CDs and LPs.

They list most genres not just Electronic.

02-12-2017, 05:44
I get my John prine stuff from Bandcamp

02-12-2017, 08:38
A colleague of mine is getting a portable hi res player for Christmas and was looking at sits that sold hi res music. There are a few listed on the Sony UK website in the hifi section. Quite expensive to buy a whole album, around £30. If you have a TT it could be worth checking out the album you are looking for on vinyl as with some record labels you also get a download code for the hi res files included and the cost of the record and the files is about the same as just buying the hi res files. Bit of a shame that not all record labels do it.

02-12-2017, 17:55
Bandcamp (https://bandcamp.com/) also for me, CDBaby used to do FLAC, but for some (very) annoying reason they have withdrawn this and no only offer 320kbps .mp3, so they lost a customer :(

I'm not really interested in HD Tracks, too expensive and often they sound no better than Red Book and I'm happy with Red Book.

02-12-2017, 18:08
I buy FLAC from Qobuz (http://www.qobuz.com/gb-en/shop), Linn Records (http://www.linnrecords.com/), and Presto Classical (https://www.prestoclassical.co.uk)

02-12-2017, 18:12
I've bought a few FLAC downloads from CD Baby in the past, and I'm not pleased about the site withdrawing them either.
Qobuz isn't too bad for FLAC downloads, but watch the prices - sometimes it's less expensive to get the CD from Amazon and rip it yourself.

02-12-2017, 19:05

Crap, did I just think that out loud....

02-12-2017, 20:51

02-12-2017, 22:13
How do you know if you are buying genuine hi res files and not just cd quality files that have been converted to a hi res format? Is there any certification?

03-12-2017, 11:21
How do you know if you are buying genuine hi res files and not just cd quality files that have been converted to a hi res format? Is there any certification?

So long as the price is OK I am happy with 'just CD quality'. The sites I use mainly for current/new contemporary music (Technics Tracks/7Digital (I think one and the same if truth be known)) don't seem to offer certification but the quality is good on listening and seems to be mostly 16/44.1 but some up to 96k.

On the Classical sites I use mostly, Presto Classical, Promates etc again, I don't think, offer any certification.

I think there has to be a certain amount of trust and if you're in any doubt and it bothers you that much, don't spend your hard-earned..
Maybe I'm being a bit too trusting.....?
But so far I haven't bought any Download, from any site and have been disappointed with the sound quality to the extent that led me to think ''...that's an MP3..''

Dip your toe in the water and try a few sites with some individual tracks maybe and have a listen.


03-12-2017, 21:54
Thanks for all the replies, luckily most of the music I am after is readily available in several second hand music shops in and around London, I have looked at all of the links and will only really use them when I am stuck, prices look a bit like when CD's first came out (A tad overpriced).

But the option is there if needed.


03-12-2017, 22:10
I use 7digital quite a lot. Reasonable range with about 7 formats including 24-bit FLAC if you are a fan. 16 bit is OK for me.

Get the real thing if the have the patience to wait for the post or find a shop. I curse everytime I have to use Amazon but there are alternatives. Here's a quick selection


03-12-2017, 22:15
Charity store 5 for £1 on cd’s - the rummage pays dividend... Especially with the upsampling of current DACs. The chance to find a gem is half the fun...

03-12-2017, 23:27
I use 7digital quite a lot. Reasonable range with about 7 formats including 24-bit FLAC if you are a fan. 16 bit is OK for me.

They at least have stuff by the Strawbs like "Hero and Heroine", that is one I would buy if I can't find the CD.

They also have Lene Lovich "Flex", that is a hard one to find on CD, looks like I may set up an account

04-12-2017, 11:53
If you purchase an album can you copy it to other devices?

Yes , they are files like any other .