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View Full Version : Hello from Göteborg, Sweden

01-12-2017, 21:03
Hello, I came here surfing the net about my new Allo USBridge. Combining the comfort of digital technology and good sound interest me much.

So, I use it with Squeezeplayer, connected to a LH Labs Pulse Infinity to Primare A32.2 to Progressive Audio Elise IIK.

I listen to rock, progressive, psychedelia, blues, country, soul, classical etc. Not much jazz, musical, barbershop, light opera, rap and most of the new hits.

02-12-2017, 09:49
Hi Stefan. Welcome to AOS.

If you want info on digital, take a look through the Digital Expressions section.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Enjoy the forum,

Spectral Morn
02-12-2017, 11:23
Hi Stefan, welcome to AOS

05-12-2017, 15:55
Hey Stefan, progressive and psychedelia, bring it on.
