View Full Version : WTD : cheap as chips turntable.

30-11-2017, 15:50
Hi all ,
My aunt said she really wanted a turntable to me .
So I’m going to try and get her one as a surprise for Xmas .
But we have a secret Santa strict rule of £50 to save those in the family who are less well off and even things out a bit.
I thought it would be awesome if i could manage to get her a 2nd hand turntable for this amount .
Can anyone please help me out??
Thanks all

30-11-2017, 15:55
you might struggle at that low. but you never know

30-11-2017, 15:58
you might struggle at that low. but you never know

I thought that might be the case i guess i could push it to 60 and not tell anyone but not really any more than that .
I was thinking in the vein of a dual 505 or pioneer pl12d ?

We will see.

30-11-2017, 16:02
give it a couple of days for folk to see it.

30-11-2017, 16:06
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pioneer-pl-514-turntable/263351687804?hash=item3d50fbda7c:g:iG4AAOSweExaHsi I

this on the bay of evil:eyebrows:

30-11-2017, 16:22
There was a time not so long ago when you would get 3 or even 6 Pioneer Pl12Ds for sixty notes. I was offered a whole room full of Goldring Lenco GL75s for nothing! 20 or 30 of them!
Now they are worth a ton a piece.

I did until recently have a few budget decks that have sat around for years, bit they have all gone in the last 6 months, with people beating a path to my door to get one. Things have changed in the strangest ways. Good luck with your search.

30-11-2017, 16:31
I thought that might be the case i guess i could push it to 60 and not tell anyone but not really any more than that .
I was thinking in the vein of a dual 505 or pioneer pl12d ?

We will see.

Be careful with a used 505 unless you're prepared to do some mending. They were fitted with various power supply capacitors, but those with Rifa ones will usually need replacing unless they've been done. They have a habit of letting the smoke out and then your motor can spin backwards and all sorts of interesting things.
The pitch belts are usually shot as well and around £20 to replace.
For some reason the audio leads also seem more sensitive to internal breakages than most.
I usually have to replace drive belt, pitch belt, PSU caps and often the audio cable if I get an original one.

You'll be lucky to get a PL-12D for £50 now. As someone above said even the 112 is fetching good money.

30-11-2017, 16:32
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NAD-5120-Stereo-Turntable-Record-player-Read-Description-Not-Serviced/162778072019?hash=item25e65443d3:g:WlkAAOSwyi9aHTG t

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kenwood-Automatic-Turntable-Kd-1600/142602820444?hash=item2133ca5b5c:g:9j0AAOSwDFBaFfR e

30-11-2017, 17:41
Does she have an.amp with a phono stage? There are some cheap ones out there, bush ,sony etc, and modern ones for the new TT craze and ripping vinyl to digital, some midi sized, some of which have a built in Phono stage.

30-11-2017, 17:47
Make sure any PL12 you are considering as had some sort of service...or consider doing it yourself.
Given this model will be over 40 years old it will need the motor and platter bearings cleaned of old hardened grease/oil. The motors tend to be a bit noisy but respond well to a blob of fresh lube...both ends.
Lots of info vids on YouTube.

Don't be taken in by EBay sellers conning you into buying a small amount of specific product for your bearing....good quality LIGHT engine oil is fine.

As above, I remember turntables from this era selling for peanuts.
I recently saw a Sansui 222 mk2 for...coughs....130 quid in my local cash converters.

30-11-2017, 17:51
I recently saw a Sansui 222 mk2 for...coughs....130 quid in my local cash converters.

That's not a bad price these days, 222 were never that cheap. I think mainly because they look pretty cool.

30-11-2017, 18:19
I've got a Dual CS503-1 sitting around in my storage rack. It's got a recently fitted belt. The cartridge is the original Ortofon/Dual one that it came with but I could put a newer Grado in it. I cleaned it up for a friend but in the end he didn't want it back. It's in good working condition and cosmetically not too bad. I'd let it go for £60 plus the cost of postage (could be £15 I suppose).