View Full Version : WTD - Empty Metal Box/Enclosure

26-11-2017, 21:37
Hi all,

Does anyone have an old full size enclosure (to fit on a rack) that they have left in the garage/shed, going rusty and unused? It can be battered, knocked chipped and downright ugly as long as it's incredibly cheap! INCREDIBLY cheap!!!

Im building a phonostage and it needs something to go in and as it's quite likely to explode when I plug it in, I thought a knacker of a box would suffice just to catch all the broken valves. [emoji23]


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Len Co
27-11-2017, 04:06
If nobody has one You could probably find an old amp / dvd player in a charity shop for a tenner.

Wakefield Turntables
27-11-2017, 08:23
What yeah building? :cool:

27-11-2017, 09:10
I have a Grundig satellite receiver box that you can have, as in free (cheap enough?).

It is steel so the shielding will be good, also has holes in the rear already that are suitable to mount RCA sockets.
The moulded plastic front can be remove to reveal a flat front panel so you could even tart it up with a nice wooden front :stalks:


27-11-2017, 09:23
I have a Grundig satellite receiver box that you can have, as in free (cheap enough?).

It is steel so the shielding will be good, also has holes in the rear already that are suitable to mount RCA sockets.
The moulded plastic front can be remove to reveal a flat front panel so you could even tart it up with a nice wooden front :stalks:

:)Oooooooo sounds good!!!! Cheers Al

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27-11-2017, 09:24
Have been offered two Sony amp boxes too so looks like I'm all sorted.

What a great forum this is!!!

Thanks everyone [emoji1]

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27-11-2017, 09:26
What yeah building? :cool:I'm building a Valve Wizard MM valve phonostage.

It's a learning excercise rather than a reference point in SQ. The board cost £6.50 and I've probably spent about £40 on components so not expecting a world beater of a stage. Its all about the learning.


27-11-2017, 09:37
Ah. More scorched fingers and solder in the carpet then Oliver? :D

27-11-2017, 09:41
Ah. More scorched fingers and solder in the carpet then Oliver? :DLol, yes Geoff. I've been banished to garage (only fair)

It's been good. It's not the nearest work so far but that's to be expected. The addition of a new variable heat soldering iron has proved beneficial and silver solder used on about 95% of the board so far. It been good fun and very educational. I'll start a thread once I get to the building stage otherwise it would have just been pictures of me making a mess lol.

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27-11-2017, 09:45
Yeah. I like a good project. You learn a bit more with each one.

(still got this itch to build more speakers myself :))

27-11-2017, 10:04
Yeah. I like a good project. You learn a bit more with each one.

(still got this itch to build more speakers myself :))I'm getting lots help from Alan which is be very stuck without. It's sinking in though. Slowly lol

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27-11-2017, 10:14
I'm building a Valve Wizard MM valve phonostage.

It's a learning excercise rather than a reference point in SQ. The board cost £6.50 and I've probably spent about £40 on components so not expecting a world beater of a stage. Its all about the learning.

way to go oliver
i recently built a world designs phonostage clone and loving it to bits,the real kick is in the diy and building and tweaking yourself to suit(im still at it),looking at the board you have brought it doesnt seem a million miles from my creation,and if i had of known of its existence i may have gone that route myself,will certainly love to read of your build and findings...looks a good one....just watch those high voltages and charged caps!!!

27-11-2017, 10:18
way to go oliver
i recently built a world designs phonostage clone and loving it to bits,the real kick is in the diy and building and tweaking yourself to suit(im still at it),looking at the board you have brought it doesnt seem a million miles from my creation,and if i had of known of its existence i may have gone that route myself,will certainly love to read of your build and findings...looks a good one....just watch those high voltages and charged caps!!!Thanks Smithie, I am not touching the electrical side at the minute and will do so under supervision as I have a knack of electrocuting myself 🤣🤣

It seems a pretty decent board and generally accepted as being quite good in design. Obviously no one will agree on what's best so it's irrelevant. As long as sound comes out when I'm done it will have been a relative success. How it sounds is secondary to the learning.

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27-11-2017, 10:33
ive had afew sharp short shocks myself:lol: so i understand where your coming from there:D.
there really is no such thing as the "best" is there,its just what suits our ears,system etc,thats what makes this hobby and passion such fun(along with the killer tunes of course).
mine when built worked without fault or drama and has been singing its little heart out for months now,even with all my various on going tweaks and mods ive been doing.....im still amazed at that fact alone,its all thrown together and is ugly as sin and i really need to address that at some point:lol:,but like you point out...its the learning and understanding you get along the way that is the real buzz and kick ....of course if it sounds good to then thats just the cherry on the cake:D
all the best with it :smoking:

27-11-2017, 10:45
...The board cost £6.50 and I've probably spent about £40 on components so not expecting a world beater of a stage. Its all about the learning...


You may be surprised. Some really expensive phono stages are relatively simple circuits just designed really well. Merlin does come across as knowing what he is doing and seems like a good guy. I bought some valve prototyping PCBs from him a while ago.

27-11-2017, 13:52
Merlin is a lovely fella all told. Very helpful and yes, won some plaudits for his design from the "technical gurus" I've consulted. It may be a great sound, I just don't know yet!!!!

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