View Full Version : Tonearm rewire

Svend N
23-11-2017, 16:03
Quick question about tonearm rewiring: is it better to go direct from headshell connector to RCA plug, or is it OK to have an intermediate plug like an arm stem DIN or RCA jacks mounted to the rear of the deck? It seems each may have their advantages and disadvantages. With a direct wire there are no intermediate solder connections and plugs/jacks to degrade the very weak signal, but then one is stuck with one cable of a certain capacitance and sound quality, which may be limiting in the long run. OTOH, having an intermediate connection point allows for ready cable swapping and upgrading if need be, but at the (possible?) expense of degraded sound quality.

Is the latter scenario even an issue, assuming that good quality connectors would be used? Or is a direct-wire that much better, no matter the connector quality of DIN/RCA jacks, and attention should be paid to getting the best cable match from the start?

I'd be interested to hear the experiences and thoughts of anyone who has been through this.

Thanks, and regards,

23-11-2017, 16:19
Using a din hasn't presented any problems whatsoever. A good connection is essential

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Svend N
23-11-2017, 17:26
Thanks Oliver. Good to know. A DIN plug or RCA jack setup would certainly be my preferred option as it would allow me to experiment with different cables. I'm using MM cartridges presently so it would be handy to be able to do this as I understand capacitance may be an issue with some of the fussier carts.


24-11-2017, 10:38
Thanks Oliver. Good to know. A DIN plug or RCA jack setup would certainly be my preferred option as it would allow me to experiment with different cables. I'm using MM cartridges presently so it would be handy to be able to do this as I understand capacitance may be an issue with some of the fussier carts.

SvendNo worries, there are so many connections (soldered or plugs) throughout your system that one or two more isn't going to make any difference. A good connection is the key.

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Ammonite Audio
24-11-2017, 12:42
Uninterrupted wiring between headshell and RCA plugs might seem like a good idea but it requires very careful implementation to protect wires that need to be very thin, and to ensure a good level of screening. Also, such cables can be physically noisy when touched or moved, in my experience at least. A good quality DIN connector at the tonearm base is by far the least of all evils, allowing the wires inside the tonerm to be of the best quality and genuinely flexible; also as you say you then have the ability to experiment with external cables, which need not cost a fortune.

Svend N
24-11-2017, 14:54
Thanks guys. Sounds like a DIN plug is the way to go. I have been rolling my own cables lately (interconnects with Belden 8402 and a Mogami whose number I've forgotten), so this will be easy to make up a decent cable from DIN to RCA. I'll start researching an appropriate one for phono....might even have something suitable in my parts bin.

As for tonearm wire, do you have any recommendations? Cardas 4x33 litz seems to be most commonly used. Any preferences, at sensible cost?


24-11-2017, 15:50
Get some Superflex Copper from KABUSA. It's awesome stuff. Costs less than almost anything but sounds incredibly good. As the name suggests, it won't offer any resistance in the arm either. I'm a big fan and I've tried a few more expensive options.

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Svend N
24-11-2017, 16:14
Just checked out the KAB stuff -- looks good! And as noted, very reasonable price. Thanks for the tip.

I'll see what I have for interconnect bulk cable on hand. I'll be wanting something with as low a capacitance as possible, so hopefully I still have a few metres of something suitable.


24-11-2017, 16:31
Just checked out the KAB stuff -- looks good! And as noted, very reasonable price. Thanks for the tip.

I'll see what I have for interconnect bulk cable on hand. I'll be wanting something with as low a capacitance as possible, so hopefully I still have a few metres of something suitable.

SvendNo worries!

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Svend N
24-11-2017, 20:17
Oliver, have you compared the KAB stuff to, say, the standard Cardas wire? The latter is available to me locally for a good price, and I can have it on hand in a day. I can also get 1877 brand (Elecaudio product), which is a bit more expensive. But if the KAB is worth waiting for, then I could try to be patient ;)


24-11-2017, 20:28
Oliver, have you compared the KAB stuff to, say, the standard Cardas wire? The latter is available to me locally for a good price, and I can have it on hand in a day. I can also get 1877 brand (Elecaudio product), which is a bit more expensive. But if the KAB is worth waiting for, then I could try to be patient ;)

SvendI have and to me there isn't a lot in it. If you can pick up the Cardas locally then go for it!

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Svend N
24-11-2017, 20:47
Well, if the sound quality is more or less similar, and thickness/fineness is good on both, then Cardas is certainly easier to get. There's a great little shop run by very nice people not far from me that has a lot of DIY cable stuff, and I will need DIN connectors, etc., as well. (shop is Take Five Audio, for any Canadians reading this). I like to support local merchants as much as possible.

Thanks again Oliver. You've been most helpful!


24-11-2017, 20:53
No worries at all! Glad I could help. I'll look forward to the pics of the completed project. [emoji6]

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24-11-2017, 20:55
Ps, the superflex will be better in terms of resistance to movement, the Cardas I had was quite stiff but I suffered no resistance. From it. Tonally they are very similar and deservedly popular.

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Svend N
24-11-2017, 21:05
Good to know. I'm going to call Take Five and get their take on this. They may have a nice fine wire that sounds great and is easy to work with too...We'll see, and I'll let you know...

And yes, I will post some pics :)