View Full Version : Lenco GL75/78/70 MDF Plinths Bare MDF finished ready to paint 3 left

23-11-2017, 00:42
I have a friend who owns a Wood Work "factory" out of Tottenham, and I left them with measurements for a GL75 plinth...low and behold, he's pumped out 10 for sale. 5 have been spoken for, and there's five left, (of which two have been undercoated and painted white).

Can be light varnished, or sprayed over.

No rear holes for IEC or Phono/earth..., DIY
L75 top plate fits in perfectly (without tag board situated under platter...
Has four stud holes to secure top plate + additional 2 holes for securing top plate by screws*

They are £100 each plus postage...bare MDF only
The painted ones in white are £140 each + postage
: UK Post only.

Always hovering over M25/M11 ...could organise a drop off point for single or multi drop...... or you could organise courier..
I'm based in North London, near Turnpike Lane


23-11-2017, 08:55
I have a friend who owns a Wood Work "factory" out of Tottenham, and I left them with measurements for a GL75 plinth...low and behold, he's pumped out 10 for sale. 5 have been spoken for, and there's five left, (of which two have been undercoated and painted white).

Can be light varnished, or sprayed over.

No rear holes for IEC or Phono/earth..., DIY
L75 top plate fits in perfectly (without tag board situated under platter...
Has four stud holes to secure top plate + additional 2 holes for securing top plate by screws*

They are £100 each plus postage...bare MDF only
The painted ones in white are £140 each + postage
: UK Post only.

Always hovering over M25/M11 ...could organise a drop off point for single or multi drop...... or you could organise courier..
I'm based in North London, near Turnpike Lane


Those look excellent Don. I dont need one, but they look something of a bargain.

23-11-2017, 10:28
Hi Chris, thanks for your reply. The remit was to produce a plinth that you could just throw your GL75/78 top plate into, keep existing wires in situ, screw it down and off you go.
There are new Perspex Lids on the bay for £34 (Audio Technica Dust covers: they were £29 each, 2 weeks ago..doh) that will fit. and some Chrome isolation feet (pack of 3: easier to adjust level than four..) for about £13 (ebay) and that's it!
Varnish it, paint it, gloss it or just leave it..low cost transformation..I should try and sell face lift products!

23-11-2017, 12:13
From personal experience Don s a great guy to deal with as well. Good luck with the sale, they do look good !

Audio Al
23-11-2017, 16:29
Looks very good indeed , The ply would cost half of the amount asked , Is it done on a CNC router ?

23-11-2017, 16:32
this is whats needed for the 401...

23-11-2017, 18:27
Nicely done. Tempted to get one and salt it away for next Lenco project (and there's always another one ...)

24-11-2017, 15:40
Hi Brian, hope all is well with you...thanks for that? PM me your address again..Got some Free CD's for you..I'll drop them round when I'm passing.
All the best

24-11-2017, 15:42
Looks very good indeed , The ply would cost half of the amount asked , Is it done on a CNC router ?

Not sure...possibly? I'll ask..

24-11-2017, 15:45
this is whats needed for the 401...

Adam, if you've got the design, I'll submit them...and see what happens...it's all about demand, and whether the plinth needs to support two tonearms (which any good deck deserves...)?

Who wants a MDF plinth for a 401?

24-11-2017, 15:53
Nicely done. Tempted to get one and salt it away for next Lenco project (and there's always another one ...)

Not sure if they will do another run..I wanted to experiment with boring holes into the centre part of the plinth, underneath the top plate, and fill those "Bored holes" (down to the last layer of MDF) with a resin type liquid that would set. I must admit, not my idea, but seen a reference to it on a German website. Result would be a more weighty plinth, with better "deadening" qualities around the motor/Main bearing limiting resonance to the tone arm...just a thought..

Old boy
24-11-2017, 18:10
Does your wood shop use CAD ?
I have a 401 plinth details saved on my computer

24-11-2017, 18:18
Not sure if they will do another run..I wanted to experiment with boring holes into the centre part of the plinth, underneath the top plate, and fill those "Bored holes" (down to the last layer of MDF) with a resin type liquid that would set. I must admit, not my idea, but seen a reference to it on a German website. Result would be a more weighty plinth, with better "deadening" qualities around the motor/Main bearing limiting resonance to the tone arm...just a thought..

I had a TD124 plinth which had been similarly drilled and filled with lead shot. Jo has it now. I thought it worked very well though I replaced it with a very large plinth about double the size and three times the weight in veneered baltic birch ply (courtesy of Russ Collinson) and that works even better. Also has space for two arms.

24-11-2017, 19:51
These are the same ones you were stopped from selling on Lencoheaven because you copied Carl Ellis's design I suppose?

24-11-2017, 20:28
For your info, I wasn't stopped from selling the plinths, goto LH look in traders..they are still for sale..
Secondly they are based on his design, (I later found out) but Carl gave me his blessing to sell the rest....
Ask him yourself..
I sense a negative tone..
Get ur facts right buddy

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

24-11-2017, 20:54
For your info, I wasn't stopped from selling the plinths, goto LH look in traders..they are still for sale..
Secondly they are based on his design, (I later found out) but Carl gave me his blessing to sell the rest....
Ask him yourself..
I sense a negative tone..
Get ur facts right buddy

Carl did indeed tell you to sell the rest, but not make any more. I think in good faith you should point this history out to potential buyers, so that they can make the choice to purchase from Carl and reward his good work in designing these.

24-11-2017, 20:56
These plinths are copies of my design. I did not give permission and was not consulted . After a lot of arguing on Lenco Heaven i agreed ( under duress )not
to object to Don selling the remaining plinths there. I did request of Don not to use my design in future.

24-11-2017, 21:34
So are the 10 plinths you have for sale (5 of which you say are "spoken for"), copies of Carl's design for which he gave you permission to sell, or are they additional plinths?

24-11-2017, 21:41
If you read first post, and posts on LH, I have 5 left to sell on workshops behalf.

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

Spectral Morn
24-11-2017, 21:42
Take a pretty dim view of plagiarism :(

24-11-2017, 21:47
In a latter post, I've stated that there possibly won't be another run...of Carl's 'design'....

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

24-11-2017, 21:49
Take a pretty dim view of plagiarism :(It wasn't intentional...didn't know that Carl's design was exclusive..

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

24-11-2017, 22:08
If you read first post, and posts on LH, I have 5 left to sell on workshops behalf.

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
Not on my behalf . Btw they are direct copies, not "based on " my templates . Also you have neglected to observe one or two details , one being quite important.

28-11-2017, 09:42
Firstly I better declare that I am one of the admins over on Lenco Heaven. When Don first posted about his plinths the admins discussed this issue at length and as a result advised Don on certain aspects of his posts including making no reference to Carl's work. Don was a perfect gentleman and made it clear he did not want to affect Carl's livelihood and agreed to limit the run of plinths to the ten already made.
OK, to the issue of plagiarism. The principle of bolting the Lenco top plate to something heavy over as much of its surface as possible has been around for many years going back to the days of Jean Nantais and possibly earlier. Many builders have followed this route and freely shared their knowledge with other Lenco enthusiasts. Fundamentally there are a limited number of ways to cut a plinth to achieve the above and all will look very similar. Don's mistake was to make reference to Carl's plinths which rather suggested he had copied it. As it happens his pattern of cutouts more closely resemble the template provided by Ropie for free to DIYers. That template has been available since 2010 on the Lenco Heaven site and predates Carl's work by some 3 years. Normally Ropie would expect a royalty for commercial production but clearly, from the pricing, Don wasn't making money out of this so no royalties were requested.
Now Carl's plinths are exceptionally well made from birch ply and he offers a range of finishes which look very professional. The price, still very reasonable, reflects that this is a commercial venture and Carl has many satisfied customers.
On the other hand Don's plinths are made from the cheaper, and some would argue, inferior mdf. However, they are ridiculously cheap and provide an excellent way for someone not inclined to DIY their own to build a Lenco. In other words the two products are not comparable except both are an evolution of earlier designs. As such no plagiarism is involved and both Carl and Don are providing a service to Lenco builders.

28-11-2017, 09:44
Firstly I better declare that I am one of the admins over on Lenco Heaven. When Don first posted about his plinths the admins discussed this issue at length and as a result advised Don on certain aspects of his posts including making no reference to Carl's work. Don was a perfect gentleman and made it clear he did not want to affect Carl's livelihood and agreed to limit the run of plinths to the ten already made.
OK, to the issue of plagiarism. The principle of bolting the Lenco top plate to something heavy over as much of its surface as possible has been around for many years going back to the days of Jean Nantais and possibly earlier. Many builders have followed this route and freely shared their knowledge with other Lenco enthusiasts. Fundamentally there are a limited number of ways to cut a plinth to achieve the above and all will look very similar. Don's mistake was to make reference to Carl's plinths which rather suggested he had copied it. As it happens his pattern of cutouts more closely resemble the template provided by Ropie for free to DIYers. That template has been available since 2010 on the Lenco Heaven site and predates Carl's work by some 3 years. Normally Ropie would expect a royalty for commercial production but clearly, from the pricing, Don wasn't making money out of this so no royalties were requested.
Now Carl's plinths are exceptionally well made from birch ply and he offers a range of finishes which look very professional. The price, still very reasonable, reflects that this is a commercial venture and Carl has many satisfied customers.
On the other hand Don's plinths are made from the cheaper, and some would argue, inferior mdf. However, they are ridiculously cheap and provide an excellent way for someone not inclined to DIY their own to build a Lenco. In other words the two products are not comparable except both are an evolution of earlier designs. As such no plagiarism is involved and both Carl and Don are providing a service to Lenco builders.

Nice bit of context Ian thanks for posting this.

28-11-2017, 19:11
As another admin at Lenco Heaven, I concur with everything Ian has said.

30-11-2017, 21:12
Still got 5 to go ...early Xmas present?
2 are painted, 3 are bare...

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

07-12-2017, 20:54



08-12-2017, 07:45
Hi if you can make one for the 401 put my name down for one


08-12-2017, 09:16
Cheers Dave, I'm waiting on old boy to send me over a template that has no ownership attached...unless someone out there has got a definitive template they don't mind sharing with the forum....I could ask workshop to do a run of five perhaps?

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk