View Full Version : new cartridge on its way .

14-11-2017, 16:50
ive just bought a candenza black to compare against the decca c4e,ive secretly wanted to try one since owning the 2m black so it will be an interesting comparison.
which one will come out on top i wonder?

14-11-2017, 17:02
ive just bought a candenza black to compare against the decca c4e,ive secretly wanted to try one since owning the 2m black so it will be an interesting comparison.
which one will come out on top i wonder?Wow Jamie, you are going for it lately!! What amplifier so you use? Random I know 😆

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14-11-2017, 17:30
Wow!! Another one joining the Ortofon Cadenza B club :)
Have I ever said I'm a big fan by any chance ? !! :D

Don't expect a cart that throws in your face ballsy excitement at you - it doesn't impose itself.

It is very neutral, digs deep and gets hold of whats been recorded \ the music.

Expect the qualities of what the 2MB does but even more refinement and detail \ information of texture timbre and seperation of individual parts and nuances.

Plays all genres with poise and balance - I love mine unashamedly :o

14-11-2017, 17:37
Wow Jamie, you are going for it lately!! What amplifier so you use? Random I know ��

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i know its getting frightening! im still using the sony 700es amp.

14-11-2017, 17:38
i know its getting frightening! im still using the sony 700es amp.Ok, yes. Now I remember. Cheers! You'll be after a new amp next 🤣

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14-11-2017, 17:38
Wow!! Another one joining the Ortofon Cadenza B club :)
Have I ever said I'm a big fan by any chance ? !! :D

Don't expect a cart that throws in your face ballsy excitement at you - it doesn't impose itself.

It is very neutral, digs deep and gets hold of whats been recorded \ the music.

Expect the qualities of what the 2MB does but even more refinement and detail \ information of texture timbre and seperation of individual parts and nuances.

Plays all genres with poise and balance - I love mine unashamedly :o

it should make for an interesting comparison then!
i must admit im very excited to hear it,should be with me by monday :)

14-11-2017, 17:39
Can we have an Ortofon group? I may be about to join too. Albeit not with a Cadenza Black.

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14-11-2017, 17:42
You'll be glad to know Jamie it isn't as painful to set up as the 2MB.

Still requires careful meticulous setup and vta sensitive - slightly negative rake too like the other Shibata Ortofons in my experience.

14-11-2017, 17:43
sweet,i looking forward to being able to see a cantilever again!

14-11-2017, 17:45
Can we have an Ortofon group? I may be about to join too. Albeit not with a Cadenza Black.

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Thought the same a few times myself Oliver. We kind of have one anyway I guess lot of fans about..

14-11-2017, 17:53
Count me in on that, loved the 2MB and really enjoying the Quintet Black.

14-11-2017, 17:54
Ortofon group looks a winner!

14-11-2017, 18:33
im in!
just had an email from the courier,its coming thursday :)

14-11-2017, 19:29
Cadenza black will be a bit special I think, would love to try one but will stick with my humble 2M for a bit longer. It still sounds superb in my system.:)

14-11-2017, 19:31
Is the 'honeymoon' over with the Decca C4E?

14-11-2017, 19:39


14-11-2017, 19:43
Is the 'honeymoon' over with the Decca C4E?

no barry,i was in the right place at the right time so to speak,it was too good to pass up,my only reservation about the decca is that in the back of my mind i have this nagging doubt that its not the best cartridge for my tonearm.

14-11-2017, 20:19
I was listening to a friend's Cadenza Black a week or two back and you're in for a treat Jamie. Lovely cartridge.

14-11-2017, 21:33
Lot of money like, the cadenza Black!

Wakefield Turntables
14-11-2017, 21:35
Hi, welcome to the Cadenza black club!

15-11-2017, 12:53
Jamie / anyone, a quick tip (no pun intended) that you may find useful.

This applies if like me you dont wear glasses.

My eye sight has always been excellent.

Of late though I can tell they have dropped off slightly - Years of staring at phone and long hours in front of a pc - modern living.

Anyway, when i first landed my Cadenza B I got to setting it up with usual care and attention.

Once I was happy, I had a look through my wife's £1/2 cheap off the shelf 0.75 reading glasses only to find it was pretty off :eek:

Setting up with them after gave amazing clarity of vision, made following arc and accuracy at grid point a breeze and gave me the best set-up ever.

I could clearly see the stylus tip and it's position on any given line and so on... I'll never set up again without them (hopefully next when the wheels fall off the Cadenza B :D)

Highly recommended cheap as chips aid for anyone who doesn't wear glasses, even if you think your eyes are good ;)

15-11-2017, 16:58
good tip there mate,i do have the usual collection of loops and magnifying glasses but anything that makes set up easier im happy to try.

16-11-2017, 02:47
Yes a good magnifying glass is a must. Candeza Black! I am so jealous right now!

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Wakefield Turntables
16-11-2017, 08:13
Yes a good magnifying glass is a must. Candeza Black! I am so jealous right now!

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yeah but you've a really cool avatar!

16-11-2017, 08:23
yeah but you've a really cool avatar!

My Sasquatch impression! Taken at a club in Richmond, VA

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16-11-2017, 19:14
latest score just in,
cadenza black 1- decca c4e 0


16-11-2017, 19:37
latest score just in,
cadenza black 1- decca c4e 0

:eek::carrot:Wheres the pictures!!!!!!

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16-11-2017, 19:52
i'll sort some out tomorrow as it was a bit of a rushed job to get it on and have a listen,the proper set up i will do at the weekend.
im surprised how small it is in real life.
wanna buy a decca ??:eyebrows:

16-11-2017, 19:57
i'll sort some out tomorrow as it was a bit of a rushed job to get it on and have a listen,the proper set up i will do at the weekend.
im surprised how small it is in real life.
wanna buy a decca ??:eyebrows:Lmfao, I'll have a loan of that's available!?


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16-11-2017, 20:00
no comment :lol:

Wakefield Turntables
16-11-2017, 20:19
I'm glad that your liking your Black. The only down side now is if your tonearm and head-shell combo get the best from the cart.

16-11-2017, 20:23
no comment [emoji38][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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16-11-2017, 20:34
I like the ortofon Cartridges
They do a lot that is right to my ears.
I bet your black is a bit fab.

16-11-2017, 20:37
I'm glad that your liking your Black. The only down side now is if your tonearm and head-shell combo get the best from the cart.
the alphason is doing sterling service at the moment :)

16-11-2017, 20:58
the alphason is doing sterling service at the moment :)

Nothing wrong with that Tonearm it’s beat a few much more expensive tonearms that I have had:)

16-11-2017, 22:26
i'll sort some out tomorrow as it was a bit of a rushed job to get it on and have a listen,the proper set up i will do at the weekend.
im surprised how small it is in real life.
wanna buy a decca ??:eyebrows:

Ha Ha, Now that was exactly my thought when I got mine - amazing.
Glad you're enjoying it.
If it's brand new it'll change subtly over time as these things do, for the better too I'm led to believe and again it's subtle.
Mine had low hours so I dont think I have had that to worry about, although it did look brand new when I got it

Keep us posted :)

17-11-2017, 00:31
Nothing wrong with that Tonearm it’s beat a few much more expensive tonearms that I have had:)

Should be fab with the Alphason. I might be tempted to put 2-3g headshell weight in the mix just to get it digging a little deeper.

I really rated my Ortofon Jubilee (cadenza black’s predecessor at top of the kontrapunkt/cadenza line. ) The description above is spot on.

I can still join the Ortofon club I still have an SPU Royal and a vintage alnico SPU GE in use daily.

17-11-2017, 11:25
i'll sort some out tomorrow as it was a bit of a rushed job to get it on and have a listen,the proper set up i will do at the weekend.
im surprised how small it is in real life.
wanna buy a decca ??:eyebrows:

So next week we can expect some listening impressions?

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17-11-2017, 11:33
Sooner than that!

Wakefield Turntables
17-11-2017, 15:04
for some reason i thought you had a micro seiki tonearm bolted to your vinyl grinder! My eyesight must be going. :wheniwasaboy:

17-11-2017, 18:49
I've been having a good read about the Cadenza Black and I am now very jealous Jamie. If you come over here with the Rock make sure you check the cartridge before you leave, just in case it vanishes hahaha.

18-11-2017, 09:29
:popcorn: Come on Jamie rise and shine :D

Wakefield Turntables
18-11-2017, 11:46
:popcorn: Come on Jamie rise and shine :D

Hes probably had a 72 hour solid session listening to his vinyl collection :rofl:

18-11-2017, 11:52
Hes probably had a 72 hour solid session listening to his vinyl collection :rofl:

Too right :lol:

19-11-2017, 10:10
well i had a day of setting it up and a long listening session.
im very happy with this cartridge,its very neutral,robbie what you said, "dont expect a cart that throws in your face ballsy excitement at you - it doesn't impose itself" is right on the money. in fact coming from a decca it was most alarming at first,paranoia was telling me something is wrong here!
this was swept away with the increased detail the black was serving up,its a feast for the ears lol,
with only 20hrs on it hopefully there is more to come!


the decca is a fantastic sounding cartridge,it has drive and punch,the black is a calmer beast with grace and elegance,to use a boxing analogy you could say the decca is mike tyson,the black is muhammad ali :)


to my ears whats special about the black is it just disappears and lets you enjoy the music,with most of the cartridges ive owned there was always some weakness that showed up,not with this one although it has got me thinking about SUT so just as one money pit has been filled in......


19-11-2017, 11:37
Lovely looking thing. I bet it's a beautiful listen.

SUT? I'd go head amp every time mate. SUTs don't bring the expanse that Headamps do imo. Still, I haven't had "that" much exposure to either but that was how I felt.

Personally, Id look at the amplification end next. Having swapped out my Sony to the Monoblocks, I'd never go back. There was a matching Nakamichi pass amp on eBay recently. Thatd be great with your preamp.


https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 362023641243


https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.de%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F162 526407165

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19-11-2017, 11:46
the first one has been around for ages and not sold and as to the other one,well a little bit of wee has just come out !:lol:

19-11-2017, 11:51
SUT? I'd go head amp every time mate. SUTs don't bring the expanse that Headamps do imo.

You haven't heard my SUT matey! :D

19-11-2017, 11:52
You haven't heard my SUT matey! :DYes Geoff, as stated,y exposure isn't massive.

What you using?

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19-11-2017, 11:56
Yes Geoff, as stated,y exposure isn't massive.

What you using?

Pure unobtainium. An Osawa OS-100T. You'd never find one. It's as good as any other SUT I've tried. It matched the highly prized silver wound Luxman AD8000/8020 I had.

19-11-2017, 12:07
Oh. And if you google that. The only image you'll get is of mine! :)

19-11-2017, 12:36
Oh. And if you google that. The only image you'll get is of mine! :)Lol, fair enough

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19-11-2017, 12:54
You haven't heard my SUT matey! :D

Agree with Geoff. A head amp can regularly better a lower end SUT but a top end SUT - I’m thinking some of the ones that I’ve owned like Kondo era Audio Note AN-6c, Hashimoto HM-7, S&B tx103 - will typically better any head amp (and I’ve had a few of those as well including Graham Slee elevator exp and Denon HA-500 and 1000, plus assorted boutique battery jobs).

Geoff has me intrigued. I have a something of a yen for Japanese SUT exotica.

19-11-2017, 12:59
Agree with Geoff. A head amp can regularly better a lower end SUT but a top end SUT - I’m thinking some of the ones that I’ve owned like Kondo era Audio Note AN-6c, Hashimoto HM-7, S&B tx103 - will typically better any head amp (and I’ve had a few of those as well including Graham Slee elevator exp and Denon HA-500 and 1000, plus assorted boutique battery jobs).

Geoff has me intrigued. I have a something of a yen for Japanese SUT exotica.Well, I recently heard a HA-500 VS Hashimoto and as far as I am concerned it was a one sided affair. I'd take the HA-500 all day, every day.

The Hashimoto was no where near as expansive and the sound stage was smaller. The HA brought everything out of the cartridge. And before we go on about impedance matching etc it was matched to the cartridge.

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19-11-2017, 13:28
:) I've used an HA-500. It was OK, but not for me really.

Same with the much revered EAR 834P (MM/MC version), which I thought overrated. The MC input is via inbuilt SUT's which I thought crap. The MM side is OK, but a bit 'tubey' and ill defined. The rather underestimated Graham Slee ERA Gold V + PSU1 showed that a clean pair of heels, especially on MC's with a decent SUT up front.

19-11-2017, 13:32
anyway back on track!
ive been playing vinyl since 8am non stop,that tells me something lol
keep your eyes on private exhibitions :eyebrows:

19-11-2017, 14:14
anyway back on track!
ive been playing vinyl since 8am non stop,that tells me something lol
keep your eyes on private exhibitions :eyebrows:What you selling Jamie? The Decca????

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Wakefield Turntables
19-11-2017, 18:27
The Cadenza Black works very well with the ST80SE SUT from Ortofon, it's the one I use.

19-11-2017, 18:54
cheers for the tip,big money though,putting the price to one side how can i tell if my mc stage in my pre amp is up to the job of getting the best from the black?
here's the specs for my phono stages in the pre amp


19-11-2017, 19:22
Head amps, phono stages, suts - it's about synergy. Get the best phono stage you can afford with an excellent mc/mm and you can climb the ladder later. Specs dont necessarily mean a match made in heaven.

19-11-2017, 19:41
cheers,thats the trouble out of those which direction is best?

19-11-2017, 19:47
There is of course a way of getting a pretty nice sounding vinyl front end for pocket money.

Pick up a Bellari VP129 mini valve phono stage and a top vintage ADC cartridge. That little combo will run circles around many MC setups and can possibly be put together for less than £200! So there!! :)

22-11-2017, 11:31
There is of course a way of getting a pretty nice sounding vinyl front end for pocket money.

Pick up a Bellari VP129 mini valve phono stage and a top vintage ADC cartridge. That little combo will run circles around many MC setups and can possibly be put together for less than £200! So there!! :)

ADC, now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while, are they still in business? I had an ADC belt drive ‘table when I was 16, with ADC cartridge on it. Many moons ago! I loved that setup, it was impressive for a young man of that age.

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22-11-2017, 13:25
cheers,thats the trouble out of those which direction is best?

I'm a fan of tube phono stages myself - I've only ever owned one solid state phono stage that could compete on equal terms with a good tube phono stage and that's the Aurorasound Vida. Tubes generally partner really well with step-ups. Adey's advice is spot on. Tons of options.

27-11-2017, 16:58
ive sent the cadenza back today,it was a ex demo with approx 20 hrs on it,i just wasn't getting the magic from it,i spoke to a guy from henley audio who checked the serial number and they had no record of it on their system which goes back back 2 yrs or so,he said he'd have to dig deeper,i guess if id just spent £1800 for a new one id be very upset,good as it was it just didnt sound like an £1800 cartridge. the decca goes back on again! lol

27-11-2017, 18:12
I know they are popular here but I find them lacklustre.

27-11-2017, 18:15
yes,i spoke to a brilliant guy at hifi corner who totally understood where i was coming from,and agreed it can sound laid back,he is a decca fan too and recommended the dynavector xx2.

28-11-2017, 10:52
There is also Audio Technica.

28-11-2017, 10:55
This is a bit left field in terms of price but I'm currently listening to a Goldring Eroica. It's a fantastic cartridge. All the detail of the AT33PTGII but has that boogie ability of the ZYX. I'm very impressed so far. Still available around £350.

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28-11-2017, 11:03
I bet the vitality and dynamics of the Decca easily beat the Cadenza. I have a mate who has sold MC cartridges and heard most of the great MC cartridges out there and he still prefers a Decca!

Must get mine back from Oli!:lol:

28-11-2017, 11:16
This is a bit left field in terms of price but I'm currently listening to a Goldring Eroica. It's a fantastic cartridge. All the detail of the AT33PTGII but has that boogie ability of the ZYX. I'm very impressed so far. Still available around £350

I knew you'd like that Oliver :). It makes music! Best MC bargain out there!!

04-12-2017, 17:35
Good to hear about the Eroica Oliver. My new Eroica LX arrived about half an hour ago. Will replace a Linn Adikt MM which costs about the same. Be an interesting comparison, the SUT will be a Puresound T10.


04-12-2017, 21:31
I knew you'd like that Oliver :). It makes music! Best MC bargain out there!!

Its a great cart. Very musical as you say but not lacking any detail or weight. I am very impressed

04-12-2017, 21:32
Let us know how you get on with it, I am quickly becoming a fan of this cartridge.

04-12-2017, 21:39
Its a great cart. Very musical as you say but not lacking any detail or weight. I am very impressed

I must give mine a whirl again. Not used it for a while.