View Full Version : WTD: Din cable for Naim system

07-11-2017, 12:10
I seem to have bought a Nait 3/CD3.5 combo on a complete whim but now realise I need a cable to link them with! The Nait has Phono cards so I think I need din to din. WHYG?

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07-11-2017, 13:00
Just buy new from Flashback, they're about £25 I think.

07-11-2017, 13:09
pm sent...

07-11-2017, 20:38
Cor Lawrence. I thought I was the one that buys on a whim. You certainly beat me!

What will you do with all the other stuff you have got? What will 'Olive' think about this? :)

07-11-2017, 22:35
Yeah I go through phases. So recently I've scratched a number of itches, Celestion A3 you know all about, Kef Reference Model 4.2s (which have literally just left the building, shortly to be replaced by some 2.2s equally bought on a whim) and the Young dac (hopefully going on Monday) were all on my list, along with a Nait 3 or a 90/92. Seeing it for sale with the CD3.5 and a quick google (2 mins looking at the Stereophile review) were enough to convince me. The only things I forgot to factor in were the din cable requirement (hopefully sorted out thanks to Alan's generosity) and potential issues with certain speaker cable, which wasn't an issue last time I had the Nait. But from what I remember last time, after 5 mins of listening (or just the first note!) you forget all the hassle and just enjoy!

Now let me try and remember what else is on my list. Oh yes Jamo Concert 11, IMF TLS80s or higher, and Cambridge Audio R50s (later higher output version) are still itching.. (Driven by Krell or Levinson amplification.)

07-11-2017, 22:45
And Olive has been quite understanding, it keeps me out of the pub after all :cool: