View Full Version : FS: Mark Grant Mains Filter A MUST for anything digital & Valve and Solid State

The Black Adder
07-11-2017, 08:23
Hi guys.

This is my tube distinctions digital mains filter. Assembled by Mark Grant.

I'm finding that I'm loving vinyl more than ever these days and would like to invest more in to that.

It really is a superb bit of kit. An essential addition for anything digital... and valve, read on.

Designed by Anthony Matthews (AnthonyTD) of Tube Distinctions and assembled by Mark Grant. Excellent build quality and worth every penny.

It has a UK and Schuko socket but you could have it converted to an identical UK socket if needs be.

Can supply a standard but very decent Schuko 1m lead if needed.

I have been using this with my RPI, CD and my Blu-ray player with superb results. I've also tried this with my Croft preamp and it also made a marked improvement in space. So although designed for digital I've found it can be used with valve kit too!

Others have used these with SS phono stages with excellent results.

This is a very versatile bit of kit.

Below are some details from the Mark Grant page: https://markgrant.co.uk/mains-filters/295-tube-distinctions-mains-power-filter.html

"The Power Works Mains power filter is based on an original proven design by Anthony Mathews from Tube Distinctions and has been in use by professional musicians for many years.

The design has been vigorously optimised by Mark Grant for maximum performance in your system.

This is a digital mains noise power filter to remove both differential mode and common mode noise from the incoming mains supply and prevent forwarding noise from any digital source device from getting any further in your system.

The internal layout has been designed to ensure an equal resistance path to both sockets while also ensuring an equal power delivery to both sockets.

Each socket is individually filtered to ensure noise from one plugged in device cannot reach another device plugged into the adjacent socket.

The Power Works mains filter has multiple stages of filtration to remove mains borne noise from noisy electrical devices on your mains supply and also reduce Radio frequency and wireless noise that is present on the mains supply.

Each of the filter modules inside the power filter is a bespoke custom hand made design using discrete components. No off the shelf filters are used in this device.

The components are all of the highest quality and each filter module is a balanced design using hand picked, measured and matched component values.

Nearly every electrical device you buy has a noisy switch mode power supply that leaks noise into the electrical cables in your house or studio. Also Radio frequencies from mobile phone transmitters and TV transmitters can be present on the mains supply and this digital noise filter reduces them by a huge amount.

The noise reduction of this filter has been scientifically measured at 52dB, this is a huge amount of noise reduction.

Thee maximum total load is 10 amps which is around 2300 watts.

Especially designed for source components such as:

CD players
Blu ray players

CE approved and independently tested for compliance and performance."

These retail at £350 + post

So I'm asking for £290 plus post.

PM if interested.

Paypal giftywoo please.

Thanks :) Jo


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11-11-2017, 18:02
This isn't only limited to digital. I use one with my Vida phonostage and with the Truth pre. It has a noticeable effect.

The Black Adder
11-11-2017, 19:28
This isn't only limited to digital. I use one with my Vida phonostage and with the Truth pre. It has a noticeable effect.Yep.. I have also used it with my croft pre and found a noticeable improvement.

Its an excellent bit of kit.

Sent from my 9001X using Tapatalk

The Black Adder
04-04-2018, 19:03
Now £240 + post

The Black Adder
21-04-2018, 07:52

The Black Adder
23-04-2018, 19:05
No takers for this excellent bit of kit?

24-04-2018, 08:54
Indeed. I'm stunned it hasn't gone yet!!

I use one of these superb devices, and wouldn't be without it, as it's the *only* mains filter I've owned that doesn't impact adversely on sound quality, whilst performing its cleaning up duties. All others I've tried have 'sat' on the sound, to varying degrees, by dulling transient attack and bloating the bass (all directly as a result of notably increasing mains impedance).

This filter doesn't [as its been designed by someone who properly knows what he's doing], and conversely IMPROVES those areas of reproduction, not only by cleaning up the mains supply feeding your equipment, but most effectively by removing 'switching noise' from DACs/SMPS units, and stopping it from polluting, thus adversely affecting, other components sharing the same mains supply.

Want to remove that rather annoying 'hard edge' (or glare) from a zingy-sounding CD player, music streamer or other digital sources, but not make them sound 'soft' in the process (by ensuring that the music's natural dynamic impact remains intact), all done whilst purifying the mains supply feeding your other gear?

Well, this filter will DO it. They don't often come up at this price either, and in such minty condition..... My advice, folks? Get this snapped up soon, before someone luckier than you lands it :exactly: :trust:


The Black Adder
25-04-2018, 07:23
Thanks, Marco.

It is an excellent bit of kit and somebody will be very happy. It really makes a difference.

I have accepted an offer, just waiting for a reply.

Sent from my 9001X using Tapatalk

The Black Adder
25-04-2018, 08:12
Sold... thanks :)

25-04-2018, 08:30
Thanks Josie, I'm looking forward to seeing if it makes a difference to my digital front end and amp - Mac Mini into Wyred 4 Sound MiNT

25-04-2018, 12:25
Nice one, Ian. You'll love it :)

The professional version for musicians has been reviewed in this month's Guitar and Bass magazine, see here:


I guess if it can successfully clean up noise in that type of application, it should also be able to do it in your system at home!;)

Interested parties, for either version of this filter, should contact Mark Grant: https://www.markgrantcables.co.uk/uk/mains-power/tube-distinctions-mains-power-filter/
