View Full Version : Ad deleted

18-02-2010, 00:40
*Ad deleted as per warning*

First post on here but well known over on the Hifi Wigwam.

18-02-2010, 01:22
Pictures would help :)

Also, a post in the welcome section wouldn't go amiss! ;)

What's your first name and where are you from?


Steve Toy
18-02-2010, 02:21
The first post on AOS really should not be in the Classifieds. However, if you pop into the Welcome area by noon today the ad won't be pulled ;)

18-02-2010, 16:01
Indeed - it's more than a little cheeky! ;)

It's about putting something into a community instead of just taking from it.


Dave Cawley
18-02-2010, 16:40

If you want to sit in front of the fire, you have to get up and put a log onto it.


18-02-2010, 16:48
If you want to sit in front of the fire, you have to get up and put a log onto it.

Excellent !!! I'll put this in my signature, for a while, if you don't mind. ;)

The Vinyl Adventure
18-02-2010, 16:57
As long as it's a tree log and not a bum log .... No one likes the stick when that happens!

Dave Cawley
18-02-2010, 18:10
Hi Dimitri

You are welcome, it came form our local poet Kevin Pyne and was about newcomers to our pretty town on the river. I think the full version was something like " If you want to sit in front of the fire, now and again you have get up and put a log on it " But any combination of any of the words portrays the sentiment. People are welcome to move into www.Dartmouth.tv but they are expected to put something back into the community if they want to take something out of it. I did and still do.



18-02-2010, 18:39
Credit given. What a wonderful small city, indeed ! :)

18-02-2010, 19:02
Excellent !!! I'll put this in my signature, for a while, if you don't mind. ;)

I think this could become a trend... :)

The Grand Wazoo
19-02-2010, 00:27
No, don't sit on the fence. Tell it like you mean it!

23-02-2010, 00:52
Just don't have time to participate in every forum. It's pretty normal on the Wam to have people post with a 'I'm not a regular here but I'm well known over on x ...'

As it happens the post was pulled before I could log back in (some of us have to go to work you know). About as unfriendly a welcome as you can get.

There are plenty of people who know me over here from other sites. I might have been persuaded to hang around and contribute (like I do on a daily basis in other places) but given the self-satisfied crap I've just read here I don't think I'll bother.

I've noticed over the years on the Wam that many people post first in the classifieds and then develop into active members when they read what's going on. Bet that doesn't happen much around here.

23-02-2010, 01:26
Hi (I still don't know your proper name),

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm afraid that I don't know you, as I rarely look at Wigwam. The procedure on AOS is that we ask all new members to post in the welcome area first, and introduce themselves properly to people, before posting anywhere else. It only takes a few minutes to do this.

I don't think that's too much to ask, given that this is a community of audio and music enthusiasts and not simply a free 'hi-fi for sale site' for your (or anyone else's convenience).

To join our site simply to use our advertising facilities is akin to going into a pub for a piss without buying at least a pint or a packet of crisps - it's a little bit cheeky! ;)

However, if you introduce yourself properly, I'm more than willing to reinstate your ad and we can take things from there, but if not, that's entirely up to you :)


23-02-2010, 02:07
It does seem a little harsh to me guys!

I could of vouched for Tom as he's a good guy I know from the Wam. I've dealt with him in the past & he's a real nice fella! :)

My first couple of posts here were in the classifieds. As a new member you don't instantly know the forums procedures & to delete his ad in less than 12 hours is a bit harsh IMO a little more time may of been more friendly.

It didn't seem much of a welcome!

I agree too that new people do sometimes start off in the classifieds then work slowly into the forum! I think he was adding to the forum by offering his very nice gear for sale to members here a very nice pair of Lindley-Allen modified Quad ESL57 speakers amoungst other things.

Steve Toy
23-02-2010, 02:36
We do things differently here to the 'Wam. It isn't necessarily better but it is different and such diversity should serve to enhance your overall online forum enjoyment.

Note also that we don't discourage mention of other forums because we're not protective about our membership and contribution level in this way (our notion of being a niche forum takes care of that.) We even allow links to other forums.

Obviously we don't encourage inter-forum bitching but that's another matter altogether.

If you genuinely want to contibute here you really do need to embrace our way of doing things. It's not inaccessible or difficult so there's no need to run off in a huff. You're still very welcome here.

I'm sorry if your initial reception seemed abrupt.

23-02-2010, 08:11
Hi Alfie,

I accept your (well-made) point :)

However, I'm a great believer in the old saying: 'When abroad, do as the locals do' - i.e. respect and adhere to the customs and traditions of another country when you're there as a visitor, and don't impose your beliefs or way of living on them...

Well, essentially, that's what we're asking Tom (and all other new members) to do: to respect our 'customs' here on AOS. Once done, he'll be more than welcome to advertise his stuff (as often as he likes). There's a protocol to observe. It's not much to ask, I don't think.

Sorry, Tom - I hope you understand :cool:


23-02-2010, 08:32
However, I'm a great believer in the old saying: 'When abroad, do as the locals do' - i.e. respect and adhere to the customs and traditions of another country when you're there as a visitor, and don't impose your beliefs or way of living on them...

Simple politeness and savoir-vivre. ;)

Mike Reed
23-02-2010, 11:32
Dearie me ! Yet another altercation? I'm never controversial on policy, but I do get the impression that this action was rather precipitate.

Tom's pseudonym is even known to me, and I'm not a regular visitor to the Wam, but regardless, the rules of this club are not so rigid as to elicit such a reaction in a potential member, surely?

Steve Toy
23-02-2010, 11:40
If you want to sit in front of the fire you have to get up and put a log on it.

I'm not a rules is rules kinda guy but I think we have to be consistent with this.
We like members to post in the Welcome area before they post anywhere else and gently remind them to do so when necessary.

Posting an ad as a first post is definitely red flag.

Our way of doing things definitely divides opinion but there is a certain logic to it that some get and some don't all of the time.

23-02-2010, 13:30
I take your point & agree that 'when in Rome,do as the Romans do'
but on entering a forum for the first time you don't know the customs & protocol! You find these things out by spending time here!

Most newcomers here have to be asked to pop into the welcome area & post a few details normally after they've made a few posts & not with a noon curfew!
I think the welcome area & first names etc is a nice touch & adds to the forum! Maybe you should withhold posting rights until this has been done or at least give enough time for people to respond to the request to attend to these needs!

The time with Tom just seemed very short indeed & that was the only point I was trying to make!:)

And perhaps a member here may of missed out on owning one of the best pairs of ESL57s ever made!:(

Steve Toy
23-02-2010, 13:40
Good point. Perhaps Beechy can alter the permissions so that at least one post must appear in the Welcome area before posting is even possible anywhere else.

Jason P
23-02-2010, 14:50
FWIW I thought Montesquieus treatment harsh. He may have inadvertantly broken this forums etiquette, but I've joined many fora to respond or post a classified - I see classifieds as a service to the forum - kit for sale is kit for sale, and private sellers offering kit to other hi-fi buffs is a perfectly legitimate way in to a forum IMHO (trade sellers is another matter). I can understand it if he's formed the opinion that AoS is cliquey (and not in a good way) from his treatment here. A polite PM to him may have been a more appropriate way of dealing with it, IMHO.

Would it be possible to add a clear message to the joining procedure stating what AoS expects of new members? That way you'll not have the possibility of unwanted adverse reactions when people transgress the 'rules'...


23-02-2010, 15:51
Hi Jason and Alfie,

Points taken and, rest assured, we'll definitely look into them!

However, Jason, there's a difference between joining a forum to respond to a classifieds ad, and joining one with seemingly the sole intention of simply using the free facilities to advertise! ;)

Do you see my point? It is purely the latter that we consider a bit naughty!

Of course, Tom may have had the intention of posting elsewhere too, and contributing as a normal member in due course, but unfortunately there was no evidence of that, so we had to make a judgement call :)

All he has to do now to solve the problem is pop back and introduce himself properly, then his ad will go back up.

As an aside, I do wish new members would take the opportunity to look around the place properly first before posting, whereupon they should notice the (currently) 525 threads in the Welcome area, big and bold, at the top of the forum, and note what's required when joining AOS from the information therein..... :cool:


23-02-2010, 16:14
There are plenty of people who know me over here from other sites. I might have been persuaded to hang around and contribute (like I do on a daily basis in other places) but given the self-satisfied crap I've just read here I don't think I'll bother.
The best defense strategy is attacking ? :scratch:

What a strange world you live in. :(

Steve Toy
23-02-2010, 16:21
It is almost as though all along he only wanted to come and make an arse of himself then bugger off.

23-02-2010, 16:37

I suspect it was probably just a misunderstanding - however the observations raised in my previous post still stand.

Dimitri makes a good point, though... Tom could've reacted better earlier by respecting our wishes, as most new members joining seem only too willing to do, instead of making those remarks - and everything would've been fine.

Anyway, people, can we please draw a line under this now? I really don't want the classifieds area further 'infected' with this stuff. Tom knows what he has to do if he wants his ad reinstated and/or to post here. The door is thus open for him to proceed (or not) as he wishes :)

Let's leave it there now, cheers!


Jason P
23-02-2010, 16:40
Posted as Marco wrote the above. Will PM you with it.


23-02-2010, 22:06
0there's a difference between joining a forum to respond to a classifieds ad, and joining one with seemingly the sole intention of simply using the free facilities to advertise! ;)

Do you see my point? It is purely the latter that we consider a bit naughty!


Strange viewpoint - surely It is better to give, sell, than take, buy. Join to take Ok, give for sale - bad person.

I dont want to buy or sell BTW.

23-02-2010, 22:09
Hi and welcome to AOS - however, you seem to have missed where you should be posting first, despite it being plastered all over this thread! ;)

Strange viewpoint - surely It is better to give, sell, than take, buy. Join to take Ok, give for sale - bad person.

That's not the point. This is a hi-fi and music discussion community, first and foremost, not a subsidiary of 'hififorsale.com'.

You must show that you're willing to give something to the site first, in terms of useful contributions to discussions, before using it simply to sell your wares!


25-02-2010, 08:02

It might be an idea to stick this

You must show that you're willing to give something to the site first, in terms of useful contributions to discussions, before using it simply to sell your wares!

Somewhere prominent so that any casual unsuspecting traveller will know what this place is about. They can then decide whether they have what it takes to join or not.

25-02-2010, 08:40
Good idea, Shuggz - I'll make it into a sticky thread here later :)


25-02-2010, 11:25
Good idea, Shuggz - I'll make it into a sticky thread here later :)


Or put it in the 'welcome to AoS' email that every new member receives.

25-02-2010, 11:53
Good idea, mate - do you fancy implementing it? :)


25-02-2010, 17:14
Thinking about it, Rob, the ideal procedure that most new members should follow is this:

1) Once arriving on AOS, before simply diving into a particular discussion right away (which perhaps initially attracted you to the site), have a look round and familiarise yourself with the layout and what is required from being a member of our community.

2) That done, read and digest the ethos thoroughly and decide whether or not you're liable to fit in here LONG TERM - better to decide this sooner rather than later, as if you're against what our ethos stands for, or not entirely 'in tune' with it, this will rise to the surface eventually and more than likely cause problems.

3) Once you've decided that you like what you see and think you'll fit in nicely, pop into the welcome area and introduce yourself by telling us your real first name, where you're from, what your system is, and what your taste is in music. If you feel so inclined, a mini 'autobiography' of your hi-fi journey to-date would make your introduction that bit more interesting and informative to existing members.

4) Add your (basic) location details to your profile, and your real first name to the signature in your profile.

5) Once done, if you can, post some pictures of your system in the gallery.

Then, after having at least carried out 1-4 above, you're now ready to dive into the discussion that attracted you to the forum in the first place :cool:

Oh, and advertising on our site will also only be permitted after 3) and 4) above have been carried out!

Are you paying attention, people? ;)


Spectral Morn
25-02-2010, 17:26
Thinking about it, Rob, the ideal procedure that most new members should follow is this:

1) Once arriving on AOS (by whatever means), before simply diving into a particular discussion right away (which perhaps initially attracted you to the site), you should have a look round and familiarise yourself with the layout and what is required from being a member of our community.

2) That done, read and digest the ethos thoroughly and decide whether or not you're liable to fit in here LONG TERM - better to decide this sooner rather than later, as if you're against what our ethos stands for, or not entirely 'in tune' with it, this will rise to the surface eventually and more than likely cause problems.

3) Once you've decided that you like what you see and think you'll fit in nicely, pop into the welcome area and introduce yourself by telling us your real first name, where you're from, what your system is, and what your taste is in music. If you feel so inclined, a mini 'autobiography' of your hi-fi journey to date would make your introduction that bit more interesting and informative to existing members.

4) Add your (basic) location details to your profile, and your real first name to the signature in your profile.

5) Once done, if you can, post some pictures of your system in the gallery.

Then, after having at least carried out 1-4 above, you're now ready to 'dive into' the discussion which attracted you to the forum in the first place :cool:

Oh, and advertising on our site will also only be permitted after 3) and 4) above have been carried out!

Are you paying attention, people? ;)


And as many people don't arrive via the front/home page, but via a google link to the topic they have googled, how will that work? People generally don't read. Only way it will work is if its part of the registration process...there fore they are told directly at that point that this is what AoS requires when joining. Can the software do that ? I suggested the above a year ago (or there about's), as I just don't think newbies will do what AoS wants/would like unless they are told directly right at the start....before posting.

Regards D S D L

25-02-2010, 17:34
No, the software can't do that...
A simple reminder in the welcome area and/or the confirmation e-mail should do the work.
Let's not let the (very few) trolls dictate the rules ! ;)

25-02-2010, 17:35
I agree, Neil, hence why Rob (I presume) is going to add a condensed version of the above, via the forum software, to the welcome email every new member receives :)


25-02-2010, 17:37
Hi Dimitri,

I believe there is provision in the software to insert whatever text is required into the welcome email, so it shouldn't be a problem :cool:


25-02-2010, 18:10
Thinking about it, Rob, the ideal procedure that most new members should follow is this:

1) Once arriving on AOS (by whatever means), before simply diving into a particular discussion right away (which perhaps initially attracted you to the site), you should have a look round and familiarise yourself with the layout and what is required from being a member of our community.

2) That done, read and digest the ethos thoroughly and decide whether or not you're liable to fit in here LONG TERM - better to decide this sooner rather than later, as if you're against what our ethos stands for, or not entirely 'in tune' with it, this will rise to the surface eventually and more than likely cause problems.

3) Once you've decided that you like what you see and think you'll fit in nicely, pop into the welcome area and introduce yourself by telling us your real first name, where you're from, what your system is, and what your taste is in music. If you feel so inclined, a mini 'autobiography' of your hi-fi journey to date would make your introduction that bit more interesting and informative to existing members.

4) Add your (basic) location details to your profile, and your real first name to the signature in your profile.

5) Once done, if you can, post some pictures of your system in the gallery.

Then, after having at least carried out 1-4 above, you're now ready to 'dive into' the discussion which attracted you to the forum in the first place :cool:

Oh, and advertising on our site will also only be permitted after 3) and 4) above have been carried out!

Are you paying attention, people? ;)


I fell asleep halfway through.

25-02-2010, 18:16
That's you all over, though - lacking in dedication, or in other words, lazy! ;)


25-02-2010, 18:18
That's right! The world needs more lazy people, I reckon, but in the meantime I'm doing three people's slacking to make up for the shortage.

25-02-2010, 18:23


25-02-2010, 18:45

25-02-2010, 19:10
That's right! The world needs more lazy people, I reckon, but in the meantime I'm doing three people's slacking to make up for the shortage.

Oh I don't know - I'm doing my fair share; it's just that I'm too lazy to tell anyone!
