View Full Version : For Sale IPL S2 Tlp Transmission Line Speakers

The Alchemist
03-11-2017, 14:58
Is anyone interested in buying my IPL S2Tlp transmission line speakers?




The speakers are covered in black grille material which has the advantage of very neatly covering the mouth of the transmission line. The speakers have solid ebonised ash capping pieces. When I used them they stood on granite plinths using isolation feet but I could fit spikes if required. The crossovers have been upgraded to Ivan’s latest specifications and are built on paxolin boards with all components cabled tied to the board i.e as “bomb proof” as I could make them! The dimensions are 903mm high, 230mm wide and 310mm deep.

There has been plenty written about IPL speakers on this forum, but for those unfamiliar with transmission line speakers, further information can be found at www.alchemyloudspeakers.uk and www.iplacoustics.co.uk. These speakers are not available in any shop but are well regarded by those that have heard them.

How do they sound? I am obviously biased but I think they sound great! Bass is very crisp and natural without being “boomy” and goes down to 28 Hz. Mid range is exceptionally sweet and I love the ribbon tweeters. The “imaging” is outstanding. These would be a very attractive proposition for anyone who has good front end kit but doesn’t want to spend thousands of pounds on speakers. These speakers compare favourably with the very best and with a price tag of £350 could be considered a bargain. If you live within travelling distance of Cardiff I invite potential buyers to come and have a listen. I am confident that the first person to visit will want them!