View Full Version : 4 1m lengths of QED XT350 xtube speaker cable with Airloc bananas

30-10-2017, 15:29
Starting my cable clear out, first these which came with a system I bought years ago. The Audiosanctuary website says these would cost over £50 per 1m length with the airloc bananas at both ends, so that's £200 quids worth here. Not sure there's much demand for biwiring/biamping a 1m length, but if there is (bedroom system?) then keeping the cables short is definitely a good thing. They might also be handy for centre speakers? Sadly one of the banana plugs has snapped off. I'll do them all for £40 posted, or if you just want a pair, £25 for the 2 better ones or £20 if you're happy to replace one of the plugs.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20171030/cd6215fe17eb6e1988e63e87f5fa5307.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20171030/049c7cffbbafd65b4d6f730fa7310009.jpg

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30-10-2017, 20:33
Just thought, these are perfect for biamping with the amps sitting next to the speakers. I might keep these as I have a pair of valve monoblocs put away and a long RCA I've been keeping for just that purpose...

30-10-2017, 21:29
are these on sale or not?

30-10-2017, 21:50
I'll probably keep one pair and sell the other. Id rather have the better pair if anyone wants the others for £20?