View Full Version : Moving magnet leftovers

22-10-2017, 08:58
Marantz CT300 moving magnet cartridge
Spherical diamond tipped moving magnet cartridge with a 2-3g tracking weight used in many Marantz system turntables (Marantz CTS-420, TT-130, TT-221, TT-320 for example). Shank-mounted stylus. £9.99
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4454/37139422934_e9980b67ac_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/YzTfwb)

Marantz CT500 moving magnet cartridge
Spherical diamond tipped moving magnet cartridge with a 2-3g tracking weight used in many Marantz system turntables (Marantz CTS-420, TT-130, TT-221, TT-320 for example). Roughly speaking an AT91 equivalent. £17.99
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4474/37591657260_215c4e4095_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/ZgR52J)

Marantz CT700 moving magnet cartridge
A high-quality elliptical tipped moving magnet cartridge. - nude stylus appears unworn in microscope photographs. Roughly speaking an AT95E equivalent £27.99
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4504/37139426284_8658ab747b_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/YzTgvW)

These were hand-assembled prototypes for a range of cartridge never imported to the UK. They were used in listening assessments and have had very few hours put on the styli. Body paint finish poorly aged and finger marked; felt-tip marking of channel pins - stylus appears unworn in microscope photographs which can be supplied. Very interesting family of capable magnetic designs - £50 for all three. David

22-10-2017, 09:58
Very interesting and a bargain at £50 for the three!

22-10-2017, 15:56
What's the situation regarding replacement styli on these?

Sent from my NEM-L51 using Tapatalk

Audio Al
22-10-2017, 21:25
What's the situation regarding replacement styli on these?

Google is YOUR friend

23-10-2017, 06:50
What's the situation regarding replacement styli on these?

Google is YOUR friendThanks again Al, I did of course try Google first, did you also try before posting that to confirm if there is actually anything about them online? If so I'd be grateful for your findings.

Sent from my NEM-L51 using Tapatalk

23-10-2017, 07:54

more up to date version of CT300 stylus - plug replacement

some OEM compatible variants on offer - some NOS

as all three styli are effectively new there's a lot of mileage in this trio.

23-10-2017, 07:55
These have now gone to ebay so I am no longer able to offer them separately - bundle price remains however.

01-11-2017, 13:46
Now all sold