View Full Version : hello

12-02-2010, 16:05
hello there, I have only joined up and am new. I am always looking to improve my hifi and currently I am after a new dac. I enjoy all kinds of music. I look forward to learning more.

12-02-2010, 16:10
Hi Jim,

Welcome to AOS. What system are you using (what will you be using with your DAC) and where are you from? :)

Some pics of your system in the Gallery section would be good!


12-02-2010, 16:16
I am in London Uk and have a cd based hifi system.

Spectral Morn
12-02-2010, 16:29
I am in London Uk and have a cd based hifi system.

Hi Jim

Welcome to AoS.

Jim, your answer above is a bit vague imho. Can you supply some more detail..like amplifier, speakers, cables etc...sorry for being curious. You don't have to of course, but it will limit the amount of useful advice that can be given to help you.

Regards D S D L

12-02-2010, 17:06
Yes, Jim, a bit more detail would be appreciated.


The Grand Wazoo
12-02-2010, 17:20
Hello Jim and welcome to the Art of Sound.
We do like to let people know a few basics about ourselves here, that's one of the reasons why the AoS is such a friendly place and actually not in the least bit cliquey.

However, when the first post of a new member feels a little confrontational, then that feeling is generally shared across the whole place.
There are some very knowledgable and extremely helpful here, most of whom display a distinct lack of an agenda. If we were to know a little about your system we can help you an awful lot more. A statement like 'it's CD based' isn't really helping anyone to help you.

Anyway, as I said, welcome.

12-02-2010, 17:29
well Im sorry to be frank but my system details are strictly confidential. I would also question why it needs to be disclosed because sound quality of a product is something which only I can decide. From my past experience peoples advice hasnt been helpful. That said there is no harm in hearing what various people have to say and not all of hifi is subjective.

The Grand Wazoo
12-02-2010, 17:38
well Im sorry to be frank but my system details are strictly confidential.

Well, of course, that's your perogative, but it does seem a little unusual on a hifi forum.

I would also question why it needs to be disclosed because sound quality of a product is something which only I can decide.

erm..........maybe because sometimes component x works better with component y than it does with component z?

From my past experience peoples advice hasnt been helpful.

But you came here asking people's opinions did you not?

That said there is no harm in hearing what various people have to say and not all of hifi is subjective.

That kind of contradicts what you said above about sound quality being something which only you can decide.

12-02-2010, 17:41
Hi Jim, and welcome.

It could be helpful to let people know at least some details of your system so that folk have an idea of what to recommend (DAC wise) should you decide not to go for a Beresford.

There's always the chance that there are others with the same or similar equipment who've 'been there'! ;)


Ali Tait
12-02-2010, 17:42
Why on earth would you come on a hi-fi forum looking for advice and keep your gear confidential? Makes little sense to me.

Dave Hewitt
12-02-2010, 17:54
Hi Jim
Wellcome to the forum,how can anyone offer advice when you dont want to know what anyone thinks?Is your system top secret?or are you just being miscievious?or are you the pebble man?
Yours puzzled Dave.

Spectral Morn
12-02-2010, 17:56
well Im sorry to be frank but my system details are strictly confidential. I would also question why it needs to be disclosed because sound quality of a product is something which only I can decide. From my past experience peoples advice hasnt been helpful. That said there is no harm in hearing what various people have to say and not all of hifi is subjective.


It is impossible to offer you advice when

1 we don't know what your system is.

2 We don't know what music you like

3 We don't know what type of room you have.

It is impossible to help. Years of experience, in the audio trade (25 or so) helping may types of customers, required me asking lots of questions about them, their kit, music etc...without that info I could not help them. You are making things very difficult Jim...why ? What are you hiding ?

Regards D S D L

12-02-2010, 18:18
I know what Jim has:

12-02-2010, 19:46
You're a very bad man, Jerry! :lol:


12-02-2010, 19:51

It is impossible to offer you advice when

1 we don't know what your system is.

2 We don't know what music you like

3 We don't know what type of room you have.

It is impossible to help. Years of experience, in the audio trade (25 or so) helping may types of customers, required me asking lots of questions about them, their kit, music etc...without that info I could not help them. You are making things very difficult Jim...why ? What are you hiding ?

Regards D S D L

Its not so much a question of hiding it, than the fact that regardless of the above, it ultimately comes down to whether I like the sound or not. For example I tried the Benchmark DAC1 because it had many good reviews and is widely considered to be one of the best. And it wasn't a bad sound but it wasn't what I liked so I didn't buy it.

The Grand Wazoo
12-02-2010, 19:55
Trusting your ears is a good thing, but you asked for advice did you not? We've told you a way in which we can help should you choose to take it.
It's up to you

Spectral Morn
12-02-2010, 19:58
Its not so much a question of hiding it, than the fact that regardless of the above, it ultimately comes down to whether I like the sound or not. For example I tried the Benchmark DAC1 because it had many good reviews and is widely considered to be one of the best. And it wasn't a bad sound but it wasn't what I liked so I didn't buy it.

Hi Jim

As you have joined AoS for advice(I assume), it is I hope you will concede, hard to do, when we don't know what you have. It is entirely up to you whether you want to limit our help. You are right that ultimately its what you hear, in your system. So you will have to try a load of Dacs in your set up, buy a Beresford and try it in your system.

Even with us knowing what you have I would still encourage you to try anything out in your set up...taking advice is fine, but trying it out is better imho.

What do you think about I-Pods, Linn LP12s and Linn Kans ?

Regards D S D L

12-02-2010, 20:05
ipods, Linn lp12- I dont know much about these so I cant comment. My music collection is all on cd so it would be a great shame to use anything else. The other thing is that commercial pop music is not released as wav files but only as mp3. Is this correct? That is another reason for me to stick to cds.

12-02-2010, 20:35
No harm in sticking to CDs Jim but in the future you may wish to put music on your hard drive; lots of us do this with good results If you just want to use your cd player as a transport and have a dac then you would not a usb based dac

12-02-2010, 20:48
But what I'm saying is if I put all my music onto hard drive I would have to get rid of the cds and the resale value is next to nothing. Moreover wouldn't I still have to buy cds to get wave quality music?

12-02-2010, 20:58
well Im sorry to be frank but my system details are strictly confidential.

Hi Jim.

You mean you could tell us, but then you'd have to kill us? :rolleyes: ;)

Why on earth would your system be "strictly confidential"? I have to be honest, I'm really struggling to see what genuine reason you have for being here, given your opening post, and "shiftiness" - hopefully you'll prove me wrong!

12-02-2010, 20:59

12-02-2010, 21:08
Got to agree! Seems a little odd to "hide".

we're all "nice" people honest!

12-02-2010, 21:16
If you transfer your CD's to HDD then sell your discs, you'll have given up the right to retain gthe music as you "own" the disc only and not the music contained thereon..

12-02-2010, 21:18
If the guy wants to keep his system to himself for the time being, what's the problem? He's not the first to do it!

Yes, it makes it hard (impossible?) to help with recommendations... But let's not "bully" the guy, eh? :)

12-02-2010, 21:44
Its up to you Jim I am just pointing out that there are other choices I put a lot of my CDs onto hard drive ots very convent but I still got the hard copies To be honest I actually perfer the sound from the hard drive than from the transport

12-02-2010, 22:01
Hi Jim.

You mean you could tell us, but then you'd have to kill us? :rolleyes: ;)

Why on earth would your system be "strictly confidential"? I have to be honest, I'm really struggling to see what genuine reason you have for being here, given your opening post, and "shiftiness"...

Ditto!!!! x10 :scratch:


Rare Bird
12-02-2010, 22:05
x50 :lol:

Steve Toy
12-02-2010, 22:30
Jim, you're not from London.

12-02-2010, 22:43
Jim, you're not from London.

why am I not fron London?

12-02-2010, 22:56
why am I not fron London?

Because the admin team think they're some sort of detective agency! :lol:

12-02-2010, 22:59
Go on then Steve, what the source IP address???!!

12-02-2010, 23:04
What's the frequency, Kenneth.

Rare Bird
12-02-2010, 23:07
why am I not fron London?

Jim don't post your gear list cos as soon as you do everyone will know your full details address & the lot as it flashed on the screen straight away.



12-02-2010, 23:29
Just say you've got a Technics turntable and some big old Tannoys!

13-02-2010, 00:12
In the interests of gaining advice I would like to say that currently I am using a (no name brand) portable cd player which is obviously why I am also looking to upgrade hopefully to improve the sound. Its not worth taking a picture. But what do others here think of how portable cd players sound? I would like to hear your views. I use modest stand mount speakers and again a mid range pair of monoblocks.

Rare Bird
13-02-2010, 00:19


Steve Toy
13-02-2010, 00:24
Jim, you use certain Americanisms that suggest that you are not from London, UK. Your IP address is from the Uk but you use certain spellings and phrases that are very American. Why is this so?

13-02-2010, 00:36
can you give examples? You obviously dont trust what I say so that's probably why it appears that way.

13-02-2010, 00:41
Firstly you are now accusing me which is wrong. I am not attacking him I am asking for his point of view, theres always two sides isnt there? So I think I am being fair by looking at both sides then trying to figure out what actually happened. Yet already people are quick to be defensive (in his favor) while saying that this cant be discussed which isnt fair.


"Figure out" isn't so obvious, but I don't know anyone who was born in the UK who spells 'favour' without the requisite 'u'.... And no, it wasn't a typo! ;)


Rare Bird
13-02-2010, 00:43

"Figure out" isn't so obvious, but I don't know anyone who was born in the UK who spells 'favour' without the requisite 'u'....


Hi Marco

Actually the thing with Americans & the 'u' is actually a scot thing over there

Steve Toy
13-02-2010, 02:38
'Es no more a Landaner than I'm from Paris, France :lol:

Rare Bird
13-02-2010, 02:53
As him to spell colour ;)

The Grand Wazoo
13-02-2010, 09:05
No, ask him to spell Leicester phonetically

13-02-2010, 10:00
In the interests of gaining advice I would like to say that currently I am using a (no name brand) portable cd player which is obviously why I am also looking to upgrade hopefully to improve the sound. Its not worth taking a picture. But what do others here think of how portable cd players sound? I would like to hear your views. I use modest stand mount speakers and again a mid range pair of monoblocks.
Jim, either this forum is your first hifi forum you've subscribe or you're making fun of us. :scratch:

I'm ready to accept the first possibility.

On the other hand, why the hell would you like to "improve the sound" of "no-name portable cd player" and yet say (as you stated somewhere else) that you don't care about what others say as long as it sounds good to you ?
Your posts have too many contradictions, I'm sorry to say. :(

But, as I'm polite: welcome anyway. :)

In which way do you think you can contribute here ? :cool:

13-02-2010, 10:22
or you're making fun of us. :scratch:

Does seem that way, but like you say Dimitri, let's give the benefit of the doubt.

to "improve the sound" of "no-name portable cd player"

I wonder if it was given a good "Belt" it might help... anyone else have the same thought???

13-02-2010, 12:37
YES!! ;)


The Vinyl Adventure
13-02-2010, 12:48
In the interests of gaining advice I would like to say that currently I am using a (no name brand) portable cd player which is obviously why I am also looking to upgrade hopefully to improve the sound. Its not worth taking a picture. But what do others here think of how portable cd players sound? I would like to hear your views. I use modest stand mount speakers and again a mid range pair of monoblocks.

this is an odd thread too!
no brand portable cd player... straight into the mono blocs?? using the little volume control on the side are you?
do portable cd players have digital outputs? maybe a pre amp would be more of an advantage... maybe a stand alone cd player?
i think,if you are genuine you need to have a think about the other parts of your hifi before a dac

either this guy has no idea what he is saying or is just drunk and messing around...

i think joes definition of troll was the most acurate in these circumstances

Steve Toy
13-02-2010, 13:05
It would be easy to google the phonetic spelling of Lay - Sester!

13-02-2010, 16:34
this is an odd thread too!
no brand portable cd player... straight into the mono blocs?? using the little volume control on the side are you?

yes, or even using a passive volume control box.

13-02-2010, 16:47
well Im sorry to be frank but my system details are strictly confidential. I would also question why it needs to be disclosed because sound quality of a product is something which only I can decide. From my past experience peoples advice hasnt been helpful. That said there is no harm in hearing what various people have to say and not all of hifi is subjective.

This must be, without doubt, the weirdest post ever posted on AOS.

Does your system use classified technology? :lolsign:

The Grand Wazoo
13-02-2010, 17:09
Maybe it has pebbles in it? Or rocks from New York with 'Sound has Priority' written all the way through them maybe?
Isn't it a pleasant coincidence how we get into threads like this when someone mentions something like that! (As I did yesterday)

13-02-2010, 17:41
my system details are strictly confidential

Wot, a no name portable cd spinner plugged into a pair of monoblocks? :lol:

Me thinks you need a new calender, it ain't April 1st yet.


13-02-2010, 22:00
Is it listx????????????

Steve Toy
13-02-2010, 22:11
Listing your system here is kind of a pre-requisite for being a member.

Rare Bird
13-02-2010, 22:24
I honestly think this system is the biggest pile of shit it's seemingly too embarresing to die-vulge

13-02-2010, 22:29
I must admit I'm a little confused as to why you would dive in to an open forum and shout here I am then say but I'm not gonna tell you any more about me. Still you've managed to get some of us intersted I suppose! Is it true, do some Saisho CD players still work??????????????