View Full Version : Gentle Giant | Three Piece Suite

16-09-2017, 08:42
This may well be of interest to Genlt Giant fans or indeed Prog fans. http://theprogmeister.com/gentle-giant-three-piece-suite/

16-09-2017, 08:52
Already pre-ordered the vinyl version from Burning Shed, Steve :thumbsup:

Saw them back in the 70's at Newcastle City Hall on the Free Hand tour. People just walked out afterwards in a daze ... like they'd seen the Messiah ... really weird, no-one talking at all, just staring ahead. Possibly the best concert I've ever seen.

16-09-2017, 10:28
Already pre-ordered the vinyl version from Burning Shed, Steve :thumbsup:

Saw them back in the 70's at Newcastle City Hall on the Free Hand tour. People just walked out afterwards in a daze ... like they'd seen the Messiah ... really weird, no-one talking at all, just staring ahead. Possibly the best concert I've ever seen.

I didn't get into them in the seventies Peter. I am thinking I have missed out now though. This album really has switched me onto them.

16-09-2017, 11:29
I am going to get myself a 24/96 download. Thanks for the heads-up!

17-09-2017, 08:31
I didn't get into them in the seventies Peter. I am thinking I have missed out now though. This album really has switched me onto them.

If you've not already got it, Free Hand is their best imo. In my top 10 albums of all time, for sure.