View Full Version : WTD: Plinius/Karan integrated or Gamut D200

11-09-2017, 21:24
Please pm me. Just sold my system so need a replacement.
Other similar high power/current suggestions too.

13-09-2017, 12:52
not a lot out there at the moment, so broadening to scope to include Parasound A21, get in touch if you have one spare!

13-09-2017, 17:38
whats the budget , presumably you have seen the parasound monoblocks in the ads for 4k ?

13-09-2017, 17:40
and of course karan importers always have some good deals like this one


13-09-2017, 18:14
There's A Gamut on ebay at the mo. Lovely sugden masterclass power on there too

13-09-2017, 18:18
Should have said, budget is up to 2k, sorry.

Can't quite work out if the Gamut is genuine, seems to be stock pics and readvertised over a period of months. Hoping to buy from a fellow forum member as I have just done with speakers.

Very impressed with the Dynaudio Contour 1.3se I have just picked up from the Wam, now having sold my Quad 909/99 looking for a step up system wise.

13-09-2017, 18:37
There's A Gamut on ebay at the mo. Lovely sugden masterclass power on there too

FWIW I know the guy selling the Masterclass and he's a 100% genuine enthusiast.

13-09-2017, 19:09
thank JohnJo, had my eye on that, not sure it will drive my speakers though...

13-09-2017, 21:44
There is a karan here...
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Karan-Acoustics-KA-I180-Mk1-amplifier-/172640094032?hash=item283226c750:g:Vk8AAOSwHptY~KN Z
Shame you weren't in the market a month ago as there was one for sale in London for £1400, nearly bought it myself!

13-09-2017, 22:37
How about the Leema Tucana just added to the classifieds over on Pinkfish? At the low end of your budget, but plenty of power on tap.

13-09-2017, 22:50
Certainly would leave funds to improve on source. Hopefully going to get a couple of amps in to listen to over next few days, only safe bet without a demo is Plinius by all accounts.

14-09-2017, 17:32
the leema is a lovely amp , he might take an offer as its a mark 1 . there is so much choice . the supernait seem very highly regarded

14-09-2017, 18:30
the leema is a lovely amp , he might take an offer as its a mark 1 . there is so much choice . the supernait seem very highly regarded

You're not wrong there Phil, driving myself a bit mad looking for the elusive s/h gem. As I have no listening experience of many of the amps it seems naive to just buy and try, could waste a lot of time and more importantly money. I know exactly what I am looking for; a step up from the Quad 909 to something that has a pacier grip on bass, with a less rolled off top end.

Best options out there in budget so far seem to be:

Plinius 9200
Leema Tucana
Densen DM10
Naim Supernait 2/superuniti
Karan KAS 180 power amp
Gamut D100 power amp

Separate pre/power appeals to me, as I always seem to like systems with valves in the pre.
I don't have the confidence or knowledge to take a punt on some of the older Krell's and the like on eBay.

15-09-2017, 18:21
yes agree with you , i prefer to buy from forum members rather than ebay . there are some beautiful deals around . just be patient and something will soon turn up . shame you can`t get the modright anniversary pre amp that jack has at bd audio . i had it on demo and its lovely but i fear it would not leave enough for a power amp


15-09-2017, 18:46
I keep drooling over that!

16-09-2017, 09:44
There is a very nice looking Krell FPB200 in the Wigwam classifieds for £1750

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

16-09-2017, 09:57
Thanks Martin, will have a look now

01-10-2017, 21:40
Still on the look out for Plinius/Gamut and the like...

01-10-2017, 21:45
get jerrys puresound L10 . they are very rare and sound beautiful

02-10-2017, 10:32
Hi Spencer......You don't seem to say anywhere what source(s) you intend to use
Line only or phono

02-10-2017, 12:34
Hi Spencer......You don't seem to say anywhere what source(s) you intend to use
Line only or phono

Hi Martin, intend to use vinyl via seperate phono, and connect a dac for digital.
Just found a Gamut D200 on eBay Germany, trying to agree shipping. If anyone has one got one in the uk going please let me know. Buying blind, so if anyone has one in the midlands I could try would also be appreciated

02-10-2017, 16:21
I can't see that.
Can only see a D200 in USA and a DM100 in Germany
The DM is not a dual mono
Can you send me the listing

Gamut amps in the UK are as rare as rocking horse poo and owners wishing to sell are even rarer

02-10-2017, 17:38
Look at this on eBay:


Gamut D-200 - Highend Stereo-Endstufe der Extraklasse, Top!

02-10-2017, 17:40
i see it says doesn`t post to uk !!! . i was just looking at a beautiful first watt f5 on emporium site but its 2.5k . fab class a amp

02-10-2017, 17:43
The seller has quoted 75 euros for shipping insured, thinking about it. Going to look into costs of servicing/recapping tonight but seems a good price if in good order

02-10-2017, 17:46
I suppose the million dollar question is whether it is significantly better than a newer Parasound A21 or a another to warrant to effort and risk of buying from abroad...

02-10-2017, 17:53
Look at this on eBay:


Gamut D-200 - Highend Stereo-Endstufe der Extraklasse, Top!

Looks Good
Hope you can persuade him to ship.
If all else fails see if you can get a decent courier to pick it up
Check to see if the original packaging is present

02-10-2017, 18:41
Thanks Martin, they are a dealer of sorts it seems and have quoted a price to ship. I've asked a few more questions about age etc, looks like a Mk1 i think.

Forgot to ask about packaging!:doh:

Looks Good
Hope you can persuade him to ship.
If all else fails see if you can get a decent courier to pick it up
Check to see if the original packaging is present

02-10-2017, 21:40
How about these beauties?


02-10-2017, 21:52
they seem to have been around for a while, don't know anything about Vincent, thinking they are Chinese origin? Not that that is a bad thing....will have a closer look
How about these beauties?


02-10-2017, 22:05
there has been a debate about these amps and why they don`t sell . they are very well priced products . missing link , who are well known and sometimes go to wam show are dealers


you have to ask yourself if you can sell them when you want to sell .

sometimes with hifi you have to go with whats readily available . I love verity audio speakers but they are almost impossible to get at reasonable money so I have to look elsewhere i.e other speaker manufacturers

02-10-2017, 22:07
heres the thread


02-10-2017, 22:16
Thanks Phil, wise words!

03-10-2017, 08:10
The seller has quoted 75 euros for shipping insured, thinking about it. Going to look into costs of servicing/recapping tonight but seems a good price if in good order

I suppose the million dollar question is whether it is significantly better than a newer Parasound A21 or a another to warrant to effort and risk of buying from abroad...

See if you can get a translation of the listing...there is a bit about guarantee or lack of it.
If the original box and packaging are there it should survive the journey
ATM there is no service/repair backup and the UK dist is dicking me about but I have another possibility for service
You should listen to mine to see if if it appeals...you could even bring your own speakers (standmount??)
The world is full of amps we have not and cannot hear!!

03-10-2017, 09:19
Very much appreciate the opportunity to listen to yours first, will pm you if ok. I translated using google and have asked if the 12 month warranty will apply. No response yet.

05-10-2017, 11:00
Went for the safe bet - A Plinus Hautonga from Audio Emotion that went up for sale yesterday. Comes with 6 months warranty so more comfortable with that. Thanks to all that chipped in, it's taken me a while!

05-10-2017, 18:04
We all expect detailed pics in the Gallery quite soon:clapclapclap:

05-10-2017, 18:16
glad you are sorted for now , heard a plinius integrated at wam show and it was good . better bet than buying from germany methinks

05-10-2017, 19:48
Just accepting the consequences, wife doesn't understand paying so much money for a second hand item. Only analogy I could think of is cars; I prefer a used 911 to a brand new MX5. She's not having it!

05-10-2017, 22:33
this is one of the downside of audiophilits............explaining to SWMBO
Most of us just lie through our teeth !!!

06-10-2017, 10:03
this is one of the downside of audiophilits............explaining to SWMBO
Most of us just lie through our teeth !!!
I had a momentary memory loss, for some reason told the wife the amp was £1700, as opposed to the £2400 I paid. Don't know what happened there....

09-11-2017, 15:30
So, no matter how hard I have tried, I have just not been able to get on with the Dynaudio's. Tried a number of amps thanks to some very helpful forum members, but to no avail.

Heading back to the BBC sound with tail between my legs, have listened to the current Spendor line-up and thought they were my cup of tea, if still a little forward in the treble. Heading this evening for a demo of Spendor S8e on the end of a Croft/Icon valve set up, hoping that will be to my liking...

If the Spendor's do the trick will be on the look out for valve amp/s methinks.
Thanks all for chipping in, as a newbie I've gone around the houses a little, discovering I prefer a more laid back natural sound, fortunately I haven't lost too much dosh along the way.

10-11-2017, 08:18
Thought you'd bought a big Plinius.....told ya you should have come and listened to mine !!:scratch:

10-11-2017, 08:24
Thought you'd bought a big Plinius.....told ya you should have come and listened to mine !!:scratch:

Yep, bought a hautonga, but combination of that and the speakers was just too forward for me.

10-11-2017, 08:51
It may not be of interest now, but I have a Karan KA i180 integrated which I plan to sell soon. The sound is very neutral and erring on the warm side. Not shrill or forward.

10-11-2017, 09:31
It may not be of interest now, but I have a Karan KA i180 integrated which I plan to sell soon. The sound is very neutral and erring on the warm side. Not shrill or forward.

lovely amp stephen

10-11-2017, 16:36
It may not be of interest now, but I have a Karan KA i180 integrated which I plan to sell soon. The sound is very neutral and erring on the warm side. Not shrill or forward.

As the saying goes, 'like waiting for a bus....'. Thanks for the heads up Stephen, would still like to try on I must say. Hoping to collect Spendor's tomorrow, will then tackle amps but have to say they sounded great with croft valves

10-11-2017, 18:28
As the saying goes, 'like waiting for a bus....'. Thanks for the heads up Stephen, would still like to try on I must say. Hoping to collect Spendor's tomorrow, will then tackle amps but have to say they sounded great with croft valves

You're welcome Spencer. I hope it works out well for you whichever direction you choose to go in....


18-11-2017, 20:22
Hi Stephen, think you pipped me to this one over on PFM a few months back. Let me know cheers