View Full Version : Sleep ?

06-02-2010, 02:48
I am known to be crazy but, has anybody tried using in ear buds while you sleep? I have been listening to all Baroque music (from the net) very low volume all night, the olde Lady dosent know and it makes for very creative dreams......;)

06-02-2010, 07:51
That's very interesting. Never tried it myself, though I frequently used to fall asleep with the radio on when I lived on my own.

06-02-2010, 09:09
I'd be afraid of the headphone wires getting wrapped around my neck and strangling me to death. In any case, my dreams are far too creative as it is!

06-02-2010, 10:35
Bill, I will never try that: darkness and absence of sound is essential to my sleep quality. ;)

06-02-2010, 11:43
In addition, a decent set of pillows...... Oh, and a lack of "necessary" medication that causes insomnia...;)

06-02-2010, 17:33
The only problem with the buds is if you push em too deep you hear your heartbeat too, that can be distracting. As for a pillow I use one of those what I call Space foam things is very cozy........;)

06-02-2010, 18:31
We're on our THIRD set of "memory" pillows. The first set were contoured yet still gave both of us neck ache (I preferred mine the wrong way round!!!). The second set were too thick with the consistency of a house brick (almost). the third ones we bought this week and they're not as thick, lighter and "sink" better when our heads lay on them. I've found I can go off to sleep quicker again...

By the way, a memory foam mattress is another must, or a "topper" on a standard one..;)

06-02-2010, 19:59
a memory foam mattress is another must, or a "topper" on a standard one..;)


And a decent sized bed if you have the room - once you've gone Queen sized you'll never look back!

Ali Tait
06-02-2010, 20:23
Bugger that,King size or nuffin! Ditto memory foam matress,they're great.

06-02-2010, 20:27

And a decent sized bed if you have the room - once you've gone Queen sized you'll never look back!

I like to stay up close and personal - double with King duvet for us.....

On our honeymoon, we had a hugely wide bed. talk about passion killer.....:( We made up for it though on our return........;)

I must admit a king bed would have been good, as our cats (when they were around) would have liked it and our son (when small) would definitely have loved it when he wasn't well.

Rare Bird
06-02-2010, 20:31
Sleep! wassat den?


06-02-2010, 23:20
talk about passion killer.....

You need to be more imaginative as to what you can use the extra space for! ;)

07-02-2010, 07:11
Big beds are good in summer... ;)

07-02-2010, 12:10
You need to be more imaginative as to what you can use the extra space for! ;)

Chance would be a fine thing :(

07-02-2010, 21:45
I am known to be crazy but, has anybody tried using in ear buds while you sleep? I have been listening to all Baroque music (from the net) very low volume all night, the olde Lady dosent know and it makes for very creative dreams......;)

I use buds to go to sleep with and have my ipod set on shuffle when i'm traveling on a ferry to France, they ( the music) cancels out the noise of the car alarms constantly going off:(