View Full Version : Tesla 2 House Battery-Ultimate Mains Conditioner?

01-09-2017, 10:18
As most of us already know Tesla and others are offering large batteries to store electricity in the house, particularly in Solar Power set ups. This could have implications for HIFI set ups in that it offers us the chance to have our systems powered by stable, clean electricity, free of all the standard mains borne problems like noise,surges,RFI etc unless of course there are experts out there that can tell me I'm wrong. Could this Tesla system offer one of the Holy Grails of HIFI, namely stable, clean, noise free power supply for our systems?A general overview of the Tesla system can be viewed here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWLzlrGGuxQ
I know this video is not really HIFI but it is a very interesting watch and a pointer for the future of the individual and the power grid which most of us rely on for our listening pleasure.

01-09-2017, 10:22
Only if you use the system as DC, unfortunetly, it has to be converted to AC for most domestic situations Using DC to AC converters, these and their potential noise issues have been discussed elsewhere.

01-09-2017, 10:22
well a lot of noise can be generated in the home so it wont remove that I'd guess. It will also be inverted so dont know if that will produce noise in itself.

01-09-2017, 10:25
Potentially yes it could be quieter, it all depends on how good the inverter is (the bits that turn the DC into AC).

01-09-2017, 14:38
There will be one used for hifi soon enough. Hopefully we get to hear about it soon after