View Full Version : Greetings from the home counties

04-02-2010, 09:38
Hello There

As you can probably guess my names Tony and I'm based in Wheathampstead in Herts. I found this site a while ago when I was starting the process of resurrecting my old system which consisted of a Marantz 63 cd (K1) fed into a Cyrus straight line and power amp through to a pair of Celestion a1's. Sadly the Marantz has given up the ghost and will be replaced by a Mac mini playing lossless through to yet to be sourced dac. The rest of the kit is here to stay as it still puts a smile on my face.

Musical taste is as wide as the day is long and I look forward to taking part in the forums in the future


Spectral Morn
04-02-2010, 10:23
Hi Tony

Welcome to AoS :)

Have fun and enjoy the forum.

Regards D S D L

04-02-2010, 12:39
Hello Tony :)

How long have you lived in sunny Wheathampstead? I know it rather too well........;)

04-02-2010, 13:53
Welcome to AoS Tony.

Always glad to hear of members having wide musical tastes. Look forward to reading some of posts to 'Spinning Today - What Are You Listening To Right Now?' ;)


07-02-2010, 16:19
Cheers for the welcome guys

Just got hold of a second hand TC-7520 from twelve bears and my senheissers sound sweeter than ever. Just waiting on a delivery from Mark Grant and I'll resurrect the rest of the system. :eyebrows:

Dave, in answer to your question I've been in Wheathampstead for nearly 40 years give or take a couple, how come you know the place? Your profile puts your location as a "strangely isolated place" that sounds about right for Wheaty!

07-02-2010, 20:07
I worked for 17 years in Harpenden and had many a customer from Wheathampstead just down the road. :o

For the last five and a half years, I having been living in "A Strangely Isolated Place" at the end of the road with a still remaining 60's vibe...

07-02-2010, 20:57
Bl**dy heck, was it really 17 years ???...:eek:

Where has the time gone ?...:scratch:

07-02-2010, 21:20
Hello Tony and welcome, music tastes "wide as the day is long" sounds good to me;)

07-02-2010, 21:39
Bl**dy heck, was it really 17 years ???...:eek:

Where has the time gone ?...:scratch:

When I first knew you I'd been there for seven years or so...