View Full Version : Hello

26-08-2017, 17:53
Hi all

I'm returning to the 'serious' hifi fold after a break of about 15 yrs. I think the need to replace a needle along with the advent of MP3 pretty much coincided and by the time I got around to doing something about it my amps had stopped working so the whole lot has been sitting looking pretty in the corner until just recently.
It's quicker to list the music I don't like, which is classical and most jazz however even whilst writing this I'm thinking of a few pieces which break those rules. Favourite band is The Who but I have everything from cheesey pop to trance to industrial metal to Gangsta Rap in my collection. I don't believe in guilty pleasures but I would happily drown Justin Bieber.

My equipment list is simple. A pair of recently reconditioned Quad II monos (no idea which valves as I'm yet to pick it up from repair and the price of premiums made me cry....), a Quad pre amp and a Rega Planar turntable with standard arm and Goldring 1012GX cartridge. No speakers as yet, hence my appearance here. I'll sort some pics when I get them home again :D

26-08-2017, 18:01
Hi Damian, welcome to AOS. What sort of speakers are you looking for? Enjoy the forum.

26-08-2017, 18:15

Well I'm here to get advice and knowledge re speakers. Not sure if I should do that here or start a thread elsewhere?

26-08-2017, 18:40
Hello Damian. Welcome to AOS.

A break from Hi-Fi can sometimes be a good thing, wlthough fifteen years is rather a long time :).

The Quad II amps can sound pleasant enough, but they do require an efficient speaker with good self damping as the Quad's grip at the bottom is not the tightest. Rega speakers might fit the bill, or spending a bit more, Triangle speakers from France. Very nice!

As you want to discuss matching speakers to vintage amplifiers, why not start a thread in the Past Masters section and outline your ideas?

Enjoy the forum,

26-08-2017, 18:44
Welcome Damian. hope you have an enjoyable stay.:)

26-08-2017, 19:34

27-08-2017, 13:44
Thanks all

Yes Geoff, 15 years is ages. I would have said it had only been about 4 years since I used them until I thought about it properly. Where does time go!!!