View Full Version : Hello from Webrider

25-08-2017, 22:34
Hello everyone,

I am a Tannoy and Tube fan and I enjoy various forms of music, Jazz, Blues, Rock & Roll.
My System consists of Tannoy LSU/HF/12.L drivers in Chatsworth cabinets, Sansui AU111 Integrated Tube amp, Garrard 301 in a slate plinth with a SME 3009 MKII non-improved tonearm, Denon 103 cartridge, Denon DCD-3300 CD player and a Cambridge Audio NP30 streamer.

Best Regards,


25-08-2017, 22:48
Hello Cam. Welcome to AOS.

That's an interesting system you've put together there. I don't have experience of that AU-111, but can imagine it to be good, knowing Sansui.

Tannoys are very popular here, many of us use them (me included).

Take a look around the site, you'll find every aspect of Hi-fi is covered.

Please join in the chat and ask any questions you may have.

Enjoy the forum,

25-08-2017, 23:06
Hi Geoff,

Thank you for the kind welcome.
Yes the Sansui AU-111 is a very nice unit and it plays well with the Tannoy speakers as well as it did with my old speakers, Altec 604-8H in 612 cabinets. However I am drawn to the sound of Tannoy drivers and gave up the Altecs for the Tannoy Reds.

Best regards,


25-08-2017, 23:13
Oooh. Altec 604 speakers. Very rare here. Similar driver to the Stonehenge I believe. I love big Altecs. If I had the room (and money), I'd have a set of VOTT's.

I must admit. Tannoys have something a bit magic though.

25-08-2017, 23:28
Yes that is correct very similar to the Stonehenge however my cabinets were the smaller 612 vs the 620 but still too large for my listening room hence the move to the Tannoys.

This is my second set of Tannoys had DU-316 in custom monitor cabinets made for the CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation) similar to your BBC.