View Full Version : Do not boil your underwear in hotel kettles, warns expert

Neil McCauley
24-08-2017, 16:59
Experts are warning people not to boil their underwear in hotel kettles in case it spreads potentially deadly toxins.

It's a revelation that’s bound to have you regretting every cup of tea you’ve ever had in a hotel room; the act of underwear-boiling is apparently a practice that exists.

Highlighted by Gizmido, who spotted someone asking .....


24-08-2017, 17:02
Knickers to that! :D

24-08-2017, 17:03
revised to hotel underwear give you boils:eek:

24-08-2017, 17:04
This thread is pants.

24-08-2017, 21:15

The rumour I heard was that guests sometimes get taken 'short' in the night and pee in the kettle as it is closer to them than the bathroom. Not sure I believe any of it though.

Light Dependant Resistor
24-08-2017, 22:02
The rumour I heard was that guests sometimes get taken 'short' in the night and pee in the kettle as it is closer to them than the bathroom. Not sure I believe any of it though.

In emergencies although unpleasant, urine can be recycled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U_xmfSwYSw

24-08-2017, 22:29
Bit of a piss take. :)

25-08-2017, 04:37
It's often surprised me that people's homes can show a side to them that you don't otherwise see. Well dressed and ostensibly clean people can live in utter squalor. Nothing to do with lack of funds; they are just uncivilised. That's why I hate staying in hotels. You never know what's gone on and it's not like every surface is cleaned totally between visits. Statistically It's almost certain that one or more individuals with low personal standards has abused the room at some stage. It's a lottery as to whether there is a legacy still waiting there for you.

25-08-2017, 08:27
I agree with all that.

25-08-2017, 08:34
Having worked as a porter in two hotels as a young man I commend and share your distrust of their standards, Andy. Not just what the guests may have got up to, but the staff as well. I avoid hotels wherever possible, but if I have to use one I am careful to be courteous and considerate towards hotel staff.

Any complaints one may have are best made after you have left their care.

Especially if that complaint concerns the waiters or the quality of the food.

25-08-2017, 10:45
What a sensitive lot you are! I've travelled all around the world and stayed in a variety of accomodation, from 5 star Hiltons and the like, to lowly roadside overnight truck stops. If in doubt I ask to see the room and check the bedding. All I want from a hotel is a clean bed and clean washing facilities.

It is only to be expected that guests might have sex in their hotel rooms. So what, as long as the bedding is changed before I use it, what's to worry?

25-08-2017, 11:04
There's *SO* much I could say about this topic, but I'll be sensible are resist!! :eyebrows:


25-08-2017, 11:06
There's *SO* much I could say about this topic, but I'll be sensible are resist!! :eyebrows:


Aw - go on, do tell.

25-08-2017, 12:35
Never thought of this, I suppose they took them off first.