View Full Version : New Guy saying Hi!

31-01-2010, 01:25
Hey Cats,
Just joined up and want to say Hi there :) Canuck from the east coast who's addicted to the old gear I continually find.

From what I've seen so far this looks like another great place to hang and talk kit :)


31-01-2010, 06:36
Hi Preston, welcome to AoS. I had to look "Canuck" up - where's the nearest place us Limeys would know of? Only been once to your lovely country (Montreal/Toronto/Niagra) but had a great time.

I see you've posted some pics in another thread, so I'll head over there now, which just leaves me to ask what sorts of music you are in to?

Have fun!

31-01-2010, 07:40
Welcome Preston. I often find myself stumbling (well surfing!) across nice gear on the Canuck Audio Mart. You guys seem have a thriving vintage scene, by the looks of what comes up there!

31-01-2010, 10:27
Hello Preston and welcome, looks like you have more boxes than me:lol:

Spectral Morn
31-01-2010, 12:55
Hi Preston

Welcome to AoS.

Have fun and enjoy the forum.

What kind of music do you like ? What sort of system do you have, and can we have photos for the Gallery please?

Edit I see you have...nice looking/interesting set up.

Regards D S D L

The Grand Wazoo
31-01-2010, 13:36
Hi Preston,
Welcome to the Art of Sound.

31-01-2010, 14:46
Hey Cats,
Thanks for the welcome :)

Asked about what sort of music I like, well I'm all over the place, everything from classical to current works, pop, rock, easy listening etc. etc., however not a fan of country. My favorite sound in all styles of music is female vocals, my collection consists of many female singers, everyone for Sarah Brightman to Emmy Lou Harris.

I prefer the vinyl sound hence owning several turntables, nothing spectacular except for my Elac, about as ugly as it gets but astonishing sound. Vinyl is tops in my book for sound reproduction, I like to call it musical instruments being reproduced by a single musical instrument and you can't beat that tactile sense of being involved with hearing the music.


31-01-2010, 14:51
Hi Preston,

Welcome to AOS :)

Canuck from the east coast...

Excuse my ignorance, but where exactly is that? Oops, just noticed Alex's post... So I presume we're talking Canada? A bit more detail would be good :cool:

You have to excuse those of us who've never ventured further than northern Europe!


31-01-2010, 15:49
Not liking Country, and your name Preston reminds me of a joke about two deaf blokes in a pub... ;)

31-01-2010, 15:49
...to Emmy Lou Harris.

I like mid-70's - 80's Emmy Lou - her stuff after Gram by preference... and Linda Ronstadt, same era, same scene :) I *think* there may be a few Sarah Brightman fans here too, though I'm not among their number :)

31-01-2010, 15:58
Let's hear that joke Alex, I'm always up for a laugh.


31-01-2010, 16:39
Let's hear that joke Alex, I'm always up for a laugh.


Two deaf guys go to the pub. One gets a table while the other goes to the bar. The beers end up costing $20, so he asks the barman why it's so expensive. Apparently it's because there is some country and western band playing.

So the deaf guy goes back and relays this to his friend. "What kind of music was it?" the friend asks. He replies: "Some c*nt from Preston."

31-01-2010, 16:42
(Preston is a city in Lancashire, UK, if you hadn't sussed it!)

Preston, Lancashire, UK (http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/place?hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHMB_en-GBGB320GB320&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=preston&fb=1&gl=uk&ftid=0x487b0ccb0b7b3c4d:0xd68703fb79b28721&ei=vrJlS5nVKonw0gSBpvXRBg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CAgQ8gEwAA)

The Grand Wazoo
01-02-2010, 00:19
So Preston, you've got us all guessing as to your location!

By the way..........I live about 1/2 an hours drive from the above mentioned Preston, Preston!!

01-02-2010, 11:04
:lol: that's a giggle, I got it ;)

To answer the other question, Saint John on the Bay Of Fundy, City of the Loyalists, this city is the oldest incorporated in Canada, the English set foot here first from their trip across the pond. A great deal of us are of the English, Irish decent. Not myself, I'm an French/Irish mutt. Lots of historic stuff going on here. We're also a popular Cruise ship town having about 40 to 60 ships dock each summer. A great little city to live in if you can put up with the lame politicians.


01-02-2010, 20:02
A great little city to live in if you can put up with the lame politicians.

What a coincidence - exactly the same where I live!