View Full Version : Hello from a returning music lover

Eaton Mess
11-08-2017, 17:20
After having spent almost the last twenty years on a nomadic existence due to work commitments and not having access to a decent audio system. I'm more settled now with a permanent (hopefully) residence coming up to retirement.
Looking to catch up on all the latest on the audio scene and build a system for musical enjoyment rather than hif sound
Looking forward to conversing with many of those with established systems and opinions

11-08-2017, 17:35
Welcome Malcolm. Good to have you here. I hope you enjoy it:)

11-08-2017, 21:42
Hi Malcolm. Welcome to AOS.

Tell us what kind of system you're aiming to put together and what music you like.

If you want to outline your ideas, why not start a thread in the 'Blank Canvas' area and give us your thoughts?

Enjoy the forum,