View Full Version : My latest system iteration finally came together last night thanks to...

05-08-2017, 11:30
You know that feeling when suddenly everything comes into focus and it hasn't been quite right for a while, great isn't it? I've had a few changes over recent months and found myself listening to music less and less and switching cables, pre amps and sources on an almost daily basis to find that elusive sound. Have been trawling the classifieds for inspiration a lot recently too.

Well last night at about 8pm it all came together. The thing I hadn't thought about was the Quadraspire cupboard I bought recently with a lockable door to keep prying fingers away from the gear. In a last attempt to make it all work I dug out my sorbothane hemispheres I bought years ago and quickly rejected as they killed the life out of my system. This time they worked a treat. I put 3 or 4 under each component and sat back... glorious!

To put this into context, the rack is wood but the shelves are glass and sit on hard plastic bits you push in holes to vary the shelf height. Previously my Target stand had glass shelves but they sat on little rubber feet on top of the metal frame. I think the hard rigid plastic bits in my new cupboard transfer the vibration (or don't absorb any vibration of the shelf itself) and thus the sorbothane has a positive impact in this rack.

So the message here is before you go off selling your kit, try different feet first. What can have had a negative effect before can be a positive in a different system.

This has saved me selling my new Audio Physic Virgo 3 speakers, and also sticking the feet under the Gate Audio valve pre I bought off Jake a few months ago now has tightened the bass and focussed the treble, so my search for a valve integrated to match the Virgos has also been put in hold.

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05-08-2017, 12:21
I suppose valves being microphonic they are sensitive to vibration. I've got some little Audio Technica isolation feet I use under my valve phono stage based on that theory. Never done a proper with/without test though.

05-08-2017, 14:18
Yes but the setup was fatiguing with my TVC too, I don't know which improved it more, sorbothane under the dac, psu, passive or transport as I did them all at once.

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