View Full Version : Tisbury pre-amp v. Schiit Saga pre-amp (with stock valve) and Rpi notes

03-08-2017, 10:48
Some brief notes on my latest ‘upgrades’.

Tisbury pre-amp v. Schiit Saga pre-amp (with stock valve).
I have been pleased with the transparency of the Tisbury - and its relative low cost, but I needed a change -if only because I needed more inputs and a remote.
As usual I set up (mentally) my null hypothesis (there would be no difference between the two).

Well the Schiit in passive non-valve mode did (IMHO) improve the clarity - but only marginally, although this was little more pronounced when using headphones. When switching in the stock valve there was a very slight increase in volume but what was just noticeable was an increase in ‘authority/presence’. Again this was more pronounced when using headphones.

2 .Schiit Saga stock valve v alternative.
Various internet sites have extolled the virtue of changing the valve to a more ‘audiophile’ version, (‘tube-rolling’ I believe to our US friends), so I was lucky to have a 6SN7GTB-GENERAL ELECTRIC supplied, (I bought the Saga from a well-known auction site). This produced slightly sweeter treble and bass extension. Again, all rather marginal but worthwhile.

3. As I now had more inputs on the Saga to play with I compared my RPi3 + Audiophonics Sabre DAC + Linear PS with a Rpi2+ IQAudio DAC + standard PS. Here there was difference - the Sabre lifting a veil; better separation etc. Again, surprise-surprise, the difference was marginal.

Yes, I know I should swap the PSs around to see if that makes a difference.

Conclusion: The Tisbury, Saga stock valve and RPi+IQAudio DAC do not disgrace themselves at all and probably one needs good equipment to discern any differences at all.
However the changes I have made do make small but pleasing improvements in SQ (even to my 69yr old ears!). However, anyone on a budget could do a lot worse than stick to my ‘originals’.

(I have a MCRU mains distribution unit coming tomorrow so will play with mains/SMPSs and PSs then).


Quad 306 (DADA-ified) and/or Quad 99. Living Voice speakers.