View Full Version : Phono stage bake off

29-07-2017, 20:59
another phono stage bake off in Huddersfield.
this promises to be good!
firebottle and nva stages will be present as well as Nick / Lurcher designed stages and others,people are also welcome to bring their own phono stages as well.

Sunday 6th August 11am at the MCRU shop in Huddersfield 9 Brook Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1EB
for more details ask here,

ps,i wish i was going but brighton is too far away :(

29-07-2017, 21:34
Was it your idea to post this or did someone tell you to? You seem like a nice guy, it would be a shame to see you being used (deleted) for someone who is banned from AOS and is trying to spam their kit.

29-07-2017, 22:04
To be fair, Scooby, there has been a bit of a flair up over said bake off, involving members across the spectrum of the usual forums. Knowing Jamie, and having dealt with him many times I can't imagine he'd be a puppet for any banned member or actual member. He is a nice, guy as you stated. I have mentioned this Bakeoff in a thread titled "Firebottle OTP-MK2" post 67. I think.

There is a bake off, there will be phonostages from Firebottle and NVA present, lots of good kit. Nick Gorhams amplifiers, which I am told are Sublime! But not having heard them personally cannot confirm, and some rare speakers, if they can be lifted in. It's at neutral venue with MCRU hosting so, why not make the AoS forum aware!

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29-07-2017, 22:08
I agree he's a nice guy but he was clearly asked directly to post this by someone who is not only banned, but who has also tried to damage other trade and non trade members here. He also has a vested interest in selling his wares off the back of the bake off. Nice guys can be used by less nice people.

(deleted) In this case, Jamie was directly asked to post this by someone else as outlined above. I just wanted to make this transparent for all.

29-07-2017, 22:09
I would be very surprised if Jamie allowed himself to used as a shill for one person or another. We've been friends for the best part of 30 years so I think I know him quite well.

We are both very keen to hear the Firebottle, NVA and any other equipment and I can only imagine that there are plenty of other members here who feel the same, as he said it's just a pity it's so far away.

29-07-2017, 22:12
I agree he's a nice guy but he was clearly asked directly to post this by someone who is not only banned, but who has also tried to damage other trade and non trade members here. He also has a vested interest in selling his wares off the back of the bake off. Nice guys can be used by less nice people.

(deleted) In this case, Jamie was directly asked to post this by someone else as outlined above. I just wanted to make this transparent for all.Was he? I will have a look.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

29-07-2017, 22:26
Should be an interesting day out. I have experienced phono stages from most of the manufactures/designers in the running all of them first class. I see the post here as informative rather than anything suspicious. I won't be attending myself as I am fast losing interest. I see no harm in supporting the event here though. Have a great day to all those who attend.

QUOTE=Bigman80;884979]To be fair, Scooby, there has been a bit of a flair up over said bake off, involving members across the spectrum of the usual forums. Knowing Jamie, and having dealt with him many times I can't imagine he'd be a puppet for any banned member or actual member. He is a nice, guy as you stated. I have mentioned this Bakeoff in a thread titled "Firebottle OTP-MK2" post 67. I think.

There is a bake off, there will be phonostages from Firebottle and NVA present, lots of good kit. Nick Gorhams amplifiers, which I am told are Sublime! But not having heard them personally cannot confirm, and some rare speakers, if they can be lifted in. It's at neutral venue with MCRU hosting so, why not make the AoS forum aware!

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

29-07-2017, 22:27
I agree about the equipment and after all, this hobby is about getting a sound you enjoy, no matter who builds it.

The banned person is naughty asking an AOS member to start a thread. That's why I posted it in the relevant area.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

29-07-2017, 22:35
Poisonous and manipulative sums it up, Oliver. Always the first to accuse others of spamming and shilling (and ad hominem) but somehow never guilty of it himself! Even when caught red handed [emoji38]He's been caught red handed multiple times over the past few weeks. A very unscrupulous character.

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29-07-2017, 22:45
Chaps let's not feed the fire here. Instead starve it of fuel and oxygen. Pasting text from HFS isn't helpful to anyone. Please don't allow the sepsis to spread any further. Let's diffuse these notions now as it has little to do with us here. [QUOTE=Bigman80;884989]Oh dear. Seems that poisonous louse is up to his usual manipulative behaviour. (deleted)

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30-07-2017, 05:22
Steve: I'm all for starving "it" of oxygen. That's why I objected to someone being used the breathe "its" words into life on a forum where "it" is banned.

30-07-2017, 06:29
Steve: I'm all for starving "it" of oxygen. That's why I objected to someone being used the breathe "its" words into life on a forum where "it" is banned.

lol i think you are getting a bit ott there.

right first of all iam no ones sock puppet as you put it!
iam a member of both forums But i dont get involved in all the 'politics'.
i was asked to post as no one had put a thread up about the bake off. simple, nothing more,no hidden motives.
if you find anything i have written as 'evil' 'cancerous' then please show me.

as far as iam aware ive not broken any rules here,all ive done is inform people of a bake off ffs!

30-07-2017, 06:47
I'm pretty sure if anyone else other than "he" had mentioned posting it here, it would've been fine, mate.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

30-07-2017, 07:30
this was basicaly posted before or siilar. you were informed then it was not an aos community bake off and shouldnt be in community section... thus moved to blank canvas.

other posts may have been edited/deletedwhere nes. sorry but that is the rules

30-07-2017, 07:36
oops yes your right sorry my mistake.

30-07-2017, 11:21
this was basicaly posted before or siilar. you were informed then it was not an aos community bake off and shouldnt be in community section... thus moved to blank canvas.

other posts may have been edited/deletedwhere nes. sorry but that is the rules

its in 'analogue art' now???
perhaps whoever is doing the moderating could respectfully remove mine and others posts that do not relate to the original post,all i wanted to do was make AOS members aware of a bake off.

31-07-2017, 06:24
There's nowt controversial about the opening post. Bake offs are great fun. Not about who 'wins' or 'loses'. Just about the the listening and 'the crack'. Wish I could be there. Hope to read about and attend in future.

Attacking another forum / forum owner who does not have right of reply here (regardless of reason) is surely against this forum's rules?

31-07-2017, 07:20
That is why I asked for all posts not relevant to the bake off be removed .

31-07-2017, 07:51
That is why I asked for all posts not relevant to the bake off be removed .
Thanks Jamie :cool:

31-07-2017, 10:32
This is a rather tough bake off as it comes down to taste. The contenders are all very different beasts. Nick Gorham's design from memory was sublime when he brought it along to Nebo. MM only it shone though it was extremely expensive. I found the NVA very detailed and highly musical and a totally different presentation to my own Firebottle which is a little on the smoother side. All excellent kit.

What shocked me at the last Nebo was the on board phono stage in Rich Britton's Arcam integrated amp. It certainly made me a little sceptical.

31-07-2017, 11:29
Pity you can't get along Steve as I'm sure it's going to be an epic day.

I heard Nick's phono stage at the last one and it was very very special, or one could say the best of the best.

31-07-2017, 11:32
I preferred the Paradise to it, although there wasn't much in it.

31-07-2017, 12:11
I heard Nick's phono stage at the last one and it was very very special, or one could say the best of the best.

The best of what was there on the day. No more.

31-07-2017, 14:16
ok, any more of any of that and you will be in trouble.... that goes for all of you. thread will if needed be locked and any more discussion will have to be by pm

Wakefield Turntables
31-07-2017, 19:46
I'm going for once! I will be nice to put some names to faces and compare what I have against current standards.