View Full Version : Hello from RichardA in North London

21-07-2017, 12:24
Hello to all

I have often viewed this forum but only just got round to registering properly.

I live in North London and have been messing around with audio equipment for over 30 years. My first system was bought from Studio 99 in Swiss Cottage in the early 80's - Rega Planar 3, NAD 3020, AR18s classic combo (still have the Rega tucked away).

After many twists and turns have ended up with a nice system that hopefully won't need to change again (though the temptation is always there). TW Raven One/Schick/SPU or Opus 21/Tron into EAR912/509 and thence to Quad 63 or Yam NS1000M. Tried lots of other stuff along the way (with some occasional disastrous errors).

Still listen to a mix of CDs and Vinyl (though at one stage I largely gave up on vinyl when most if it was nicked by a wayward relative!). I enjoy most musical genres though much less classical. Strangely my taste in music has gone backwards (in time) - blues, jazz etc - but still enjoy finding the odd bit of new or newer music.


21-07-2017, 12:38
Hi Richard, welcome to AoS

Good system you have put together there. I guess you murdered the vinyl-thieving relative and buried him under the patio or something?

21-07-2017, 13:16
Did cross my mind at the time.

22-07-2017, 08:33
Hi Richard. Welcome to AOS.

Nice system you have there. The Quad and Yamaha speakers are popular here.

There's plenty going on here, so feel free to get involved and chat with members.

Enjoy the forum,

05-08-2017, 00:00
I'm in North London too and need to start hearing some other systems, if you want to compare just let me know!

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