View Full Version : Hi All

13-07-2017, 16:28
Looking forward to learning lots and updating my audio and technical knowledge. Soon to be moving house, so aspire to set up a proper listening room. After a 35 odd year gap I'm looking to go back to vinyl for the overall experience.

I've previously had a Marantz/Cyrus One/Raurk system but home circumstances didn't allow improvement.

I'm currently listening to a range of classical, that includes Philip Glass, Karl Jenkins, Einaudi, Satie. Jazz that includes Art Pepper, Billie Holiday, Caltrain and Rollins. Rock that includes Pink Floyd, early Genesis, Hendrix, Elbow. And a bit of folk.

I still can't believe I was stupid enough to sell all my vinyl in 1980. It's time for a return, so I'll need your sage advice as I go along.



13-07-2017, 16:38
great fan of einaudi , and you may like max richter too perhaps . if not look him up


13-07-2017, 18:24
great fan of einaudi , and you may like max richter too perhaps . if not look him up


Thanks @hifinutt . Yes Max Richter is in the collection, also Terry Riley and Steve Reich. Fairly new listening for me, so still lots to discover [emoji1303]


14-07-2017, 13:45
Hello Bob. Welcome to AOS.

Did you have any specific equipment in mind for your new home?

Getting a new record collection won't be cheap these days.

Anyway, take a look around the site and have a chat with the members. They're friendly.

Enjoy the forum,