View Full Version : Greetings from Essex

04-07-2017, 11:21
Hi All

I've been following AoS for several years now but only recently mustered the courage to formally join.

I've read with great interest many of the posts and have learnt a lot from you guys.

In the case of hifi, I suffer badly from many 'itis': upgrade-itis, box swap-itis, press the Buy it Now button impulsively on fleabay-itis, curiosity gets the better of me-itis and so on. I once thought I could cure it, but after speaking to many hifi enthusiasts, I've been told that there is no cure for this, so I have given up trying to find one. Which is just as well since trying out hifi is and has been great fun....although often wallet wilting. I blame it on a mis-spent youth being dragged around hifi shops and shows by my dad. Mainly Jefferies HiFi in Brighton (now Audio-T) and Reigate HiFi in erm, Reigate (now sadly closed down).

Current (and this may be current for the next few hours or weeks, I just don't know) set up is:

1. Vinyl Passion modded LP12, Audiomods Classic 2 arm, Soundsmith Carmen cart, Trichord Dino phono, LSA Statement hybrid integrated amp and Totem Hawk speakers

2. Origin Live Resolution, Origin Live Illustrious arm, Benz Micro Ace, Trichord Dino phono, Naim Nac82/Supercap/Avondale m130 monos and Penaudio Rebel 3 speakers

3. Oracle Delphi, Clearaudio Satisfy arm, Ortofon 2M Black, Sonneteer Sedley phono, Modwright SWL 9.0se/Bel Canto M300 monos and Aurum Cantus V2M speakers

Shish, did I really buy all that kit? It would have been cheaper to pay for pyscho therapy.

I have wide taste in music, but a real soft spot for female vocals from 70s to modern day.

Anyway, I wanted to say hi and I will keep reading your wonderful posts...although that doesn't help me in the slightest from keeping a lid on my 'itis condition....



04-07-2017, 11:38
Hi Thiha, hope you enjoy being here. Itis can be cured by never going to view places like evilbay, not going to hifi shops, and instead wandering aimlessly round Currys looking for something that is better than rubbish. Oops, did i just say that ?:D

04-07-2017, 11:55
Welcome to AoS Thiha.

I would like to say that 'upgradeitis' or 'box-swappingitis' can be cured, and it can, but to do so requires a complete divorce from reading audio magazines and joining audio fora (even such an illustrious one as The Art of Sound :)).

In joining this Forum you will find that many of us here are just as hopeless as you, so regard it as being akin to joining AA: "My name is Thiha and I'm an audioholic".

Perhaps after reading about some of our more incurable members you might be 'shocked' into putting away your chequebook, cancel your PayPal account and just sit back and enjoy your music collection - which, after all, is what it's all about.

Again welcome to AoS - the Essex 'massive' continues to grow.

Enjoy the Forum

04-07-2017, 13:50
Gents - thank you for the warm welcome and advice regarding cures. I don't think I can handle the cold turkey. Yes, I notice some members here box-swapping furiously (they know who they are)...makes me feel lightweight.

Sadly, I am also weak...right now, I have a hankering for a pair of LSA 1 Ribbon Monitor or Reference 3A Dulcet stand mounts.....I hope no one reads this post.

Oh, I forgot to say earlier that I also have a soft spot for stand mount speakers...just love their imaging and speed.



05-07-2017, 07:46
Hello Thitha. Welcome to AOS.

Ah. Hi-Fi-itis! No known cure I'm afraid. :) Sometimes sufferers get better once the initial 'fever' subsides.

As you obviously know, there is much going on here, so feel free to join in the chat. Everybody is welcome.

Enjoy the forum,

05-07-2017, 08:34
Reference 3A Dulcet stand mounts


Gorgeous sounding speakers! Get 'em!! (or a pair of JMR Offrande's............you should be so lucky!)

There was a pair of Dulcet's for sale here. If you go back through the Private Exhibitions listings a way, you may find they have not yet been sold.

05-07-2017, 10:35
Thanks for the heads up Geoff and also for the warm welcome.

I saw Ref 3A Veenas which Sondekker had listed and he very kindly drove them down to my house for a listen. Very nice indeed, but not a significant step up on my Totem Hawks.

I also saw another pair of Ref 3As, but they weren't Dulcets.

I know a guy who owns Dulcets but he refuses to sell them to me as he likes them so much. Aaarrghh!

Not heard of JMR Offrandes, but will look into them.

Although I've owned loads of speakers, the sound that suits me best is Harbeth. I've owned 5 pairs and can't stay long without them. A bit like Bourney...he seems to hop on and off the Harbeth bus all the time. Recently sold SHL-5s. Harbeth is the sound I am most familiar with so I use that as my "reference point" to compare all other speakers. Although it doesn't mean I don't like other sound signatures, but sooner or later, I always return to Harbeth.


Roy S
05-07-2017, 13:17
the Essex 'massive' continues to grow.

I am trying to lose weight :D

Hello Thiha

10-07-2017, 11:38
Welcome neighbour. Can't have too many Essex members.

11-07-2017, 20:53
Hi Roy - thank you for the welcome. Glad to be part of the Essex massive. I find shifting my kit around (especially the 36 kg LSA amp) serves as a good substitute for joining the gym and helps me keep fit and trim. Plus I can spend all that money I save from not paying gym subs on hifi, so a win-win in my book!

Hi Dave - yes, we are practically neighbours. Being the dim sort, I thought you were in Radlett, Herts, but now I see that you are just up the road from me. I'm in Dunmow.

I'm going to post a request on the blank canvass for some help as I have finally mustered the courage to make my own speakers - open baffles at that! But I have no idea where to start so hopefully someone on AoS will be able to give me some helpful pointers.

All the best,